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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
77656 Komech A., Komech A. Principles of Partial Differential Equations 2009
77655 Wiener M.J. Men of Blood: Violence, Manliness, and Criminal Justice in Victorian England 2006
77654 Luc M. (ed.), Sikora R.A. (ed.), Bridge J. (ed.) Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture 2005
77653 Barton D.K., Leonov S.A. Radar Technology Encyclopedia (Electronic Edition) 1998
77652 Cowell J.K. Molecular Genetics of Cancer 2005
77651 Badcock S. Politics and People in Revolutionary Russia. A Provincial History 2007
77650 Yannella D. New Essays on Billy Budd 2002
77649 Anderwald L. The Morphology of English Dialects. Verb Formation in Non-Standard English 2009
77648 Ruepke J. A Companion to Roman Religion 2007
77647 Langtangen H.P. Python Scripting for Computational Science 2008
77646 Michael C. Ruppert Crossing the Rubicon. Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil 2004
77645 Pfannschmidt T. Plant Signal Transduction: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) 2009
77644 Izenman A.J. Modern Multivariate Statistical Techniques. Regression, Classification and Manifold Learning 2008
77643 Junn J., Haynie K.L. New Race Politics in America: Understanding Minority and Immigrant Politics 2007
77642 Braddick M.J. State Formation in Early Modern England, c. 1550-1700 2004
77640 Searle J.R. Philosophy in a New Century 2008
77639 Minasi M. The Software Conspiracy: Why Companies Put Out Faulty Software, How They Can Hurt You and What You Can Do About It 1999
77638 Offermanns S. Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology 154 2005
77637 Dhawan A. (ed.), Hughes R.D. (ed.) Hepatocyte Transplantation. Methods and Protocols 2009
77636 Ñóõèí È.Ã. Óäèâèòåëüíûå ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿ â Øàõìàòíîé ñòðàíå 2000
77635 Poelker C., Nikitin A. Storage Area Networks for Dummies 2009
77634 Nolting W., Ramakanth A. Quantum theory of magnetism 2009
77633 Torenbeek E., Wittenberg H. Flight Physics. Essentials of Aeronautical Disciplines and Technology, with Historical Notes 2009
77632 Solyom J. Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids. Volume 2: Electronic Properties 2009
77631 Lehmann E.L., Casella G. Theory of Point Estimation 1998
77630 Dickersbach J.T. Supply Chain Management with SAP APO: Structures, Modelling Approaches and Implementation of SAP SCM 2008 2009
77629 Sachse F. B. Computational Cardiology: Modeling of Anatomy, Electrophysiology, and Mechanics (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 2004
77628 Biber-Klemm S., Cottier T., Berglas D.S. Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives 2006
77627 Bunz.F. Principles of Cancer Genetics 2008
77626 Paul C., Habib M. Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 35th International Workshop, WG 2009, Montpellier, France, June 24-26, 2009, Revised Papers 2010
77625 Ives R. Paper Engineering & Pop-ups for Dummies 2009
77624 Griffin G. Reputation Management (Express Exec) 2002
77623 Griffiths M. Realism, idealism and international politics 1992
77622 Mueller U. R., Nicolau D. V. Microarray Technology and Its Applications 2004
77621 Muir W.M., Aggrey S.E. Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology 2003
77620 Jain S.M. (ed.), Saxena P.K. (ed.) Protocols for In Vitro Cultures and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants 2009
77619 Hedden P., Thomas S.G. Plant Hormone Signaling (Annual Plant Reviews (Volume 24)) 2006
77618 Pagliani P., Chakraborty M. A Geometry of Approximation. Rough Set Theory: Logic, Algebra and Topology of Conceptual Patterns 2008
77617 Graba J. An Introduction to Network Programming with Java 2007
77616 Tries J., Reinhardt R. Konflikt- und Verhandlungsmanagement 2008
77615 Mey K. Art and Obscenity 2007
77614 Dekking F.M. A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Understanding Why and How 2005
77613 Barker H. (ed.), Burrows S. (ed.) Press, Politics and the Public Sphere in Europe and North America, 1760-1820 2004
77612 Petitcolas F.A.P., Anderson R.J. Evaluation of copyright marking systems (Proceedings of IEEE Multimedia Systems'99, vol. 1, pp. 574-579, 7-11 June 1999, Florence, Italy) 1999
77611 Werner S. Reduced Complexity Adaptive Filtering Algorithms with Applications to Communications Systems 2002
77610 Conrad J., Barthoud J., Kalnins M. Nostromo (Oxford World's Classics) 2007
77609 Annesley. C. Political & Economic Dictionary of Western Europe 2004
77608 Smith W. J. Modern Optical Engineering. The Design of Optical Systems 2000
77607 Chomycz B. Planning Fiber Optic Networks 2009
77606 Kaltenbacher M. Numerical Simulation of Mechatronic Sensors and Actuators 2007

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