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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
42608 Engstrom H.T. Periodicity in Sequences Defined by Linear Recurrence Relations 1930
146426 Grove E.A., Ladas G. Periodicities in Nonlinear Difference Equations 2004
124677 Kohn W. Periodic Thermodynamics 2001
53611 Periodic Table of the Elements. A Resource for Elementary, Middle School, and High School Students 2001
34981 Meyer K.R. Periodic Solutions of the N-Body Problem 2000
38501 Berti M., Biasco L. Periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations with non-monotone forcing terms n/a
38494 Berti M., Bolle Ph. Periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations with general nonlinearities n/a
38444 Baldi P., Berti M. Periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations for asymptotically full measure sets of frequencies n/a
35578 Reithmeier E. Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Numerical Computation, Stability, Bifurcation and Transition to Chaos 1991
35073 Reithmeier E. Periodic Solutions Of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 1977
38445 Baldi P. Periodic solutions of forced Kirchho equations n/a
1787 Bostan M. Periodic solutions for evolution equations 2002
38493 Gentile G., Mastropietro V., Procesi M. Periodic solutions for completely resonant nonlinear wave equations n/a
43319 Bell E.T. Periodic recurring series 1930
191415 Risken H., Vollmer H. Periodic potential Z 1979
38442 Arioli G. Periodic orbits, symbolic dynamics and topological entropy for the restricted 3-body problem n/a
38438 Berti M. Periodic orbits close to elliptic tori and applications to the three-body problem n/a
120431 Gary P. Morriss, Lamberto Rondoni Periodic Orbit Expansions for the Lorentz Gas 1993
122264 Toroczkai Z., Zia R.K.P. Periodic One-Dimensional Hopping Model with One Mobile Directional Impurity 1997
35654 Hirano M., Kawamura K., Kamioka H. Periodic Nanostructures with Interfering Femtosecond Lasers 2004
38437 Mancini G., Srikanth P.N. Periodic motions of a two dimensional toda type chain n/a
12564 Post O. Periodic Manifolds, Spectral Gaps, and Eigenvalues in Gaps 2000
122024 Hairer M., Pavliotis G. A. Periodic Homogenization for Hypoelliptic Diffusions 2004
123067 Karl Haller, Tom Kennedy Periodic Ground States in the Neutral FalicovKimball Model in Two Dimensions 2000
123708 Bricmont J., Lebowitz J.L. Periodic Gibbs States of Ferromagnetic Spin Systems 1981
126162 Petracchi D., Ascoli C., Barbi M. Periodic Forcing of Ion Channel Gating: An Experimental Approach 1993
59488 Arscott F.M. Periodic Differential Equations: An Introduction to Mathieu, Lame, and Allied Functions 1964
124532 Pomeau Y. Periodic Behavior of Cellular Automata 1993
125453 Schreiber I., Holodniok M., Kubicek M. Periodic and Aperiodic Regimes in Coupled Dissipative Chemical Oscillators 1986
121157 John B. McLaughlin Period-Doubling Bifurcations and Chaotic Motion for a Parametrically Forced Pendulum 1980
120516 Coilet P., Eckmann J.-P., Koch H. Period Doubling Bifurcations for Families of Maps on R^n 1980
168907 Dat J., Orlik S., Rapoport M. Period Domains over Finite and p-adic Fields 2010
198982 Sultan A.H., Thakar R., Fenner D.E. Perineal and Anal Sphincter Trauma 2006
216054 Roth B. Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature 2017
212006 D.A. Carson Perigos da Interpretação Bíblica 2001
159007 Fleming I. Pericyclic Reactions (Oxford Chemistry Primers, 67) 1998
208663 van der Meer A. Performing Power. Cultural Hegemony, Identity, and Resistance in Colonial Indonesia 2020
210117 Performing Power 2020
143396 0 Performance-based Standards for the Road Sector (Road Transport and Intermodal Linkages Research Programme) 2005
20739 Johnson S.K., Huizenga G., Pulavarty B. Performance Tuning for Linux Servers 2005
13272 Hasan J., Tu K. Performance Tuning and Optimizing ASP.NET Applications 2003
89018 Maria Carla Calzarossa, Erol Gelenbe Performance Tools and Applications to Networked Systems, Revised Tutorial Lectures, MASCOTS 2003 2004
195813 L.N. Mohammad Performance Tests for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). Including Fundamental and Empirical Procedures 2006
23190 Performance Testing Microsoft .NET Web Applications 2002
131825 Cockerill F.R. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing: Twentieth Informational Supplement 2010
48014 Mitlin V. Performance Optimization of Digital Communications Systems 2006
6300 Celic A. Performance of modern Eddy-Viscosity turbulence models 2004
171488 Johnson P.G. Performance of Exterior Building Walls (ASTM Special Technical Publication, 1422) 2003
191205 Haverkort B. Performance of Computer Communication Systems: A Model-Based Approach 1998

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