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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123958 Wang X., Baker G. Monte Carlo Calculations of the Conformal Charge 1992
123959 Falconer K.J. Wavelet Transforms and Order-Two Densities of Fractals 1992
123961 de Oliveira M.J. Isotropic Majority-Vote Model on a Square Lattice 1992
124069 Nolden I.M. The Asymmetric Six-Vertex Model 1992
124083 Foster D.P., Vanderzande C. Zero-Temperature Properties of Randomly Self-Interacting Polymers 1992
124119 Balents L., Kardar M. Directed Paths on Percolation Clusters 1992
124129 den Hollander F., Naudts J. Long-Time Tails in a Random Diffusion Model 1992
124133 Lebowitz J.L. Atomic versus Ionized States in Many-Particle Systems and the Spectra of Reduced Density Matrices: A Model Study 1992
124149 Glotzer S.C., Poole P.H., Jan N. Time-Dependent Thermodynamic Properties of the Ising Model from Damage Spreading 1992
124153 Bunimovich L.A., Troubetzkoy S.E. Recurrence Properties of Lorentz Lattice Gas Cellular Automata 1992
124168 Lipowski A., Suzuki M. Convergence of Mean-Field Approximations in Site Percolation and Application of CAM to d = 1 Further-Neighbors Percolation Problem 1992
124201 den Hollander F., Shuler K. Random Walks in a Random Field of Decaying Traps 1992
124231 Tohru Koma A New Monte Carlo Power Method for the Eigenvalue Problem of Transfer Matrices 1992
124250 Duering E., Blumenfeld R. Current Distributions in a Two-Dimensional Random-Resistor Network 1992
124266 Bao J., Zhuo Y. Accurate Monte Carlo Tests of the Stochastic Ginzburg-Landau Model with Multiplicative Colored Noise 1992
124275 Kierlik E., Rosinberg M.L. The Classical Fluid of Associating Hard Rods in an External Field 1992
124301 Hunt F.Y., Miller W.M. On the Approximation of Invariant Measures 1992
124320 Zaslavsky G.M. Weak Chaos and Quasi-Regular Patterns 1992
124380 Hamm A., Graham R. Quasipotentials for Simple Noisy Maps with Complicated Dynamics 1992
124397 Gayrard V. Thermodynamic Limit of the q-State Potts-Hopfield Model with Infinitely Many Patterns 1992
124421 Flekkoy E. G., Feder J., Jossang T. Lattice Gas Simulations of Osmosis 1992
124423 Julio F. Fernfindez, Marro J. Diffusion in a One-Dimensional Gas of Hard Point Particles 1992
124457 Avellaneda M., Majda A.J. Superdiffusion in Nearly Stratified Flows 1992
124527 Gandjbakhche A.H., Bonner R.F. Scaling Relationships for Anisotropic Random Walks 1992
124541 Caracciolo S., Pelissetto A., Sokal A.D. Join-and-Cut Algorithm for Self-Avoiding Walks with Variable Length and Free Endpoints 1992
124573 Ingraham R.I. Book Review: A Survey of Nonlinear Dynamics ("Chaos theory") 1992
124585 Belinicher V.I., Chertkov M.V. Functional Integral and Effective Hamiltonian t-J-V Model of Strongly Correlated Electron System 1992
124590 Harman P.M. (ed.) Book Review: The Scientific Letters and Papers of James Clerk Maxwell 1992
124622 Suematsu K., Okamoto T. Distribution of Cyclic Species in Network Formation: Microscopic Theory of Branching Process in Ag-R-Bf_ g Model 1992
124639 Knackstedt M.A., Sahimi M. On the Universality of Geometrical and Transport Exponents of Rigidity Percolation 1992
124647 Gonchar N.S., Rudyk A.B. Oscillation of the Radial Distribution Function 1992
124653 Holme R., Rothman D.H. Lattice-Gas and Lattice-Boltzmann Models of Miscible Fluids 1992
124664 Schleier W., Besold G., Heinz K. Overcoming Artificial Spatial Correlations in Simulations of Superstructure Domain Growth with Parallel Monte Carlo Algorithms 1992
124665 Ord G.N. A Reformulation of the Feynman Chessboard Model 1992
124676 Schulz M. Renormalization Group Approach for the Site-Bond Percolation in Structured Stochastic Environments 1992
124703 Krug J. Landslides on Sandpiles: Some Moment Relations in One Dimension 1992
124728 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1992
124734 Ruge C., Wagner F. On Scaling Properties of Cluster Distributions in Ising Models 1992
124751 Menon S.V.G. First Passage Time Distribution in an Oscillating Field 1992
124756 Engiman R. Intermittency from Maximum Entropy Distribution 1992
124800 Deviilard P., Spohn H. Universality Class of Interface Growth with Reflection Symmetry 1992
124824 Costantini C. Hydrodynamic Limits for the Boltzmann Process 1992
124828 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1992
124853 Schurrer F., Schaler M. Exact Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation in the VHP Model with Removal Interaction 1992
124857 Rouet J. L., Blasco F., Feix M. R. The One-Dimensional Boltzmann Gas: The Ergodic Hypothesis and the Phase Portrait of Small Systems 1992
124892 Kumar S., Kurtz S. Properties of a Three-Dimensional Poisson-Voronoi Tesselation: A Monte Carlo Study 1992
124904 Nannelli F., Succi S. The Lattice Boltzmann Equation on Irregular Lattices 1992
124920 Moseley L.L., Gibbs P.W. Kawasaki Dynamics with Infinite-Range Spin Exchange 1992
124939 Sen P. Growth of Correlation in the Hopfield Model 1992
124968 DeFelice L.J., Isaac A. Chaotic States in a Random World: Relationship between the Nonlinear Differential Equations of Excitability and the Stochastic Properties of Ion Channels 1992

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