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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
182401 Spaniol O., Linnhoff-Popien C., Meyer B. Trends in Distributed Systems: CORBA and Beyond: International Workshop TreDS '96 Aachen, Germany, October 1 - 2, 1996; Proceedings 1996
182402 Colbourn C., Dinitz J. Handbook of combinatorial designs 1996
182487 Kutateladze S. Fundamentals of functional analysis 1996
182570 Blaustein M., Grunicke H., Habermann E. Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Volume 127 1996
182572 Heinbockel J. Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Continuum Mechanics 1996
182776 Cheremisinoff N. Biotechnology for Waste and Wastewater Treatment 1996
182818 Hanus M., Rodriguez-Artalejo M. Algebraic and Logic Programming 5 conf., ALP'96 1996
183058 Hein J. Theory of computation: an introduction 1996
183104 Chigogidze A. Inverse spectra 1996
183328 Cheremisinoff N. Electrotechnology. Industrial and Environmental Applications 1996
183331 Markie D. YAC Protocols 1996
183402 Øèìàíîâè÷ È.Å. Îáùàÿ õèìèÿ â ôîðìóëàõ, îïðåäåëåíèÿõ, ñõåìàõ 1996
183445 Ãåëüôãàò È.Ì., Ãåíäåíøòåéí Ë.Ý., Êèðèê Ë.À. 1001 çàäà÷à ïî ôèçèêå ñ îòâåòàìè, óêàçàíèÿìè, ðåøåíèÿìè, 1996
183448 Coburn S., Townsend D. Mathematical Modeling in Experimental Nutrition - Vitamins, Proteins, Methods 1996
183759 0 Òàíê ÁÒ-2 è ÁÒ-5. Ëåãêèå òàíêè Òàíê ÁÒ-2 è ÁÒ-5 1996
175303 Salomaa A. Public-Key Cryptography (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series) 1996
175402 Yu P., Cardona M. Fundamentals of Semiconductors: Physics and Materials Properties 1996
175519 Futatsugi K., Matsuoka S. Object-Technologies for Advanced Software: Second JSSST International Symposium, ISOTAS '96, Kanazawa, Japan, March 11-15, 1996. Proceedings 1996
175602 Novikov S. Topology I: General Survey (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences) 1996
175618 PliSka V., Testa B., Waterbeemd H. Lipophilicity in Drug Action and Toxicology 1996
175621 Morris G. Epitope Mapping Protocols 1996
175758 Oman R., Oman D. How To Solve Physics Problems And Make The Grade 1996
175769 Brenan K., Campbell S., Petzold L. Numerical Solution of Initial-Value Problems in Differential-Algebraic Equations 1996
175834 Callow J., Boer S., Andrews J. Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 23: Pathogen Indexing Technologies 1996
175989 Brandenburg F. Graph Drawing: Symposium on Graph Drawing, GD'95; Passau, Germany, September 20-22, 1995. Proceedings 1996
176028 Magdassi S. Surface Activity of Proteins, Chemical and Physicochemical Modifications 1996
176030 Eklund P., Ellis G., Mann G. Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Representations as Interlingua: 4th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'96, Sydney, Australia, ... 1996
176050 Crabtree J. Guerrilla air defense: Antiaircraft weapons and techniques for guerrilla forces 1996
176225 Kalckar J. Foundations of Quantum Physics II (1933-1958), Volume 7 1996
176239 Pfalzner S., Gibbon P. Many-body tree methods in physics 1996
176349 Swindell S. Sequence Data Analysis Guidebook 1996
176359 Bittar E., Bittar N. Cell Chemistry and Physiology 1996
176427 Freuder E. Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP'96 2 conf 1996
176546 Lin M., Manocha D. Applied Computational Geometry. Towards Geometric Engineering: FCRC '96 Workshop, WACG '96, Philadelphia, PA, May 27 - 28, 1996, Selected Papers 1996
176554 Hebey E. Sobolev Spaces on Riemannian Manifolds 1996
199760 Victoria de Grazia The Sex of Things. Gender and Consumption in Historical Perspective 1996
176703 Farrell F. Lectures on surgical methods in rigidity 1996
176787 May J. Equivariant Homotopy and Cohomology Theory 1996
176809 Prigogine I., Rice S. Surface Properties 1996
178849 Desmurs J., Ratton S. The Roots of Organic Development (Industrial Chemistry Library) 1996
178859 Hlawiczka A., Silva J., Simoncini L. Dependable Computing - EDCC-2: Second European Dependable Computing Conference, Taormina, Italy, October 2 - 4, 1996. Proceedings 1996
178912 Leondes C. Digital Control Systems Implementation and Computational Techniques, Volume 79: Advances in Theory and Applications (Control and Dynamic Systems) (Control and Dynamic Systems) 1996
179050 Schuessler J. A catalog of UFO-related human physiological effects 1996
179220 Lamberton D., Lapeyre B. Introduction to stochastic calculus applied to finance 1996
179261 Poledna S. Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems: The Problem of Replica Determinism (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science) 1996
179387 Bode A., Dongarra J., Ludwig T. Parallel Virtual Machine - EuroPVM'96: Third European PVM Conference, Munich, Germany, October, 7 - 9, 1996. Proceedings 1996
179418 El-Gewely M. Biotechnology Annual Review, Volume 2 1996
179459 Barwise J., Moss L. Vicious circles: On the mathematics of non-wellfounded phenomena 1996
179549 Lin S. Lecture Notes in Mathematical Finance 1996

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