190352 |
Lee J. |
Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction to Curvature (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) |
1997 | •• |
190364 |
Ringler S., Cotter L. |
Mature Elegance: Styles and Techniques for Mature Clients |
1997 | •• |
190502 |
Serban A., Malone G. |
Implementing Relational Database Systems: Implications for Administrative Cultures and Information Resource Management |
1997 | •• |
190510 |
Jones N. |
Computability and Complexity: From a Programming Perspective |
1997 | •• |
190534 |
Burgess J., Rosen G. |
A Subject With No Object: Strategies for Nominalistic Interpretation of Mathematics |
1997 | •• |
200169 |
1997 | •• |
190680 |
Troccaz J., Grimson E., Mosges R. |
CVRMed-MRCAS '97: First Joint Conference, Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in Medicine and Medical Robotics and Computer-Assisted ... |
1997 | •• |
190684 |
White B. |
PCR Cloning Protocols: From Molecular Cloning to Genetic Engineering |
1997 | •• |
190808 |
Íîâèêîâ Þ.Â., Êàëàøíèêîâ Î.À., Ãóëÿåâ Ñ.Ý. |
Ðàçðàáîòêà óñòðîéñòâ ñîïðÿæåíèÿ äëÿ ïåðñîíàëüíîãî êîìïüþòåðà òèïà IBM PC. Ïðàêò. ïîñîáèå. Ïîä îáùåé ðåäàêöèåé Þ.Â.Íîâèêîâà |
1997 | •• |
190815 |
Conway J., Fung F. |
The Sensual (Quadratic) Form |
1997 | •• |
190822 |
Small C., Douglas P., Johnson R. |
Advances in Databases: 15th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 15 London, United Kingdom, July 7 - 9, 1997 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) |
1997 | •• |
190847 |
Rouvray D. |
Fuzzy Logic in Chemistry |
1997 | •• |
190874 |
Øàïîøíèêîâ Þ.Ã. |
Òðàâìàòîëîãèÿ è îðòîïåäèÿ. Òîì 1 |
1997 | •• |
192535 |
Lax P. |
Linear Algebra |
1997 | •• |
192554 |
Neidleman S., Laskin A. |
Advances in Applied Microbiology, Volume 43 |
1997 | •• |
198758 |
E. R. Sheineman |
Fractional Graph Theory |
1997 | •• |
198754 |
Steege Ray |
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Intermediate Algebra |
1997 | •• |
192751 |
Hertzberger B., Sloot P. |
High-Performance Computing and Networking, 1997: International Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, April 28 - 30, 1997: Proceedings |
1997 | •• |
192793 |
Lestrel P. |
Fourier Descriptors and their Applications in Biology |
1997 | •• |
192884 |
Huang Y., Wei C. |
Circuits and systems in the information age |
1997 | •• |
198870 |
Apostol T.M. |
Modular forms and Dirichlet series in number theory |
1997 • | •• |
193000 |
Lombardi F., Rajsuman R., Wik T. |
International Workshop on Memory Technology, Design and Testing proceedings |
1997 | •• |
193019 |
Bittar E. |
Membranes and Cell Signaling, |
1997 | •• |
193039 |
Stewart I. |
The Magical Maze: Seeing the World Through Mathematical Eyes |
1997 | •• |
198705 |
Stimson P.G., Mertz C.A. |
Forefoot Reconstruction |
1997 • | •• |
193109 |
Nwana H., Azarmi N. |
Software Agents and Soft Computing: Towards Enhancing Machine Intelligence: Concepts and Applications |
1997 | •• |
198725 |
Von Baeckmann W., Schwenk W., Prinz W. |
Handbook of cathodic corrosion protection: theory and practice of electrochemical protection processes |
1997 • | •• |
193122 |
Andersen P. |
A Theory of Computer Semiotics: Semiotic Approaches to Construction and Assessment of Computer Systems |
1997 | •• |
193230 |
Retore C. |
Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics: First International Conference, LACL '96, Nancy, France, September 23-25, 1996. Selected Papers |
1997 | •• |
193234 |
McWay D. |
Legal Aspects of Health Information Management |
1997 | •• |
193235 |
Hanus M., Heering J., Meinke K. |
Algebraic and Logic Programming: 6th International Joint Conference, ALP '97 - HOA '97, Southhampton, UK, September 3-5, 1997. Proceedings |
1997 | •• |
193241 |
Giordano N. |
Computaional Physics |
1997 | •• |
193280 |
Frank S. |
The Evelyn Wood Seven-Day Speed Reading and Learning Program |
1997 | •• |
193387 |
Sommer G., Koenderink J. |
Algebraic Frames for the Perception-Action Cycle: International Workshop, AFPAC'97, Kiel, Germany, September 8-9, 1997, Proceedings |
1997 | •• |
199414 |
Crisfield M.A. |
Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures. Vol. 2: Advanced Topics |
1997 | •• |
193477 |
Leman M., Camurri A., Louhivuori J. |
Music, Gestalt, and Computing: Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology |
1997 | •• |
193489 |
Ras Z., Skowron A. |
Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 10th International Symposium, ISMIS '97. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, October 15-18, 1997. Proceedings |
1997 | •• |
199400 |
Claude Chevalley |
The Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras |
1997 | •• |
193531 |
Goffman C., Nishiura T., Waterman D. |
Homeomorphisms in Analysis |
1997 | •• |
193592 |
Ames K., Straughan B. |
Non-Standard and Improperly Posed Problems |
1997 | •• |
200157 |
Oates W.R. |
Welding Handbook. Vol. 3. Materials and Applications. Part 1 |
1997 | •• |
193605 |
Mira J., Moreno-Diaz R., Cabestany J. |
Biological and Artificial Computation: From Neuroscience to Neurotechnology: International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Iwann'97, ... |
1997 | •• |
193606 |
Sharpe R., Chern S. |
Differential Geometry: Cartan's Generalization of Klein's Erlangen Program (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) |
1997 | •• |
193617 |
Feitelson D., Rudolph L. |
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: IPPS '97 Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, April 5, 1997, Proceedings |
1997 | •• |
193622 |
Baumjohann W. |
1997 | •• |
193670 |
Sweeney M. |
25 Ways To Suppress Truth - The Rules of Disinformation |
1997 | •• |
193709 |
Êðàâ÷óê Ä.Í. |
Ñáîðíèê çàäà÷ ïî ìàòåìàòèêå ñ ðåøåíèÿìè |
1997 | •• |
193715 |
Masuda T., Masunaga Y., Tsukamoto M. |
Worldwide Computing and Its Applications: International Conference, WWCA '97, Tsukuba, Japan, March 10-11, 1997 Proceedings |
1997 | •• |
193718 |
Amelinckx S., Dyck D., Landuyt J. |
Handbook of Microscopy: Applications in Materials Science, Solid-State Physics and Chemistry. Methods I |
1997 | •• |
193810 |
Turner P. |
Ribozyme Protocols |
1997 | •• |