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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
135626 Winston B. Media Technology and Society: A History: From the Telegraph to the Internet 1998
135807 Williams P.H., Ketley J., Salmond G. Bacterial Pathogenesis 1998
135825 Jieh Hsiang, Atsushi Ohori Advances in Computing Science - ASIAN'98: 4th Asian Computing Science Conference, Manila, The Philippines, December 8-10, 1998, Proceedings: v. 1538 1998
198491 Mikosch T. Elementary Stochastic Calculus with Finance in View. Vol 6 1998
135885 Ïåòåëèí Ð. Óðîê ìóçûêè íà êîìïüþòåðå 1998
135887 Hartenstein W., Keevallik A. Field-Programmable Logic and Applications. From FPGAs to Computing Paradigm: 8th International Workshop, FPL'98 Tallinn, Estonia, August 31 - ... 1998
135958 Balda R.P., Pepperberg I.M., Kamil A.C. Animal Cognition in Nature: The Convergence of Psychology and Biology in Laboratory and Field 1998
136006 Cheng-Ming Chuong Molecular Basis Of Epithelial Appendage Morphogenesis (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit) 1998
136054 Ross Bentley Speed Secrets: Professional Race Driving Techniques 1998
136103 Vecchione G., Zottoli N. Challenging Math Puzzles 1998
136105 Cisco. Policy and Management Technologies and Protocols 1998
136106 Yukalov V.I. Statistical Green's Function 1998
136159 Cisco - Deploying Cable Access Technologies 206 1998
136215 Embury S.M. (ed.), Fiddian N.J. (ed.), Gray W.A. (ed.) Advances in Databases: 16th British National Conference on Databases 1998
136245 Van Inwagen P., Zimmerman D.W. Metaphysics: The Big Questions 1998
123311 Nikolay V. Dokholyan, Youngki Lee, Sergey V. Buldyrev Scaling of the Distribution of Shortest Paths in Percolation 1998
123320 Micro , Macro , Meta 1998
123340 Prange R.E. Quasiclassical Wavefunctions 1998
123415 Janosi I.M., Vattay G., Harnos A. Turbulent Helium Gas Cell as a New Paradigm of Daily Meteorological Fluctuations? 1998
123432 Kulske C. Metastates in Disordered Mean-Field Models II: The Superstates 1998
123445 Magnasco M.O., Stolovitzky G. Feynman's Ratchet and Pawl 1998
123479 Aernout C. D. van Enter, Seny a B . Shlosman (Almost ) Gibbsian Description of the Sign Fields of SOS Fields 1998
123491 Priscilla E. Greenwood, Jiaming Sun On Criticality for Competing Influences of Boundary and External Field in the Ising Model 1998
123529 D . Benedetto, E . Caglioti, M . Pulvirenti A Non-Maxwellian Steady Distribution for One-Dimensional Granular Media 1998
123591 Derrida B., Goldstein S., Lebowitz J.L. Shift Equivalence of Measures and the Intrinsic Structure of Shocks in the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process 1998
123622 Barbaroux J.M., Joye A. Expectation Values of Observables in Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics 1998
123627 Vugmeister B.E., Huber D.L. Freezing Temperature in Dilute Ising Spin Glasses with Long-Range Interactions 1998
123697 Gerisch T., Rieckers A. Limiting Gibbs States and Phase Transitions of a Bipartite Mean-Field Hubbard Model 1998
123737 Brassesco S. Interface Fluctuations for the D = 1 Stochastic Ginzburg–Landau Equation with Nonsymmetric Reaction Term 1998
123753 Coppersmith S.N. Chaos, Complexity, and Computers: Object-Oriented Programming and Physics Concepts for Undergraduates 1998
123760 Alexander K.S., Cesi F. Convergence to Equilibrium of Random Ising Models in the Griffiths Phase 1998
123818 Tracy C., Widom H. Correlation Functions, Cluster Functions, and Spacing Distributions for Random Matrices 1998
123843 Soffer A ., Weinstein M . I . Nonautonomou s Hamiltonians 1998
123854 Timo Seppalainen, Joachim Krug Hydrodynamics and Platoon Formation for a Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Model with Particlewise Disorder 1998
123877 Banerjee S ., Griffiths R. B. Thermodynamic Limit for Dipolar Media 1998
123923 Appignanesi G., Montani R. Glassy Relaxation Dynamics and Ruggedness beyond the Ultrametric Limit 1998
123954 Belinicher V. Computing the Scaling Exponents in Fluid Turbulence from First Principles: Demonstration of Multiscaling 1998
123967 Liu P.-D. Random Perturbations of Axiom A Basic Sets 1998
123968 Tang C. Fractal Dimension of Julia Set for Nonanalytic Maps 1998
123989 Schulman L.S. Time's Arrows and Quantum Measurement 1998
124015 Roy R., Sarkar A., White D. Backbends in Directed Percolation 1998
124055 D'hulst R ., Caille A . One-Dimensional Hamiltonian for Columnar Liquid Crystals 1998
124114 Bonetto F., Cohen E.G.D., Pugh C. On the Validity of the Conjugate Pairing Rule for Lyapunov Exponents 1998
124150 Doi S., Inoue J. Spectral Analysis of Stochastic Phase Lockings and Stochastic Bifurcations in the Sinusoidally Forced van der Pol Oscillator with Additive Noise 1998
124179 Grinstein G., Dickman R. Phase Structure of Systems with Infinite Numbers of Absorbing States 1998
124181 Mazza C. On the Mean Pair Correlation Function of ±J Ising Spin Glasses 1998
124194 Magnen J., Poirot G., Rivasseau V. Ward-Type Identities for the Two-Dimensional Anderson Model at Weak Disorder 1998
124202 Binder K., Mu ller M., Schmid F. Interfacial Profiles Between Coexisting Phases in Thin Films: CahnHilliard Treatment Versus Capillary Waves 1998
124237 Blumel R., Reinhard W.P. Book Review: Chaos in Atomic Physics 1998

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