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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
41207 Fu L.-L. Satellite Altimetry and Earth Sciences: A Handbook of Techniques and Applications 2000
41208 Kantha L.H., Clayson C.A. Numerical Models of Oceans and Oceanic Processes 2000
41218 Gonsolmagno G.J., Davis D.M. Turn Left at Orion: A Hundred Night Sky Objects to See in a Small Telescope - and How to Find Them 2000
41294 Kantha L.H., Clayson C.A. Small Scale Processes in Geophysical Fluid Flows 2000
41296 Richter B. E-structure for Q(R)Q(R) 2000
41371 Ushakov P.V. IA -Automorphisms of Free Products of Two Abelian Torsion-Free Groups 2000
41408 Chang C.H., Lee H.P. Lp estimates for ∂ in some weakly pseudoconvex domains in Cn 2000
41422 Cutland N.J. Loeb Measures 2000
41425 Kahle R. N-strictness in applicative theories 2000
41607 Castaing C., de Fitte P.R. Uniform Scalar Integrability and Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Pettis Integrable Functions with Values in a Separable Locally Convex Space 2000
41643 Keisler H.J. Elementery Calculus. An Infinitesimal Approach 2000
41673 Futorny V. S-subcategories in O 2000
41821 Novruzi A. C1 error estimation on the boundary for an exterior Neumann problem in 2000
42255 Ëóêàíèí Â.Í. (ðåä.) Òåïëîòåõíèêà 2000
42260 Warneck P. Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere 2000
42316 Schweitzer Ph.A. Mechanical and Corrosion-Resistant Properties of Plastics and Elastomers, Vol. 13 2000
42338 Ìèðîòèíà Ë.Á. Îñíîâû ëîãèñòèêè 2000
42373 Jain A.K., Dorai C. 3D object recognition: Representation and matching 2000
42382 Friedrichs O.D., Huson D.H. 4-Regular Vertex-Transitive Tilings of E^3 2000
42383 Xu Z., Yang X. 4-TW/46-fs 10-Hz: Tisapphire laser system 2000
42391 Jiwei D., Lee P.K. 4th-order spline wavelets on a bounded interval 2000
36298 Kawohl B., Pironneau O., Tartar L. Optimal Shape Design 2000
36302 Keller K. Invariant Factors, Julia Equivalences and the (Abstract)Mandelbrot Set 2000
36333 Struwe M., Rappoport M. Variational Methods: Applications to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Hamiltonian Systems 2000
36352 Kunze M. Non-Smooth Dynamical Systems 2000
36511 Òàðàñîâ Â.Å. Êâàíòîâàÿ ìåõàíèêà 2000
36640 Ëèïñèö È.Â. Ýêîíîìèêà. Êíèãà 2 2000
36662 Øêëÿðñêèé Ä.Î., ×åíöîâ Í.Í., ßãëîì È.Ì. Èçáðàííûå çàäà÷è è òåîðåìû ýëåìåíòàðíîé ìàòåìàòèêè. Ãåîìåòðèÿ 2000
36729 Hamilton W.R. The Hodograph? or a New Method of Expressing in Symbolical Language the Newtonian Law of Attraction 2000
36732 Hamilton W.R. Illustrations from Geometry of the Theory of Algebraic Quaternions 2000
36773 Birge J.R. Introduction to Stochastic Programming 2000
36824 Hamilton W.R. Inquiry into the Validity of a Method recently proposed by George B. Jerrard, Esq., for Transforming and Resolving Equations of Elevated Degrees: undertaken at the Request of the Association 2000
36865 Hamilton W.R. On Quaternions; or on a new System of Imaginaries in Algebra 2000
37211 Physics Reports vol.324 2000
37212 Physics Reports vol.325 2000
37213 Physics Reports vol.326 2000
37214 Physics Reports vol.327 2000
37215 Physics Reports vol.328 2000
37216 Physics Reports vol.329 2000
37217 Physics Reports vol.330 2000
37218 Physics Reports vol.331 2000
37219 Physics Reports vol.332 2000
37220 Physics Reports vol.333, 334 2000
37221 Physics Reports vol.335 2000
37222 Physics Reports vol.336 2000
37223 Physics Reports vol.337 2000
37224 Physics Reports vol.338 2000
37225 Physics Reports vol.339 2000
37278 Hamilton W.R. Theory of Conjugate Functions 2000
37291 Ïóçàðåíêî Â.Ã. Î âû÷èñëèìîñòè íàä ìîäåëÿìè ðàçðåøèìûõ òåîðèé 2000

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