41207 |
Fu L.-L. |
Satellite Altimetry and Earth Sciences: A Handbook of Techniques and Applications |
2000 | •• |
41208 |
Kantha L.H., Clayson C.A. |
Numerical Models of Oceans and Oceanic Processes |
2000 | •• |
41218 |
Gonsolmagno G.J., Davis D.M. |
Turn Left at Orion: A Hundred Night Sky Objects to See in a Small Telescope - and How to Find Them |
2000 | •• |
41294 |
Kantha L.H., Clayson C.A. |
Small Scale Processes in Geophysical Fluid Flows |
2000 | •• |
41296 |
Richter B. |
E-structure for Q(R)Q(R) |
2000 | •• |
41371 |
Ushakov P.V. |
IA -Automorphisms of Free Products of Two Abelian Torsion-Free Groups |
2000 | •• |
41408 |
Chang C.H., Lee H.P. |
Lp estimates for ∂ in some weakly pseudoconvex domains in Cn |
2000 | •• |
41422 |
Cutland N.J. |
Loeb Measures |
2000 | •• |
41425 |
Kahle R. |
N-strictness in applicative theories |
2000 | •• |
41607 |
Castaing C., de Fitte P.R. |
Uniform Scalar Integrability and Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Pettis Integrable Functions with Values in a Separable Locally Convex Space |
2000 | •• |
41643 |
Keisler H.J. |
Elementery Calculus. An Infinitesimal Approach |
2000 • | •• |
41673 |
Futorny V. |
S-subcategories in O |
2000 | •• |
41821 |
Novruzi A. |
C1 error estimation on the boundary for an exterior Neumann problem in |
2000 | •• |
42255 |
Ëóêàíèí Â.Í. (ðåä.) |
Òåïëîòåõíèêà |
2000 • | •• |
42260 |
Warneck P. |
Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere |
2000 • | •• |
42316 |
Schweitzer Ph.A. |
Mechanical and Corrosion-Resistant Properties of Plastics and Elastomers, Vol. 13 |
2000 | •• |
42338 |
Ìèðîòèíà Ë.Á. |
Îñíîâû ëîãèñòèêè |
2000 | •• |
42373 |
Jain A.K., Dorai C. |
3D object recognition: Representation and matching |
2000 | •• |
42382 |
Friedrichs O.D., Huson D.H. |
4-Regular Vertex-Transitive Tilings of E^3 |
2000 | •• |
42383 |
Xu Z., Yang X. |
4-TW/46-fs 10-Hz: Tisapphire laser system |
2000 | •• |
42391 |
Jiwei D., Lee P.K. |
4th-order spline wavelets on a bounded interval |
2000 | •• |
36298 |
Kawohl B., Pironneau O., Tartar L. |
Optimal Shape Design |
2000 | •• |
36302 |
Keller K. |
Invariant Factors, Julia Equivalences and the (Abstract)Mandelbrot Set |
2000 | •• |
36333 |
Struwe M., Rappoport M. |
Variational Methods: Applications to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Hamiltonian Systems |
2000 | •• |
36352 |
Kunze M. |
Non-Smooth Dynamical Systems |
2000 | •• |
36511 |
Òàðàñîâ Â.Å. |
Êâàíòîâàÿ ìåõàíèêà |
2000 | •• |
36640 |
Ëèïñèö È.Â. |
Ýêîíîìèêà. Êíèãà 2 |
2000 | •• |
36662 |
Øêëÿðñêèé Ä.Î., ×åíöîâ Í.Í., ßãëîì È.Ì. |
Èçáðàííûå çàäà÷è è òåîðåìû ýëåìåíòàðíîé ìàòåìàòèêè. Ãåîìåòðèÿ |
2000 • | •• |
36729 |
Hamilton W.R. |
The Hodograph? or a New Method of Expressing in Symbolical Language the Newtonian Law of Attraction |
2000 | •• |
36732 |
Hamilton W.R. |
Illustrations from Geometry of the Theory of Algebraic Quaternions |
2000 | •• |
36773 |
Birge J.R. |
Introduction to Stochastic Programming |
2000 | •• |
36824 |
Hamilton W.R. |
Inquiry into the Validity of a Method recently proposed by George B. Jerrard, Esq., for Transforming and Resolving Equations of Elevated Degrees: undertaken at the Request of the Association |
2000 | •• |
36865 |
Hamilton W.R. |
On Quaternions; or on a new System of Imaginaries in Algebra |
2000 | •• |
37211 |
Physics Reports vol.324 |
2000 | •• |
37212 |
Physics Reports vol.325 |
2000 | •• |
37213 |
Physics Reports vol.326 |
2000 | •• |
37214 |
Physics Reports vol.327 |
2000 | •• |
37215 |
Physics Reports vol.328 |
2000 | •• |
37216 |
Physics Reports vol.329 |
2000 | •• |
37217 |
Physics Reports vol.330 |
2000 | •• |
37218 |
Physics Reports vol.331 |
2000 | •• |
37219 |
Physics Reports vol.332 |
2000 | •• |
37220 |
Physics Reports vol.333, 334 |
2000 | •• |
37221 |
Physics Reports vol.335 |
2000 | •• |
37222 |
Physics Reports vol.336 |
2000 | •• |
37223 |
Physics Reports vol.337 |
2000 | •• |
37224 |
Physics Reports vol.338 |
2000 | •• |
37225 |
Physics Reports vol.339 |
2000 | •• |
37278 |
Hamilton W.R. |
Theory of Conjugate Functions |
2000 | •• |
37291 |
Ïóçàðåíêî Â.Ã. |
Î âû÷èñëèìîñòè íàä ìîäåëÿìè ðàçðåøèìûõ òåîðèé |
2000 | •• |