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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
159666 Wang Y. Statistical Techniques for Network Security: Modern Statistically-Based Intrusion Detection and Protection (Premier Reference Source) 2008
85272 Taylor J.K., Cihon C. Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis 2004
189179 Taylor J., Cihon C. Statistical techniques for data analysis 2004
191125 Taylor J., Cihon C. Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis 2004
162414 Fisher R.A., Yates F. Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research, Sixth Edition 1963
199488 Holevo A.S. Statistical Structure of Quantum Theory 2001
199100 Holevo A.S. Statistical Structure of Quantum Theory 2001
27750 National Research Council Statistical Software Engineering 1996
49962 Dryden I.L., Mardia K.V. Statistical Shape Analysis 1998
46870 Belle G. Statistical Rules of Thumb 2008
98845 Kaaresen Statistical research report 1997
138569 Borgan O. Statistical Research Report 1997
124895 Kottalam J., Lindenberg K., West B.J. Statistical Replacement for Systems with Delta-Correlated Fluctuations 1986
9765 Walley P. Statistical reasoning with imprecise probabilities 1991
84987 Hubbard M.R. Statistical quality ñontrol for the food industry 2003
119449 Bleher P.M. Statistical Properties of Two-Dimensional Periodic Lorentz Gas with Infinite Horizon 1992
119687 Chernov N.I. Statistical Properties of the Periodic Lorentz Gas. Multidimensional Case 1994
124591 Jensen R.V., Jessup E.R. Statistical Properties of the Circle Map 1986
128578 Benichou O., Desbois J. Statistical Properties of the 2D Attached Rouse Chain 2000
124911 Markarian R. Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems with Singularities 1995
121540 Feix M.R., Muriel A., Rouet J.L. Statistical Properties of an Iterated Arithmetic Mapping 1994
126011 Hideki Takayasu, Misako Takayasu, Astero Provata Statistical Properties of Aggregation with Injection 1991
122977 Lambert A., Siboni S., Vaienti S. Statistical Properties of a Nonuniformly Hyperbolic Map of the Interval 1993
21463 Oakland J.S. Statistical Process Control 2003
28387 Oakland J.S. Statistical process control 2003
141938 Lyons L., Unel M. Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics And Cosmology: Proceedings of Phystat05 Oxford, UK 12 -15 September 2005 2006
149743 Lyons L., Unel M. Statistical problems in particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology (Proc.PHYSTAT05)(ICP 2006) 2006
41224 Lyons L. Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology 2006
138232 Krzanowski W. J. Statistical Principles and Techniques in Scientific and Social Research 2007
12926 Murphy K.R., Myors B. Statistical Power Analysis: A Simple and General Model for Traditional and Modern Hypothesis Tests 2004
198044 Myors B., Murphy K.R., Wolach A. Statistical Power Analysis 2004
198043 Brett Myors, Kevin R. Murphy, Kevin Murphy, Allen Wolach Statistical Power Analysis 2004
142192 Ichimaru S. Statistical Plasma Physics, Volume I: Basic Principles (Frontiers in Physics, Vol 87) (v. 1) 1992
193239 Kadanoff L. Statistical Physics: Statics, Dynamics and Remormalization 2000
161554 Hermann C. Statistical Physics: Including Applications to Condensed Matter 2005
55973 Amit D.J., Verbin Y. Statistical Physics: An Introductory Course 1999
184008 Amit D., Verbin Y., Tzafriri R. Statistical physics: an introductory course 1999
195583 D. Yoshioka Statistical Physics: An Introduction 2006
186313 Ford I. Statistical Physics: An Entropic Approach 2013
154632 Honerkamp J. Statistical physics: an advanced approach with applications 2002
161467 Landau L., Lifshitz E. Statistical Physics, Third Edition, Part 1: Volume 5 1980
195166 L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz, L. P. Pitaevskii Statistical Physics, Part 2, 3rd edition (Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 09) 1979
196105 H. Nishimori Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing: An Introduction (International Series of Monographs on Physics) 2001
124560 Nishimori H. Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing 2002
122418 Kawakatsu T. Statistical Physics of Polymers 2006
49971 Sergei Panyukov, Yitzhak Rabin Statistical physics of polymer gels 1996
109119 Dodgson M.J.W. Statistical physics of phase transitions. 2001
135202 Kardar M. Statistical physics of particles Solution manual 2008
151669 Kardar M. Statistical Physics of Particles 2007
173718 Kardar M. Statistical physics of particles 2007

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