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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121712 Helen Au-Yang, Bai-Qi Jin Wavevector-Dependent Susceptibility in Quasiperiodic Ising Models 2000
121714 John J. Kozak Random Walks on a Fractal Solid 2000
121716 Thomas Erneux, Gregory Kozyreff Nearly Vertical Hopf Bifurcation for a Passively Q-Switched Microchip Laser 2000
121729 Zhang J. Stability of Attractive BoseEinstein Condensates 2000
121782 Newman M.E.J., Barkema G.T. Book Review: Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics 2000
121904 Barra F., Gaspard P. On the Level Spacing Distribution in Quantum Graphs 2000
121937 Orrick W. P., B. Nickel The Susceptibility of the Square Lattice Ising Model: New Developments 2000
121984 Bobylev A.V., Carrillo J.A., Gamba I.M. On Some Properties of Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Equations for Inelastic Interactions 2000
122083 Eckmann J.-P., Gat O. Hydrodynamic Lyapunov Modes in Translation-Invariant Systems 2000
122093 Dogbe C. Anomalous Diffusion Limit Induced on a Kinetic Equation 2000
122106 Claus I., Gaspard P. Microscopic Chaos and Reaction-Diffusion Processes in the Periodic Lorentz Gas 2000
122153 Jancovici B. Pressure and Maxwell Tensor in a Coulomb Fluid 2000
122178 Sondergaard N., Palla G., Vattay G. Asymptotics of High Order Noise Corrections 2000
122184 Soshnikov A.B. Gaussian Fluctuation for the Number of Particles in Airy, Bessel, Sine, and Other Determinantal Random Point Fields 2000
122286 Preface 2000
122298 Konno N., Katori M. Extension of the Arrowsmith-Essam Formula to the Domany-Kinzel Model 2000
122307 Bao J.-D. Semi-Integral Scheme for Simulation of Langevin Equation with Weak Inertia 2000
122312 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2000
122324 Philip W. Anderson, F. Duncan M. Haldane The Symmetries of Fermion Fluids at Low Dimensions 2000
122393 Bonetto F., Daems D. Properties of Stationary Nonequilibrium States in the Thermostatted Periodic Lorentz Gas I: The One Particle System 2000
122413 Book Review: Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models 2000
122433 Suidan T. Adhesion Dynamics on the Line: The Mass Aggregation Process 2000
122449 Chialvo A.A., Kusalik P.G. Applications of Integral Equation Calculations to High-Temperature Solvation Phenomena 2000
122457 Loskutov A., Ryabov A.B. Properties of Some Chaotic Billiards with Time-Dependent Boundaries 2000
122464 Baake M., Hoffe M. Diffraction of Random Tilings: Some Rigorous Results 2000
122519 Rice S.A. Active Control of Molecular Dynamics: Coherence versus Chaos 2000
122547 Ausloos M. (Anti)coherence and (Anti)persistence in Natural and Mathematical Time Series 2000
122549 Tsutahara M., Kang H.K. A Discrete Effect of the Thermal Lattice BGK Model 2000
122589 Seshadri S., Lakshmibala S., Balakrishnan V. Control of Wave Packet Revivals Using Geometric Phases 2000
122595 Ruzmaikina A.A. Stieltjes Integrals of Holder Continuous Functions with Applications to Fractional Brownian Motion 2000
122598 Oerding K. Fluctuation-Induced First-Order Transition in a Nonequilibrium Steady State 2000
122667 Bassi A., Ghirardi G. Decoherent Histories and Realism 2000
122682 Kastner M. Microcanonical Finite-Size Scaling 2000
122752 Zhizhina E. The Lifshitz Tail and Relaxation to Equilibrium in the One-Dimensional Disordered Ising Model 2000
122757 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2000
122760 Abad E., Frisch H.L., Nicolis G. One-Dimensional Lattice Dynamics of the Diffusion-Limited Reaction A+A->A+S: Transient Behavior 2000
122774 Lepri S., Rondoni L., Benettin G. The Gallavotti-Cohen Fluctuation Theorem for a Nonchaotic Model 2000
122792 Book Review: Molecular Thermodynamics 2000
122799 Nielsen S., Kapral R., Ciccotti G. Non-Adiabatic Dynamics in Mixed Quantum-Classical Systems 2000
122815 Schor R., O'Carroll M. Decay of the Bethe-Salpeter Kernel and Bound States for Lattice Classical Ferromagnetic Spin Systems at High Temperature 2000
122830 Hosokawa I. Statistics of "Worms" in Isotropic Turbulence Treated on the Multifractal Basis 2000
122831 Graham R. Langevin Equation of Collective Modes of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Traps 2000
122877 Lima A. R., de Oliveira M. C. A Comparison Between Broad Histogram and Multicanonical Methods 2000
122962 Griffiths R.B. Consistent Quantum Realism: A Reply to Bassi and Ghirardi 2000
123067 Karl Haller, Tom Kennedy Periodic Ground States in the Neutral FalicovKimball Model in Two Dimensions 2000
123073 Godrèche C., Luck J. M. Statistics of the Occupation Time of Renewal Processes 2000
123097 Droz M. Recent Theoretical Developments on the Formation of Liesegang Patterns 2000
123112 Ellis R.S., Haven K., Turkington B. Large Deviation Principles and Complete Equivalence and Nonequivalence Results for Pure and Mixed Ensembles 2000
123141 Salas J., Sokal A.D. Universal Amplitude Ratios in the Critical Two-Dimensional Ising Model on a Torus 2000
123150 Levesque D., Weis J.-J., Lebowitz J.L. Charge Fluctuations in the Two-Dimensional One-Component Plasma 2000

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