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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
15693 Ciarlet P.G., Lions J.L. Handbook of Numerical Analysis (vol. 6. Numerical Methods for Solids (Part 3), Numerical Methods for Fluids (Part 1)) 1998
15697 Soars L., Soars J., Devoy J. New Headway. English Course. Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Key 1998
17294 Turner M.P. Day Trading into the Millenium 1998
16086 Kiev A. Trading to Win: The Psychology of Mastering the Markets 1998
16112 Matthews K.R. Elementary Linear Algebra 1998
16154 Bhavani T. Data Mining: Technologies, Techniques, Tools and Trends 1998
16171 Ross J., Cherlin M. Electronic Trading - TNT 1 - Gorilla Trading Stuff 1998
16175 Dreman D. Contrarian Investment Strategies in the Next Generation 1998
16179 Davis W.S., Yen D.C. The Information System Consultant's Handbook: Systems Analysis and Design 1998
16186 Littlejohn D. Foreign Legions of the Third Reich: Norway, Denmark, France (vol.1) 1998
20436 Der R. Vorlesung Neuroinformatik 1998
16243 Ñåìåíîâ Ì.Â., ßêóòà À.À. Ìåõàíèêà òâåðäîãî òåëà. Ëåêöèîííûé ýêñïåðèìåíò. 1998
16300 Peterson S.L., Albertson T.E. Neuropharmacology Methods in Epilepsy Research 1998
22849 Eckstein R., Lay D., Wood D. Java Swing 1998
23079 Hoffmann K.-H., Trholtzsch F., Leugering G. Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations 1998
23086 Maute K. Topologie- und Formoptimierung von duennwandigen Tragwerken 1998
23120 Knudsen J. Java Cryptography 1998
23156 Kowalczyk P., Kleiber M. Shape sensitivity in elasto-plastic computations 1998
23177 Alexander L.G. Longman English Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students 1998
23189 Microsoft Ole Db 2.0 Programmer's Reference and Data Access SDK 1998
23270 Doss G.M. CORBA Networking with Java 1998
23310 Preiss B.R. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++ 1998
23369 Shepherd G., King B. Inside Atl 1998
23382 Goncalves M., Niles K. IP Multicasting: Concepts and Applications 1998
23412 Newham C., Rosenblatt B., Estabrook G. Learning the Bash Shell 1998
23443 Microsoft Windows Architecture Training 1998
23505 Chen W.-F., Han D.J. Plasticity for Structural Engineers 1998
23514 Woodford N., Johnson A. Molecular Bacteriology. Protocols and Clinical Applications 1998
23532 Grant R. The radar game: Understanding Stealth and Aircraft Survivability 1998
23541 Winemiller E., Roff J.T., Winemiller E. Waite Group's Visual Basic 6 Database How-To 1998
23551 Achtziger W., Bletzinger K.-U., Svanberg K. Advanced Topics in Structural Optimization 1998
23576 Theriault M., Heney W. Oracle Security 1998
23603 Eisenga A.H.M., Vercicco R., van Heijst G.J.F. Dynamics of a Vortex Ring Moving Perpendicular to the Axis of a Rotating Fluid 1998
23618 Ltd Mandelbrot Set International (ed.) Advanced Microsoft Visual Basics 6.0 1998
23634 Howes T.A., Smith M.C., Good G.S. Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services 1998
23764 Partridge D. Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering: Understanding the Promise of the Future 1998
23865 de Borst R., Bicanic N., Meschke G. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (Vol. 1) 1998
23866 de Borst R., Bicanic N., Meschke G. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (Vol. 2) 1998
23882 Liu C., Albitz P. DNS and BIND 1998
24032 Peek J., Todino G., Strang J. Learning the UNIX Operating System 1998
24033 Lamb L., Robbins A. Learning the vi Editor 1998
24133 Gilbert S., McCarty B. Mitchell Waite Signature Series: Object-Oriented Design in Java 1998
24169 Feuerstein S., Dye Ch., Beresniewicz J. Oracle Built in Packages 1998
24273 Feldman J. Sams Teach Yourself Network Troubleshooting in 24 Hours 1998
24382 Killelea P. Web Performance Tuning 1998
24399 Poor H.V., Wornell G.W. (eds.) Wireless Communication: Signal Processing Perspectives 1998
2042 Cloud M.J., Drachman B.C. Inequalities: with applications to engineering 1998
2083 Protter M.H. Basic Elements of Real Analysis 1998
2085 Polyanin A., Manzhirov A. Handbook of Integral Equations 1998
2106 Äüÿêîíîâ Â.Ï. Ìàòåìàòè÷åñêàÿ ñèñòåìà Maple V R3/R4/R5 1998

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