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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
39619 Loudon T.V. Geoscience 2000
39621 Saltzman B., Dmowska R. Advances in Geophysics, Vol. 43 2000
39632 Myllyntaus T., Saikku M., Crosby A.F. Encountering the past in Nature: Essays in Environmental History 2000
39645 Jacqmin-Cadda H. Analysis of left-censored longitudinal data with application to viral load in HIV infection 2000
39656 Hirano K., Imbens G.W., Rubin D.B. Assessing the effect of an influenza vaccine in an encouragement design 2000
39672 Betensky R.A., Talcott J.A. Binary data with two, non-nested sources of clustering an analysis of physician recommendations for early prostate cancer treatment 2000
39688 Pepe M.S., Thompson M.L. Combining diagnostic test results to increase accuracy 2000
39702 Harrison D.M. Complementarity and the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 2000
39705 Harrison D.M. The Development of Quantum Mechanics 2000
39711 Crowell B. Electricity and Magnetism 2000
39729 Devlin B., Roeder K. Genomic control for association studies a semiparametric test to detect excess-haplotype sharing 2000
39741 Reddi L.N., Inyang H.I. Fundamentals of Geoenvironmental Engineering 2000
39770 Henderson R., Diggle P., Dobson A. Joint modelling of longitudinal measurements and event time data 2000
39777 Lin D.Y. Linear regression analysis of censored medical costs 2000
39780 Harrison D.M. Locality and Quantum Mechanics 2000
39797 Copas J., Shi J.Q. Meta-analysis, funnel plots and sensitivity analysis 2000
39804 Harrison D.M. Mirror Symmetry 2000
39806 Williamson J.M., Manatunga A.K. Modeling kappa for measuring dependent categorical agreement data 2000
39813 Steiner S.H., Cook R.J. Molecular Rearrangements of Triphenylmethane Derivatives II. Experimental Part. 2000
39843 Gail M.H. On meta-analytic assessment of surrogate outcomes 2000
39875 Diggle P.J. Point-source modelling using matched case-control data 2000
39884 Richardson B.A., Hughes J.P. The focus of the contributions contained in this proceedings is the interplay between cosmology astroparticle physics and particle physics, both from the theoretical and experimental point of view. The Adriatic Meetings have traditionally been one of the 2000
40004 Àâäóëîâ À.Í. (ðåä.) Íàóêà è îáùåñòâî íà ðóáåæå 2000
40011 Âäîâèíà Ò.Í. Óïðàâëåíèå îòõîäàìè íà ðåãèîíàëüíîì óðîâíå 2000
40022 Cercignani C. Rarefied Gas Dynamics 2000
40059 Íåéìàí Þ.Ì., Õëåáíèêîâ Â.À. Ââåäåíèå â òåîðèþ ìîäåëèðîâàíèÿ è ïàðàìåòðèçàöèè ïåäàãîãè÷åñêèõ òåñòîâ 2000
40061 Chaisson E.J. Cosmic Evolution: The Rise of Complexity in Nature 2000
40118 Albert D.P., Gesler W. (Ed) Spatial Analysis, GIS and Remote Sensing: Applications in the Health Sciences 2000
40262 Dominici F., Zeger S.L. A measurement error model for time-series studies of air pollution and mortality 2000
40263 Brumback B.A. A meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies with interval-censored exposure data application to chorionic villus 2000
40268 Chen M. A nonparametric procedure associated with a clinically meaningful efficacy measure 2000
40271 Royston P. A parametric model for ordinal response data, with application to estimating age-specific reference intervals 2000
40273 Carides G.W. A regression-based method for estimating mean treatment cost in the presence of right-censoring 2000
40275 Dudoit S., Speed T.P. A score test for the linkage analysis of qualitative and quantitative traits based on identity by descent data from sib-pairs 2000
36298 Kawohl B., Pironneau O., Tartar L. Optimal Shape Design 2000
36302 Keller K. Invariant Factors, Julia Equivalences and the (Abstract)Mandelbrot Set 2000
36333 Struwe M., Rappoport M. Variational Methods: Applications to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Hamiltonian Systems 2000
36352 Kunze M. Non-Smooth Dynamical Systems 2000
36511 Òàðàñîâ Â.Å. Êâàíòîâàÿ ìåõàíèêà 2000
36640 Ëèïñèö È.Â. Ýêîíîìèêà. Êíèãà 2 2000
36662 Øêëÿðñêèé Ä.Î., ×åíöîâ Í.Í., ßãëîì È.Ì. Èçáðàííûå çàäà÷è è òåîðåìû ýëåìåíòàðíîé ìàòåìàòèêè. Ãåîìåòðèÿ 2000
36729 Hamilton W.R. The Hodograph? or a New Method of Expressing in Symbolical Language the Newtonian Law of Attraction 2000
36732 Hamilton W.R. Illustrations from Geometry of the Theory of Algebraic Quaternions 2000
36773 Birge J.R. Introduction to Stochastic Programming 2000
36824 Hamilton W.R. Inquiry into the Validity of a Method recently proposed by George B. Jerrard, Esq., for Transforming and Resolving Equations of Elevated Degrees: undertaken at the Request of the Association 2000
36865 Hamilton W.R. On Quaternions; or on a new System of Imaginaries in Algebra 2000
37211 Physics Reports vol.324 2000
37212 Physics Reports vol.325 2000
37213 Physics Reports vol.326 2000
37214 Physics Reports vol.327 2000

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