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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
119405 Âîéøâèëëî Â. Óñèëèòåëüíûå óñòðîéñòâà. Ó÷åáíèê äëÿ âóçîâ. 1983
119404 Miekisz J. Frustration without Competing Interactions 1989
119403 Borgs C., DeConinck J., Kotecky R. An Equilibrium Lattice Model of Wetting on Rough Substrates 1999
119402 Rottenstreich S. A Stationary Phase Approach to the Weak Coupling Schrodinger Equation 2006
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119400 Wu F.Y. Potts Model and Graph Theory 1988
119399 Najar H. Asymptotic Behavior of the Integrated Density of States of Acoustic Operators with Random Long Range Perturbations 2004
119398 Kennedy T. Conformal Invariance and Stochastic Loewner Evolution Predictions for the 2D Self-Avoiding Walk—Monte Carlo Tests 2004
119397 Trizac E., Hansen J.-P. Dynamics and Growth of Particles Undergoing Ballistic Coalescence 1996
119396 Hosaka K. Triviality of Hierarchical Models with Small Negative φ^4 Coupling in Four Dimensions 2006
119395 Block L., Keesling J. Computing the Topological Entropy of Maps of the Interval with Three Monotone Pieces 1992
119394 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1997
119393 Heidenreieh R., Seiler R., Uhlenbrock D.A. The Luttinger Model 1980
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119391 Veerman J.J.P., Tangerman F.M. Renormalization of Aubry-Mather Cantor Sets 1989
119390 Los V.F. Homogeneous Generalized Master Equations 2005
119389 Kotecky R., Pfister C.-E. Equilibrium Shapes of Crystals Attached to Walls 1994
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119387 Meredith D.C. Semiclassical Wavefunctions of Nonintegrable Systems and Localization on Periodic Orbits 1992
119386 Dudnikova T.V., Komech A.I., Ratanov N.E. On Convergence to Equilibrium Distribution, II. The Wave Equation in Odd Dimensions, with Mixing 2002
119385 Bleher P.M., Ruiz J., Zagrebnov V.A. One-Dimensional Random-Field Ising Model: Gibbs States and Structure of Ground States 1996
119384 Graf G.M. Anderson Localization and the Space-Time Characteristic of Continuum States 1994
119383 Dürr D., Goldstein S., Zanghı` N. Quantum Equilibrium and the Role of Operators as Observables in Quantum Theory 2004
119382 Chiu H., Koike D.A. Transformation and Topological Reduction of Cluster Expansions Using m-Bonds 1995
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119379 Chen T. Hilbert-Enskog-Chapman Expansion in the Turbulent Kinetic Theory of Gases. I 1981
119378 Aleksandrov O.E., Seleznev V.D. Acoustic Gas Slip Induced by Surface Waves 1995
119377 Messager A. On Quantum Phase Transition. I. Spinless Electrons Strongly Correlated with Ions 2002
119376 Baker G.A., Kincaid J.M. The Continuous-Spin Ising Model, g0:phi^4:d Field Theory, and the Renormalization Group 1981
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119369 Ballenegger V., Martin Ph.A., Alastuey A. Quantum Mayer Graphs for Coulomb Systems and the Analog of the Debye Potential 2002
119368 Mansour M.M., Gareia A.L., Turner J.W. On the Scattering Function of Simple Fluids in Finite Systems 1988
119367 Rainwater J.C. Erratum: Delta-Function Expansion of Mayer Function with Application to Virial Coefficients 1981
119366 De Masi A., Esposito R., Presutti E. Kinetic Limits of the HPP Cellular Automaton 1992
119365 Levine R.D. The Statistical Wave Function 1988
119364 Franceschini V., Tebaldi C. A Seven-Mode Truncation of the Plane Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations 1981
119363 Onofrio R., Presilla C. Ultracold Atomic Fermi–Bose Mixtures in Bichromatic Optical Dipole Traps: A Novel Route to Study Fermion Superfluidity 2004
119362 Lepri S., Politi A., Torcini A. Chronotopic Lyapunov Analysis. I. A Detailed Characterization of 1D Systems 1996
119361 Choquard P., Wagner J. On the ‘‘Mean Field’’ Interpretation of Burgers Equation 2004
119360 Livi R., Politi A., Ruffo S. Repeller Structure in a Hierarchical Model. II. Metric Properties 1991
119359 Bao J.-D. Numerical Integration of a Non-Markovian Langevin Equation with a Thermal Band-Passing Noise 2004
119358 Picco P. On the Absence of Breakdown of Symmetry for the Plane Rotator Model with Long-Range Random Interaction 1983
119357 Dresden M. New Perspectives on Kac Ring Models 1987
119356 Shlosman S., Zagrebnov V. Magnetostriction Transition 2004

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