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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
119455 Morriss G.P., Isbister D.J., Hughes B.D. Shear Flow in the Two-Body Boltzmann Gas. II. Small and Large gamma Expansion of the Shear Viscosity 1986
119454 Stillinger F.H. Simple Cell Model with Collapse Instability 1980
119453 Oliveira C.R. Some Remarks Concerning Stability for Nonstationary Quantum Systems 1995
119452 Komorowski T., Krupa G. Erratum: On the Existence of Invariant Measure for Lagrangian Velocity in Compressible Environments 2002
119451 Esposito R., Lebowitz J.L., Marra R. The Navier-Stokes Limit of Stationary Solutions of the Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation 1995
119450 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1992
119449 Bleher P.M. Statistical Properties of Two-Dimensional Periodic Lorentz Gas with Infinite Horizon 1992
119448 Vericat F., Blum L. Mean Spherical Model for Hard Ions and Dipoles: Thermodynamics and Correlation Functions 1980
119447 Valsakumar M.C. Unstable State Dynamics: Treatment of Colored Noise 1985
119446 Tejero C.F., Cuesta J.A., Brito R. Long-Range Inverse Two-Spin Correlations in One-Dimensional Potts Lattices 1989
119445 Forrester P.J., Baxter R.J. Further Exact Solutions of the Eight-Vertex SOS Model and Generalizations of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities 1985
119444 Nelson D.R. Book Review: Defects and Geometry in Condensed Matter Physics 2003
119443 Pule J.V., Verbeure A.F., Zagrebnov V.A. A Dicke Type Model for Equilibrium BEC Superradiance 2005
119442 Franceschini V., Tebaldi C., Zironi F. Fixed Point Limit Behavior of N-Mode Truncated Navier-Stokes Equations as N Increases 1984
119441 Wada K., Kaburagi M., Uchida T. Reformulation of the Path Probability Method and Its Application to Crystal Growth Models 1988
119440 Risken H. Book Review: The Fokker-Planck Equation, Methods of Solutions and Applications 1985
119439 Smith E.R. Calculating the Pressure in Simulations Using Periodic Boundary Conditions 1994
119438 Benettin G., Fasso F. Classical "Freezing" of Plane Rotations: A Proof of the Boltzmann-Jeans Conjecture 1991
119437 Kobe S. Ernst Ising—Physicist and Teacher 1997
119436 Reimann P. Noisy One-Dimensional Maps Near a Crisis. II. General Uncorrelated Weak Noise 1996
119435 Åâè÷ À.Ô. Èíäóñòðèÿ â êîñìîñå 1978
119434 Bonomi E., Cabitza G. Migration of Seismic Data 1994
119433 Btawzdziewicz J., Cichocki B., van Beijeren H. H-Theorem for a Linear Kinetic Theory 1992
119432 Øòåðåíëèõò Ä.Â. Ãèäðàâëèêà 1984
119431 Shigematsu H. Phase Transitions in Thermodynamics of a Local Lyapunov Exponent for Fully-Developed Chaotic Systems 1992
119430 Lam P.M., Duarte J.A.M.S. Collapse Transition and Cyclomatic Number Distribution of Directed Lattice Animals 1987
119429 Kockelkoren J., Okkels F., Jensen M.H. Chaotic Behavior in Shell Models and Shell Maps 1998
119428 Ravishankar K. Asymptotic Properties of a Simple Random Motion 1988
119427 Rapaport D.C. Book Review: The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation 2005
119426 Druhl K.J., Carlsten J.L., Wenzel R.G. Aspects of Soliton Propagation in Stimulated Raman Scattering 1985
119425 Priezzhev V.B. The Statistics of Dimers on a Three-Dimensional Lattice. II. An Improved Lower Bound 1981
119424 Ðûáêèí Å.À., Óñîâ À.À. Øåñòåðåííûå íàñîñû äëÿ ìåòàëëîðåæóùèõ ñòàíêîâ 1960
119423 Book Review: Noise and Chaos in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 1991
119422 Garanin D.A. The 1/D Expansion for Classical Magnets: Low-Dimensional Models with Magnetic Field 1996
119421 Åïèôàíîâà Â.È. (ðåä.), Àêñåëüðîä Ë.Ñ. (ðåä.) Ðàçäåëåíèå âîçäóõà ìåòîäîì ãëóáîêîãî îõëàæäåíèÿ. Òåõíîëîãèÿ è îáîðóäîâàíèå. Òîì 2 1973
119420 van Duijneveldt J.S., Lekkerkerker H.N.W. Phase Behavior of Hard Particles 1995
119419 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1991
119418 Piaud B., Blanco S., Fournier R. Energy-Conserving Lattice Boltzmann Thermal Model in Two Dimensions 2005
119417 Áóÿíîâ À.Ô. Íîâûå âîëîêíà 1953
119416 Ìåéäçà Ô. Ýëåêòðîííûå èçìåðèòåëüíûå ïðèáîðû è ìåòîäû èçìåðåíèé 1990
119415 Loutsenko I., Spiridonov V. Soliton Solutions of Integrable Hierarchies and Coulomb Plasmas 2000
119414 Jaksic V., Ogata Y., Pillet C.-A. Linear Response Theory for Thermally Driven Quantum Open Systems 2006
119413 Dolgopyat D., Kaloshin V., Koralov L. Hausdorff Dimension in Stochastic Dispersion 2002
119412 de la Llave R. Invariant Manifolds Associated to Nonresonant Spectral Subspaces 1997
119411 Saied E.A., El-Wakil S.A. On the Diffusion in a Lattice Gas Model: Group-Theoretic Approach 1998
119410 Lebowitz J.L., Mazel A., Presutti E. Liquid-Vapor Phase Transitions for Systems with Finite-Range Interactions 1999
119409 Giaquinta P.V., Giunta G., Malescio G. High-Density Properties of Hard Spheres within a Modified Percus-Yevick Theory: The Role of Thermodynamic Consistency 1991
119408 Esposito R., Marra R., Lebowitz J.L. Solutions to the Boltzmann Equation in the Boussinesq Regime 1998
119407 Lebowitz J.L., Orlandi E., Presutti E. A Particle Model for Spinodal Decomposition 1991
119406 Widom M., Mosseri R., Destainville N. Arctic Octahedron in Three-Dimensional Rhombus Tilings and Related Integer Solid Partitions 2002

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