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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
119505 Mello P.A., Pereyra P., Kumar N. A Soluble Random-Matrix Model for Relaxation in Quantum Systems 1988
119504 Kirkpatrick T.R., Belitz D. Long-Range Correlations and Generic Scale Invariance in Classical Fluids and Disordered Electron Systems 1997
119503 He X., Zou Q., Luo L.-S. Analytic Solutions of Simple Flows and Analysis of Nonslip Boundary Conditions for the Lattice Boltzmann BGK Model 1997
119502 Sugiyama G., Terray L., Alder B.J. Quantum Monte Carlo Study of a Proton in an Electron Gas 1988
119501 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1982
119500 Aubry N., Lima R. Spatiotemporal and Statistical Symmetries 1995
119499 Feldman J., Knorrer H., Salmhofer M. The Temperature Zero Limit 1999
119498 Ko L.-F. Spin-Spin Correlation Function in the Two-Dimensional Ising Model with Linear Defects. II. T>Tc 1988
119497 Denker M., Keller G. Rigorous Statistical Procedures for Data from Dynamical Systems 1986
119496 Hastings M.B. Non-Hermitian Fermion Mapping for One-Component Plasma 1998
119495 Mandelbrot B.B. Fractals in Physics: Squig Clusters, Diffusions, Fractal Measures, and the Unicity of Fractal Dimensionality 1984
119494 Suttorp L.G. Asymptotic Behavior of Correlation Functions for Electric Potential and Field Fluctuations in a Classical One-Component Plasma 1992
119493 Martens C.C. Quantum Qualitative Dynamics 1992
119492 Ghosh R.K., Shrock R.E. Exact Expressions for Row Correlation Functions in the lsotropic d- 2 Ising Model 1985
119491 van Wonderen A.J., Lendi K. Virtues and Limitations of Markovian Master Equations with a Time-Dependent Generator 2000
119490 Bassingthwaighte J.B., Liebovitch L.S., West B.J. Book Review: Fractal Physiology 1995
119489 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2003
119488 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2004
119487 Martin J.L. The Impact of Large-Scale Computing on Lattice Statistics 1990
119486 Kratky K.W. Is the Percolation Transition of Hard Spheres a Thermodynamic Phase Transition? 1988
119485 Tartaglia P., Chen S.-H. Application of Stochastic Computer Simulation to a Solution of a Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equation Governing Bacteria Chemotaxis 1984
119484 Dinaburg E., Maes C., Pirogov S. The Potts Model Built on Sand 2004
119483 Mohanty U., Bagchi B., Gibbs J.H. Bimodality and Long-Range Order in Ideal Bose Systems 1982
119482 Titulaer U.M. On the Microscopic Background of the Onsager-Casimir Reciprocity Relations 1988
119481 Mastropietro V. Non-Universality in Ising Models with Four Spin Interaction 2003
119480 Alastuey A., Forrester P.J. A Testbench for the Nested Dipole Hypothesis of Kosterlitz and Thouless 1995
119479 Nonnenmacher S., Voros A. Chaotic Eigenfunctions in Phase Space 1998
119478 Cercignani C., Kremer G.M. On Relativistic Collisional Invariants 1999
119477 Herrmann H.J., Roux S. Book Review: Statistical Models for the Fracture of Disordered Media 1991
119476 Gervois A., Piasecki J. Stationary Velocity Distribution in an External Field: A One-Dimensional Model 1986
119475 Provata A., Almirantis Y. Statistical Dynamics of Clustering in the Genome Structure 2002
119474 Mariz A.M., Herrmann H.J., de Arcangelis L. Comparative Study of Damage Spreading in the Ising Model Using Heat-Bath, Glauber, and Metropolis Dynamics 1990
119473 Tsveliek A.M., Wiegmann P.B. Exact Solution of the Multichannel Kondo Problem, Scaling, and Integrability 1985
119472 Giraud C. Clustering in a Self-Gravitating One-Dimensional Gas at Zero Temperature 2001
119471 Courbage M., Kaminski B. On Intrinsically Random Z^2 -Actions on a Lebesgue Space 2003
119470 Brown R., Ott E., Grebogi C. The Goodness of Ergodic Adiabatic Invariants 1987
119469 Franceschini V., Giberti C., Nicolini M. Common Periodic Behavior in Larger and Larger Truncations of the Navier-Stokes Equations 1988
119468 Kutner R., van Beijeren H. Tracer Diffusion in Concentrated Lattice Gas Models. Rectangular Lattices with Anisotropic Jump Rates 1987
119467 Mezincescu G.A. Lifschitz Singularities for Periodic Operators Plus Random Potentials 1987
119466 Wehner M.F., Wolfer W.G. A New Integral Equation for the Radial Distribution Function of a Hard Sphere Fluid 1986
119465 Percus J.K. Some Solvable Models of Nonuniform Classical Fluids 1986
119464 Freed K.F., Kholodenko A.L. Renormalization Group Description of Polymer Excluded Volume 1983
119463 Chen Y.-C. Kubo-Einstein Relation for Quantum Brownian Motion in a Periodic Potential 1991
119462 Dodson C.T.J., Sampson W.W. Spatial Statistics of Stochastic Fiber Networks 1999
119461 Libchaber A. Experiments on the Onset of Chaotic Behavior 1984
119460 Laidlaw D., MacKay G., Jan N. Some Fractal Properties of the Percolating Backbone in Two Dimensions 1987
119459 Rateitschak K., Klages R., Nicolis G. Thermostating by Deterministic Scattering: The Periodic Lorentz Gas 2000
119458 Kondo K., Otofuji T., Sugiyama Y. Correlation Inequalities for a Class of Even Ferromagnets 1985
119457 Aizenman M., Barsky D.J., Fernfandez R. The Phase Transition in a General Class of Ising-Type Models is Sharp 1987
119456 Yong Z., Benson D.A., Meerschaert M.M. On Using Random Walks to Solve the Space-Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equations 2006

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