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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122932 Elisabetta Marcelli, Fabio Martinelli Some New Results on the Two-Dimensional Kinetic lsing Model in the Phase Coexistence Region 1995
122935 Bernardin D., Sero-Guillaume O. E. Exact Stability Results in Stochastic Lattice Gas Cellular Automata 1995
122939 Christopher G. Jesudason Note on Monte Carlo Methods Without Necessary Detailed Balance 1995
122941 H. Lustfeld, J. Bene, Z. Kaufmann The Correlation Functions Near Intermittency in a One-Dimensional Piecewise Parabolic Map 1995
122960 Hodgdon J.A., Stillinger F.H. Equilibrium Concentration of Point Defects in Crystalline 4^He at 0 K 1995
122972 Wang F., Cohen E.G.D. Diffusion in Lorentz Lattice Gas Cellular Automata: The Honeycomb and Quasi-lattices Compared with the Square and Triangular Lattices 1995
122978 McCauley J.L. Weak Electrolytes, Brownian Motion, Vortices in Superfluid Films, and Odins Aker 1995
122990 Alastuey A., Forrester P.J. Correlations in Two-Component Log-Gas Systems 1995
123003 Olson J.F., Rothman D.H. Three-Dimensional Immiscible Lattice Gas: Application to Sheared Phase Separation 1995
123006 Pomraning G. C., Anil K. Prinja Transverse Diffusion of a Collimated Particle Beam 1995
123037 J. Yepez Lattice-Gas Crystallization 1995
123064 Weiss G.H. (ed.) Book Review: Contemporary Problems in Statistical Physics 1995
123070 Koo W. M. Oriented Polymers: A Transfer Matrix Calculation 1995
123089 Philip Lyons Lars Onsager (1903-1976) 1995
123102 Weiss H. A Remark on Papers by Pixton and Oliveira: Genericity of Symplectic Diffeomorphisms of S2 with Positive Topological Entropy 1995
123115 Beck C. From the Perron-Frobenius Equation to the Fokker-Planck Equation 1995
123143 Fisher M.E., Li X., Levin Y. On the Absence of Intermediate Phases in the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 1995
123161 Vieillefosse P. Coulomb Pair Density Matrix. II 1995
123231 Oerding K. Relaxation Times in a Finite Ising System with Random Impurities 1995
123239 Weiss G.H. Book Review: Aspects and Applications of The Random Walk 1995
123248 Zou Q., Hou S., Chen S. An Improved Incompressible Lattice Boltzmann Model for Time-Independent Flows 1995
123255 Santos M.A., Teixeira S. Anisotropic Voter Model 1995
123256 Gabetta G., Toscani G., Wennberg B. Metrics for Probability Distributions and the Trend to Equilibrium for Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation 1995
119661 Carneiro C.E.I., de Oliveira M.J., Wreszinski W.F. Ground-State Energy of a Quantum Chain with Competing Interactions 1995
119664 Albano E.V. Damage Spreading in a Single-Component Irreversible Reaction Process: Dependence of the System's Immunity on the Euclidean Dimension 1995
119668 Strogatz S.H. Book Review: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos 1995
119689 Gallavotti G. Ergodicity, Ensembles, Irreversibility in Boltzmann and Beyond 1995
119698 Samaj L., Percus J.K. A Functional Relation Among the Pair Correlations of the Two-Dimensional One-Component Plasma 1995
119704 Madras N. A Rigorous Bound on the Critical Exponent for the Number of Lattice Trees, Animals, and Polygons 1995
119730 Martinelli F., Olivieri E. Instability of Renormalization-Group Pathologies Under Decimation 1995
119741 Collet P., Dunlop F., Gobron T. Conservative Langevin Dynamics of Solid-on-Solid Interfaces 1995
119766 Yukhnovskii I.R., Patsahan O.V. Grand Canonical Distribution for Multicomponent System in the Collective Variables Method 1995
119856 Lemke N., Arenzon J.J., Tamarit F.A. Chaotic Dynamics of High-Order Neural Networks 1995
119883 Weingartner H., Kleemeier M., Wiegand S. Coulombic and Non-Coulombic Contributions to the Criticality of Ionic Fluids. An Experimental Approach 1995
119919 Tsonis A.A., Eisner J.B. Testing for Scaling in Natural Forms and Observables 1995
119924 McNamara G.R., Garcia A.L., Alder B.J. Stabilization of Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Models 1995
119936 Olarrea J., Parrondo J.M.R., Rubia F.J. Escape Statistics for Systems Driven by Dichotomous Noise. II. The Imperfect Pitchfork Bifurcation as a Case Study 1995
120021 Êðóãëîâ À.Ê. Êàê ñîçäàâàëàñü àòîìíàÿ ïðîìûøëåííîñòü â ÑÑÑÐ 1995
120027 Berkowitz B., Knight R. Continuum Percolation Conductivity Exponents in Restricted Domains 1995
120081 Bobylev A.V. Quasistationary Hydrodynamics for the Boltzmann Equation 1995
120128 Mikosch T., Wang Q. A Monte Carlo Method for Estimating the Correlation Exponent 1995
120135 Hof A. A Remark on Schrodinger Operators on Aperiodic Tilings 1995
120152 Gallavotti G., Cohen E.G.D. Dynamical Ensembles in Stationary States 1995
120184 Alabiso C., Casartelli M., Marenzoni P. Nearly Separable Behavior of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Chains Through the Stoehasticity Threshold 1995
120185 Henry B.I., Szeredi T. New Equipartition Results for Normal Mode Energies of Anharmonic Chains 1995
120219 De Simone C., Diehl M., Junger M. Exact Ground States of Ising Spin Glasses: New Experimental Results with a Branch-and-Cut Algorithm 1995
120222 Stell G. Criticality and Phase Transitions in Ionic Fluids 1995
120231 Achahbar A., Marro J. Phase Transitions in a Driven Lattice Gas in Two Planes 1995
120275 Evans M.R., Foster D.P., Godreche C. Asymmetric Exclusion Model with Two Species: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 1995
120282 Lang R. Effective Conductivity and Skew Brownian Motion 1995

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