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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123131 Marin C., Garzo V., Santos A. Nonlinear Transport in a Dilute Binary Mixture of Mechanically Different Particles 1994
123166 Frigessi A., den Hollander F. A Dynamical Phase Transition in a Caricature of a Spin Glass 1994
123179 Zhi-Xiong W., Zhi-Ying W. On the Leading Term and the Degree of the Polynomial Trace Mapping Associated with a Substitution 1994
123197 Gitterman M., Weiss G.H. A Comment on Early-Time Solutions of the Smoluchowski Equation 1994
123201 Lebowitz J.L. Preface 1994
123202 Bormann D., Beck H. Possible First-Order Transition in the Two-Dimensional Ginzburg-Landau Model Induced by Thermally Fluctuating Vortex Cores 1994
123208 Bocquet L., Hansen J.-P., Piasecki J. On the Brownian Motion of a Massive Sphere Suspended in a Hard-Sphere Fluid. lI. Molecular Dynamics Estimates of the Friction Coefficient 1994
123237 Penrose M.D. Self-Avoiding Walks and Trees in Spread-Out Lattices 1994
123245 Courbage M., Hamdan D. Non-Markovian Reversible Chapman-Kolmogorov Measures on Subshifts of Finite Type 1994
119660 Giarritta S.P., Giaquinta P.V. Statistical Geometry of Four Calottes on a Sphere 1994
119687 Chernov N.I. Statistical Properties of the Periodic Lorentz Gas. Multidimensional Case 1994
119738 Kennedy T. Ballistic Behavior in a 1D Weakly Self-Avoiding Walk with Decaying Energy Penalty 1994
119794 Aubry N., Carbone F., Lima R. Wave Propagation Phenomena from a Spatiotemporal Viewpoint: Resonances and Bifurcations 1994
119809 Eloranta K. The Dynamics of Defect Ensembles in One-Dimensional Cellular Automata 1994
119867 Ioffe D. Large Deviations for the 2D Ising Model: A Lower Bound without Cluster Expansions 1994
119884 Fernandez A. A Measure on the Space of Polymer Folding Pathways: Preliminaries for a New Scheme of Statistical Inference 1994
119886 Toom A. On Critical Phenomena in Interacting Growth Systems. Part I: General 1994
119902 Patrick A.E. The Influence of External Boundary Conditions on the Spherical Model of a Ferromagnet. I. Magnetization Profiles 1994
119914 Fife P.C., Lacey A.A. Motion by Curvature in Generalized Cahn-Allen Models 1994
119953 Braga G.A., Ferreira S.J., Barreto F.C. Upper Bounds on the Critical Temperature for the Two-Dimensional Blume-Emery-Griffiths Model 1994
120065 Puri S., Parekh N., Dattagupta S. Phase Ordering Dynamics in a Gravitational Field 1994
120070 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1994
120076 Marsili M. Run Time Statistics in Models of Growth in Disordered Media 1994
120098 Nyberg A.M., Percus J.K. Density Functional Approximations for Classical Fluids with Long-Range Interactions 1994
120100 Weinstein E.M., Benaroya H. The van Kampen Expansion for the Fokker-Planck Equation of a Duffing Oscillator 1994
120110 Crawford J.D. Amplitude Expansions for Instabilities in Populations of Globally-Coupled Oscillators 1994
120157 Martin A. Is Energy Increasing with Angular Momentum? 1994
120159 Bach V., Lieb E.H., Solovej J.P. Generalized Hartree-Fock Theory and the Hubbard Model 1994
120212 Anzaido-Meneses A.M. Shell Effects in Small Metal Particles 1994
120224 Kumar S., Kurtz S.K. A Monte Carlo Study of Size and Angular Properties of a Three-Dimensional Poisson-Delaunay Cell 1994
120254 Gupalo D., Kaganovich A.S., Cohen E.G.D. Symmetry of Lyapunov Spectrum 1994
120297 Garrido P.L., Gallavotti G. Billiards Correlation Functions 1994
120313 Yau H. Metastability of Ginzburg-Landau Model with a Conservation Law 1994
120322 Barrett A.J., Domb C. Virial Expansion for a Polymer with a Realistic Pair-Potential Interaction 1994
120337 Jancovici B., Manificat G., Pisani C. Coulomb Systems Seen as Critical Systems: Finite-Size Effects in Two Dimensions 1994
120352 Penrose R. On the Second Law of Thermodynamics 1994
120370 Schaertl W., Sillescu H. Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Colloidal Hard Spheres. Effects of Sample Dimensionality on Self-Diffusion 1994
120372 Tij M., Santos A. Perturbation Analysis of a Stationary Nonequilibrium Flow Generated by an External Force 1994
120376 Rodrigues E.S., Oliveira P.M.C. Spin-Glass Energy Landscape 1994
120379 Martinellil F. On the Two-Dimensional Dynamical Ising Model In the Phase Coexistence Region 1994
120405 Bazzani A., Siboni S., Turchetti G. A Model of Modulated Diffusion. I. Analytical Results 1994
120416 Banach Z., Piekarski S. Two Linearization Procedures for the Boltzmann Equation in a k = 0 Robertson-Walker Space-Time 1994
120456 Michele Pasquini, Giovanni Paladin Rigorous Bounds of the Lyapunov Exponents of the One-Dimensional Random Ising Model 1994
120462 Francois Bavaud Triangular Dynamics Under Pressure 1994
120468 Yossi Shussman, Amnon Aharony Self-Avoiding Walks on Random Fractal Environments 1994
120497 Jiu Ding The Projection Method for Computing Multidimensional Absolutely Continuous Invariant Measures 1994
120502 Stillinger Frank H. Patterns of Broken Symmetry in the Impurity-Perturbed Rigid-Disk Crystal 1994
120554 Estimates of Logarithmic Sobolev Constant for Finite-Volume Continuous Spin Systems 1994
120590 Tomasz Schreiber Dobrushin-Kotecky-Shlosman Theorem for Polygonal Markov Fields in the Plane 1994
120778 Ïîïîâà Ã.Í., Àëåêñååâ Ñ.Þ. Ìàøèíîñòðîèòåëüíîå ÷åð÷åíèå. Ñïðàâî÷íèê 1994

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