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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
78916 Avron A., Dershowitz N. Pillars of Computer Science: Essays Dedicated to Boris (Boaz) Trakhtenbrot on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday 2008
57751 Paul R. Pillars of Prosperity 2008
160800 Âàñèëüåâ Ê. Pilot One 1998
197962 Pilot's flight operating instructions for army models B-26B-1 and -26C british model Marauder II airplanes 1945
198709 Pilot's flight operating instructions for army models P-39Q-1 airplane n/a
198652 Pilot's handbook of flight operating instructions for models B-25C and B-25D 1942
197918 Pilot's handbook of flight operating instructions for Navy models F6F-3, F6F-3N, F6F-5, F6F-5N airplanes n/a
197894 Pilot's handook for the XB-35 heavy bombardment airplane n/a
91003 Pilot's Manual for the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt 1943
90325 Zeno Pilot's Operating instruction Manual for the Curtiss P-40 Series D&E "Warhawk" 1943
39439 Pinch Technology: Basics for the Beginners n/a
27607 Pine Ch. Pine to Program 2006
176678 Renner E. Pinhole Photography, Fourth Edition: From Historic Technique to Digital Application 2009
194086 Renner E. Pinhole Photography, Fourth Edition: From Historic Technique to Digital Application 2009
41982 Barus C. Pinhole Probe Experiments with Massive Air Columns 1927
41461 Barus C. Pinhole Probe Measurements of the Phase Change of the Telephonic End Plates, Acting on a Closed Cylindrical Air Column in Longitudinal Acoustic Vibration 1925
41983 Barus C. Pinhole Probe Measurements with Massive Cylindrical Air Columns 1927
41984 Barus C. Pinhole Probe Record of the Closed Organ Pipe 1927
24194 Ekert P. Pinnacle Liquid Edition 6 for Windows 2004
24195 Ozer J. Pinnacle Studio 10 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide 2005
112285 Pinnacle Studio 10 Plus. Ïðîñòîòà èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ, íîâûå ìîùíûå ôóíêöèè è íîâûå âîçìîæíîñòè äëÿ òâîð÷åñòâà ïðè ðåäàêòèðîâàíèè âèäåî 2006
26039 Bakharia A. Pinnacle Studio 9 Ignite! 2004
75683 Êèðüÿíîâ Ä.Â., Êèðüÿíîâà Å.Í. Pinnacle Studio 9, Ñàìîó÷èòåëü 2005
122930 Daniel R. Ohlsen, Yamamoto S. Y., Surko C. M. Pinning and Long-Time-Scale Behavior in Traveling-Wave Convection 1991
119744 Dunlop F., Magnen J., Rivasseau V. Pinning of an Interface by a Weak Potential 1992
155583 Gagnon J.A. Pintucks & Lace, Using Heirloom Techniques on Today's Styles 2006
166910 Cregan E. R. C. Pioneers in Cell Biology: Life Science 2008
24196 Landström H. Pioneers in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research 2005
144009 Bradley M. Pioneers in mathematics, 1950 to the Present, Mathematics frontiers 2006
175713 Bradley M. Pioneers in mathematics, Ancient times to 1300 The birth of mathematics 2006
168262 Bradley M. Pioneers in mathematics. The age of genius 1300 to 1800 2006
37271 Lodge O. Pioneers of Science 1905
146406 Ericson T., Weise W. Pions and Nuclei 1988
140336 Brown L., Dresden M., Hoddeson L. Pions to quarks: Particle physics in the 1950s 1989
141294 Brown L., Dresden M., Hoddeson L. Pions to Quarks: Particle Physics in the 1950s 1989
31290 Parisher R.A., Rhea R.A. Pipe Drafting and Design 2001
49742 Pipe Hanger Design & Engineering (April 07) 2007
83566 Stephenson D. Pipeflow analysis 1984
21533 Parker M.E., Peattie E.G. Pipeline Corrosion and Cathodic Protection 1999
83993 Liu H. Pipeline engineering 2003
126328 Tiratsoo J.N.H. Pipeline Pigging and Inspection Technology 1992
21534 Tiratsoo J.H.N. (ed.) Pipeline Pigging Technology 1999
83955 McAllister E.W. Pipeline risk management manual. Ideas, techniques, and resources 2004
21535 McAllister E.W. (ed.) Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook 2002
177795 Ahmed I. Pipelined ADC Design and Enhancement Techniques (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing) 2010
21536 Bai Y. (ed.) Pipelines and Risers 2001
63015 Jones D.G. (ed.) Piperonyl Butoxide 1998
50426 Smith P.R., Laan T.V. Piping and Pipe Support Systems: Design and Engineering 1987
77262 Antaki G.A. Piping and pipeline engineering: design, construction, maintenance, integrity, and repair 2003
51097 Rase H.F. Piping Design for Process Plants 1963

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