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49607 Welling P.G. (ed.), Tse F.L. (ed.) Pharmacokinetics: Regulatory - Industrial - Academic Perspectives 1995
48035 Rang H.P., Ritter J.M. Pharmacology 2005
206417 L. E. McCuistion, K. V. DiMaggio,, M. B. Winton Pharmacology 2021
144695 Ward D.S., Dahan A., Teppema L. Pharmacology and Pathophysiology of the Control of Breathing 2005
150311 Kian Fan Chung, Peter J. Barnes Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Airway Disease, Second Edition, Volume 234 (Lung Biology in Health and Disease) 2009
83865 Chung K.F., Widdicombe J.G. Pharmacology and therapeutics of cough 2008
46309 Asghar K. (ed.), De Souza E. (ed.) Pharmacology And Toxicology of Amphetamine And Related Designer Drugs 1989
75622 Davis F.A. Pharmacology in Rehabilitation Ciccone 2007
58578 Anthony P.K. Pharmacology Secrets 2002
148591 Fourcroy J. Pharmacology, Doping and Sports: A Scientific Guide for Athletes, Coaches, Physicians, Scientists and Administrators 2009
48031 Ette E.I. (ed.), Williams P.J. (ed.) Pharmacometrics: The Science of Quantitative Pharmacology 2007
158989 Thierry Langer, Hugo Kubinyi, Raimund Mannhold Pharmacophores and Pharmacophore Searches 2006
182963 Mannhold R., Kubinyi H., Folkers G. Pharmacophores and Pharmacophore Searches, Volume 32 2006
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48034 Wells B.G., DiPiro J.T. Pharmacotherapy Handbook 2006
49609 Wells B.G., DiPiro J.T., Schwinghammer T.L. Pharmacotherapy Handbook 2009
130951 Li J. Pharmacotherapy of Asthma 2005
130733 DiPiro J., Talbert R., Yee G. Pharmacotherapy. A Pathophysiologic Approach 2005
75298 Chisholm-Burns M., Wells B.G., Schwinghammer T.L. Pharmacotherapy. Principles and Practice 2008
169126 DiPiro J., Talbert R., Yee G. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 7th edition 2008
144345 Anderson P.O., McGuinness S.M., Bourne P.E. Pharmacy Informatics 2009
148820 Anderson P., McGuinness S., Bourne P. Pharmacy Informatics 2010
49610 Feinberg D.B. Pharmacy Law: Textbook & Review 2007
49580 Desselle S.P., Zgarrick D.P. Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings 2009
48032 Taylor K.M. (Ed), Harding G. Pharmacy Practice 2001
188727 Rieth M. Pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie: Qualitatssicherung, Monitoring, Betriebshygiene 2012
119420 van Duijneveldt J.S., Lekkerkerker H.N.W. Phase Behavior of Hard Particles 1995
30026 Freed K. (Ed) Phase Behavior of Polymer Blends 2005
120383 Laanait L., Masaif N., Ruiz J. Phase Coexistence in Partially Symmetric q-State Models 1993
124913 Ozeki Y. Phase Diagram and Critical Properties of the Asymmetric Mattis Model 1993
125121 Chou W. Phase Diagram of a One-Dimensional Model with Noneonvex Interactions, Using the Method of Effective Potentials 1988
122956 Li W., Park P., Widom M. Phase Diagram of a Random Tiling Quasicrystal 1992
121912 Lebowitz J.L., Phani M.K., Styer D.F. Phase Diagram of Cu-Au-Type Alloys 1985
123027 Charles-Ed. Pfister Phase Diagram of the Half-Infinite Ising Model 1986
121348 Mariz A., Tsallis C., Albuquerque E.L. Phase Diagram of the Ising Model on a Cayley Tree in the Presence of Competing Interactions and Magnetic Field 1985
121799 de Aguiar F. S., Bosco F. A. Phase Diagram of the One-State Potts Model on the Cayley Tree 1990
123924 Wojtkiewicz J. Phase Diagram of the Two-dimensional t–t' Falicov-Kimball Mode 2006
66538 Alper A.M., Kostorz G., Herman H. Phase Diagrams in Advanced Ceramics 1995
150917 Alper A., Kostorz G., Herman H. Phase Diagrams in Advanced Ceramics (Treatise on Materials Science and Technology) (Treatise on Materials Science and Technology) 1995
120362 Monroe J.L. Phase Diagrams of Ising Models on Husimi Trees II. Pair and Multisite Interaction Systems 1992
125353 James L. Monroe Phase Diagrams of Ising Models on Husimi Trees. I. Pure Multisite Interaction Systems 1991
122859 Suto A., Gruber C., Lemberger P. Phase Diagrams of Lattice Systems with Residual Entropy. lI. Low Temperature Expansion 1989
121163 Gruber C., Suto A. Phase Diagrams of Lattice Systems with Residual Entropy 1988
123612 Gitterman M. Phase Equilibria and Critical Phenomena in Closed Reactive Systems 1990
44252 Will T.M. Phase Equilibria in Metamorphic Rocks: Thermodynamic Background and Petrological Applications 1998
214851 Muhlbauer A.L., Raal J.D. Phase Equilibria. Measurement and Computation 2021
9313 Bennet A.H., Osterberg H., Jupnik H. Phase Microscopy: Principles and Applications 1951
35658 Estrin Y., Kim H.S., Bush M.B. Phase Mixture Models for Metallic Nanomaterials 2004
120065 Puri S., Parekh N., Dattagupta S. Phase Ordering Dynamics in a Gravitational Field 1994
34101 Reyn J. Phase Portraits of Planar Quadratic Systems 2007

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