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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
132362 Hans C. Fogedby, Mogens H. Jensen Weak Noise Approach to the Logistic Map 2005
132361 Marchand J.-P., Martin Ph. A. Errata: Exclusion Process and Droplet Shape 1987
132360 Penrose O. Metastable Decay Rates, Asymptotic Expansions, and Analytic Continuation of Thermodynamic Functions 1993
132359 Statistical Physics Days 1995
132358 Paul J. Dellar Lattice Kinetic Formulation for Ferrofluids 2005
132357 Barnes S. E., Peter M., Hoffmann L. Application of Generalized Linear Filters in Data Analysis 1993
132356 Hasegawa M., Watabe M. On Surface Properties of a Weakly-Coupled Classical One-Component Plasma: The Size Effect in Finite Systems 1985
132355 Book Review: Statistical Physics Statics, Dynamics, and Renormalization 2001
132354 Cassandro M ., Marra R ., Presutti E. Corrections to the Critical Temperature in 2D Ising Systems with Kac Potentials 1994
132353 Hendriks E. M., Ernst M. H., Ziff R. M. Coagulation Equations with Gelation 1982
132352 Moshe Gitterman, George H. Weiss The Behavior of a Periodically-Forced Nonlinear System Subject to Additive Noise 1992
132351 George A. Baker, Johnson J. D. The Border Model in One Dimension 1989
132350 Vieillefosse P., Brajon M. Sum Rules for the One-Component Plasma with Additional Short-Range Forces 1988
132349 Lavenda B. H., Santamato E. Thermodynamic Criteria Governing Irreversible Processes under the Influence of Small Thermal Fluctuations 1982
132348 Boldrighini C., David Wick W. Fluctuations in a One-Dimensional Mechanical System. I. The Euler Limit 1988
132347 Fritter D., Knobler C. M., Roux D. Erratum: Computer Simulations of the Growth of Breath Figures 1988
132346 Pierre Gaspard Diffusion, Effusion, and Chaotic Scattering: An Exactly Solvable Liouvillian Dynamics 1992
132345 Roberto H. Schonmann On Two Correlation Inequalities for Potts Models 1988
132344 Goran Lindblad Irreversibility and Randomness in Linear Response Theory 1993
132343 Bazhanov V. V., Baxter R. J. New Solvable Lattice Models in Three Dimensions 1992
132342 Hsu C. S., Myun C. Kim Statistics of Strange Attractors by Generalized Cell Mapping 1984
132341 Jesus Salas, Alan D. Sokal The Three-State Square-Lattice Potts Antiferromagne t at Zero Temperature 1998
132340 Requardt M., Wagner H. J. Does the Three-Dimensional Capillary Wave Model Lead to a Universally Valid and Pathology-Free Description of the Liquid-Vapor Interface Near g = 0? A Controversial Point of View 1991
132339 C. Chris Wu Zero-Temperature Dynamics of Ising Models on the Triangular Lattice 2002
132338 Bershadskii A. Multifractal Percolation and Growth in Intermittent Media 1996
132337 Roberto Fernández, Arnaud Le Ny, Frank Redig Variational Principle and Almost Quasilocality for Renormalized Measures 2002
132336 Andreas Honig, Barbara Niethammer On First-Order Corrections to the LSW Theory II: Finite Systems 2004
132335 Francois Coron Derivation of Slip Boundary Conditions for the Navier-Stokes System from the Boltzmann Equation 1988
132334 Ianiro N., Triolo L. Stationary Boltzmann Equation for a Degenerate Gas in a Slab: Boundary Value Problem and Hydrodynamics 1988
132333 Gyan Bhanot, Jan Lacki Partition Function Zeros and the Three-Dimensional Ising Spin Glass 1991
132332 Dah-Yen Yang Generalized Moment Expansion for Nonadiabatic Transition Reaction 1993
132331 Thiran E., Verstegen D., Weyers J. p-Adic Dynamics 1988
132330 Marko Kleine Berkenbusch, Isabelle Claus, Catherine Dunn Discrete Charges on a Two Dimensional Conductor 2004
132329 Rakos A., Schutz G.M. Current Distribution and Random Matrix Ensembles for an Integrable Asymmetric Fragmentation Process 2004
132328 James A. McLennan Boltzmann Equation for a Dissociating Gas 1989
132327 Howard G. Hanson Voronoi Cell Properties from Simulated and Real Random Spheres and Points 1982
132326 Shu-Chiuan Chang, Jesu ́s Salas Exact Potts Model Partition Functions for Strips of the Square Lattice 2001
132325 Frezzotti A. The Propagation of Infinitesimal Disturbances in an Ultrarelativistic Gas According to the Method of Elementary Solutions 1986
132324 Eliot Fried Coherent Solid-State Phase Transitions with Atomic Diffusion: A Thermomechanical Treatment 1999
132323 Zebende G. F., Penna T. J. P. The Domany-Kinzel Cellular Automaton Phase Diagram 1993
132322 Raiskinmäki P., Shakib-Manesh A., Koponen A. Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation of Capillary Rise Dynamics 2001
132321 Bernhard Lesche Instabilities of R nyi Entropies 1981
132320 Minlos R. A., Zhizhina E. A. Asymptotics of Decay of Correlations for Lattice Spin Fields at High Temperatures. I. The Ising Model 1995
132319 John G. Zabolitzky Critical Properties of Rule 22 Elementary Cellular Automata 1987
132318 Leif Arkeryd L^inf Estimates for the Space-Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation 1982
132317 Zbigniew Koza The A + B --> 0 Diffusion-Limited Reaction with Correlated Initial Condition 1994
132316 Ralph Nossal Stochastic Aspects of Biological Locomotion 1983
132315 Kalinay P. Thermodynamic Properties of the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas in the Low-Density Limit 2001
132314 Nicolas Dirr A Stefan Problem with Surface Tension as the Sharp Interface Limit of a Nonlocal System of Phase-Field Type 2003
132313 Barry Simon Internal Lifschitz Tails 1986

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