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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
134330 Fergus J., Hui R. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Materials Properties and Performance 2008
134329 Carja O., Necula M., Vrabie I. Viability, Invariance and Applications 2007
134328 Slyke C.V. Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 2008
134327 Parker P.M. Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy - A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers 2007
134326 Sunderam V.S., van Albada G. Computational Science -- ICCS 2005: 5th International Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 22-25, 2005, Proceedings, Part II 2005
134325 Òþêàâêèíà Í.À. (ðåä.) Îðãàíè÷åñêàÿ õèìèÿ 1998
134324 Panno J. The Cell: Nature's First Life-form 2010
134323 Breu R. Algebraic Specification Techniques in Object Oriented Programming Environments 1991
134322 Rfid Technology: What the Future Holds for Commerce, Security, and the Consumer 2005
134321 Kaye R.W. The Mathematics of Logic: A Guide to Completeness Theorems and their Applications 2007
134320 Soehendra N., Binmoeller K.F. Therapeutic Endoscopy 2004
134319 Bowler P.J., Pickstone J.V. The Cambridge history of science. Volume 6 2009
134318 Âòþðèí Â.À. Àâòîìàòèçèðîâàííûå ñèñòåìû óïðàâëåíèÿ òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèìè ïðîöåññàìè. Îñíîâû ÀÑÓÒÏ 2006
134317 Ji L., Li P. Handbook of Geometric Analysis. Volume 1 2008
134316 Verbeek P.-P. (ed.), Slob A. (ed.) User Behavior and Technology Development: Shaping Sustainable Relations Between Consumers and Technologies 2006
134315 Covington M.A., Nute D., Vellino A. Prolog programming in depth 1996
134314 Pfeiffer C.C. International Review of Neurobiology. Volume 3 1961
134313 Araki H. Mathematical horizons for quantum physics 2010
134312 Levi I. Mild Contraction: Evaluating Loss of Information Due to Loss of Belief 2004
134311 Grove L. Classical Groups and Geometric Algebra 2001
134310 Leighton R.B. Principles of Modern Physics 1959
134309 Beaumont A., Hoare K. Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture 2003
134308 Hense M. How Fighter Pilots Use Math 2009
134307 Ãîëîâàòûé À., Êàïëàí-Ìîññ Ä. Django. Ïîäðîáíîå ðóêîâîäñòâî 2010
134306 Burnham J.C. Accident Prone: A History of Technology, Psychology, and Misfits of the Machine Age 2009
134305 Áðóä Ñ., Êîíàïàöêàÿ È. Äóøèñòàÿ àïòåêà. Òàéíû àðîìàòåðàïèè 2006
134304 Campbell C.M. (ed.), Robertson E.F. (ed.), Hurley T.C. (ed.) Groups '93 Galway/St Andrews: Volume 2 1995
134303 Hansch T.W., Leschiutta S. Metrology and Fundamental Constants (Course CLXVI) 2007
134302 Page W.H., Lopatka J.E. The Microsoft Case: Antitrust, High Technology, and Consumer Welfare 2009
134301 Hoar W.S. Fish Physiology: The Physiology of Developing Fish, Part A: Eggs and Larvae 1988
134300 Gabriel K. Microgravity Two-phase Flow and Heat Transfer 2007
134299 Norris J. Methods in Microbiology. Volume 8 1973
134298 Shukla G. (ed.), Varma A. (ed.) Soil Enzymology 2010
134296 Luarila J. Managing Technological Discontinuities: The Case of the Finnish Paper Industry 1998
134295 Ãîëîâàíîâà Î.À. Íåîðãàíè÷åñêàÿ õèìèÿ 2005
134294 Ñèñòåìà REDCLASS VLab 2007
134293 Àêèíöåâà Ë.È. Ìåòîäèêà òðåíèðîâêè ïî áàñêåòáîëó â 4-11 êëàññàõ 2009
134292 Gross M. Ignorance and Surprise: Science, Society, and Ecological Design 2010
134291 Smith A.J. Metaphysical Wit 2006
134290 Zamboni D., Kruegel C. Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: 9th International Symposium, RAID 2006, Hamburg, Germany, September 20-22, 2006, Proceedings 2006
134289 Gyori I. Oscillation Theory of Delay Differential Equations: With Applications 1992
134288 Klapan I. (ed.), Poropatich R. (ed.) Remote Cardiology Consultations Using Advanced Medical Technology 2006
134287 Jeannerod M. Advances in Psychology. Volume 45. Neurophysiological & Neuropsychological Aspects of Spatial Neglect 1987
134286 Chandler Jr.A., Cortada J.W. A Nation Transformed by Information: How Information Has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present 2000
134285 Chudnovsky D., Chudnovsky G. The Riemann Problem. Complete Integrability and Arithmetic Applications 1982
134284 Rosales J.C. Numerical semigroups 2009
134283 Gale J. Astrobiology of Earth: The Emergence, Evolution and Future of Life on a Planet in Turmoil 2009
134282 Matwin S. (ed.), Sammut C. (ed.) Inductive Logic Programming 2003
134281 Hoshino M., Omura Y., Lanzerotti L.J. Frontiers in Magnetospheric Plasma Physics, Volume 16 2005
134280 Harasim L. Global Networks: Computers and International Communication 1993

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