136031 |
Кузьмичева Г.М. |
Кристаллохимические закономерности в Периодической системе элементов Д.И. Менделеева. Основные кристаллические структуры соединений: Учебное пособие |
2002 | •• |
136030 |
Richard Tapper |
Technology, Tradition and Survival: Aspects of Material Culture in the Middle East and Central Asia (History and Society in the Islamic World) |
2002 • | •• |
136029 |
Hady Farag |
Collaborative Value Creation: An Empirical Analysis of the European Biotechnology Industry |
2009 • | •• |
136028 |
Sachdev P.L., Srinivasa Rao Ch. |
Large Time Asymptotics for Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations |
2009 • | •• |
136027 |
Pivec M. |
Affective and Emotional Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction: Game- and Innovative Learning Approaches: Volume 1 Future of Learning |
2006 | •• |
136026 |
Gerald L. Kovacich, Edward Halibozek |
Security Metrics Management: How to Manage the Costs of an Assets Protection Program |
2005 • | •• |
136025 |
Соколовский Ю.И. |
Физика. Элементарный задачник по теории относительности (с решениями) |
1971 | •• |
136024 |
Planning Committee on Achieving Research Synergies for |
Implementing the New Biology: Decadal Challenges Linking Food, Energy, and the Environment: Summary of a Workshop, June 3-4, 2010 |
2010 | •• |
136023 |
Развитие мышления учащихся средствами информационных технологий: программа Intel ''Обучение для будущего'': Учебно-методическое пособие |
2006 | •• |
136022 |
Sherman Stein |
How the other half thinks: adventures in mathematical reasoning |
2001 | •• |
136021 |
Gilles Dowek, Jan Heering, Karl Meinke |
Higher-Order Algebra, Logic, and Term Rewriting: Second International Workshop, HOA '95, Paderborn, Germany, September 1995. Selected Papers |
1996 • | •• |
136020 |
Tapani Ryh?nen, Mikko A. Uusitalo, Olli Ikkala |
Nanotechnologies for Future Mobile Devices |
2010 • | •• |
136019 |
Eric Gossett |
Discrete Math with Proof |
2002 • | •• |
136018 |
Meei-ling Lin, Chung-tien Chin, Horn-da Lin |
Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice: Taipei 2006: National Taiwan University |
2006 | •• |
136017 |
Victor Malyshkin |
Parallel Computing Technologies: 4th International Conference, PaCT-97, Yaroslavl, Russia, September 8-12, 1997. Proceedings |
1997 • | •• |
136016 |
Irena Rachunkova, Svatoslav Stanek, Milan Tvrdy |
Solvability of nonlinear singular problems for ordinary differential equations |
2009 • | •• |
136015 |
Charles Petzold |
Microsoft XNA Framework Edition: Programming Windows Phone 7 |
2010 • | •• |
136014 |
Norman Foo, Randy Goebel |
PRICAI '96: Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 4th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, Australia, August 26 - 30, ... 4th |
1996 • | •• |
136013 |
Hee Yong Youn, Minkoo Kim, Hiroyuki Morikawa |
Ubiquitous Computing Systems: Third International Symposium, UCS 2006, Seoul, Korea, October 11-13, 2006, Proceedings |
2006 • | •• |
136012 |
Dwight L. Woolard, William R. Loerop, Michael Shur |
Terahertz Sensing Technology: Emerging Scientific Applications & Novel Device Concepts (Selected Topics in Electronics and Systems, Vol. 32) |
2004 | •• |
136011 |
Rajat K. Chaudhuri, Mekkaden M.V., Raveendran A. V. |
Recent Advances in Spectroscopy: Theoretical, Astrophysical and Experimental Perspectives (Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings) |
2010 • | •• |
136010 |
Загидуллин Р.Ш. |
Лабораторный практикум по курсам основы электроники, электронные приборы. Программа MathCAD |
1999 | •• |
136009 |
Carolus J. Schrijver, George L. Siscoe |
Heliophysics: Space Storms and Radiation: Causes and Effects, Volume 2 |
2010 • | •• |
136008 |
Kris Jamsa |
HTML & Web Design Tips & Techniques |
2002 • | •• |
136007 |
Глазнев В.Н., Дьяков С.Н., Раевский А.Б. |
Геофизические методы: Учебное пособие по полевой геофизической практике |
2004 | •• |
136006 |
Cheng-Ming Chuong |
Molecular Basis Of Epithelial Appendage Morphogenesis (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit) |
1998 | •• |
136005 |
Wesley Shrum, Joel Genuth, Ivan Chompalov |
Structures of Scientific Collaboration (Inside Technology) |
2007 | •• |
136004 |
Alan Dearle, Susan Eisenbach |
Component Deployment: Third International Working Conference, CD 2005, Grenoble, France, November 28-29, 2005, Proceedings |
2005 • | •• |
136003 |
Maria D. Di Benedetto, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli |
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: 4th International Workshop, HSCC 2001 Rome, Italy, March 28-30, 2001 Proceedings |
2001 • | •• |
136002 |
Дзюба О.С., Захаров В.А., Шурыгин Б.Н. |
Меловая система России и ближнего зарубежья: проблемы стратиграфии и палеогеографии: Материалы Четвертого Всероссийского совещания |
2008 | •• |
136001 |
Mike Leibling |
The A-Z of Learning: Tips and Techniques for Teachers |
2005 • | •• |
136000 |
Gary Mavko, Tapan Mukerji, Jack Dvorkin |
The Rock Physics Handbook: Tools for Seismic Analysis of Porous Media |
2009 • | •• |
135999 |
Rebecca Wingard-Nelson, Tom LaBaff |
Division Made Easy |
2005 | •• |
135998 |
Cynthia Kosso, Anne Scott |
The Nature and Function of Water, Baths, Bathing and Hygiene from Antiquity through the Renaissance (Technology and Change in History) |
2009 | •• |
135997 |
Волонцевич Г. А. |
Бытовую радиоэлектронику ремонтируем сами |
1991 | •• |
135996 |
Fred Van Dyke |
Conservation Biology: Foundations, Concepts, Applications |
2008 • | •• |
135995 |
Dowek G. |
Proofs and algorithms: An introduction to logic and computability |
2011 | •• |
135994 |
Wego Wang |
Reverse Engineering: Technology of Reinvention |
2010 • | •• |
135993 |
Проблемы передачи информации. Том 27. Вып. 4 |
1991 | •• |
135992 |
Петровский И.Г. |
Труды математического института им. В.А. Стеклова (LIX). Математические вопросы гидродинамики и магнитной гидродинамики для вязкой несжимаемой жидкости |
1960 | •• |
135991 |
Литвинов П.П. |
Англо-русский и русско-английский синонимический словарь с тематической классификацией |
2002 | •• |
135990 |
Mallison H. |
Developing Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Engineering Modeling Methods for Vertebrate Paleontology |
2007 | •• |
135989 |
Desouza K.C. |
Agile Information Systems: Conceptualization, Construction, and Management |
2006 | •• |
135988 |
Добротин Д.Ю., Каверина А.А. |
Об использовании результатов государственной (итоговой) аттестации выпускников основной школы в новой форме в 2008 году в преподавании химии в общеобразовательных учреждениях |
2009 | •• |
135987 |
Сидоркина Н.Г. |
Человек и окружающая природная среда: программно-методический комплекс для студентов колледжей |
2003 | •• |
135986 |
Радько Н.М., Скобелев И.О. |
Риск-модели информационно-телекоммуникационных систем при реализации угроз удаленного и непосредственного доступа |
2010 | •• |
135985 |
Davidson J. |
60 Second Organizer: Sixty Solid Techniques for Beating Chaos at Work |
2008 • | •• |
135984 |
De Vega H.J., Sanchez N. |
Field Theory, Quantum Gravity, and Strings |
1986 | •• |
135983 |
Bethe H., Brown G.E., Lee C.H. |
Formation and Evolution of Black Holes in the Galaxy: Selected Papers With Commentary |
2003 | •• |
135982 |
van der Putte S.C.J. |
The Development of the Perineum in the Human: A Comprehensive Histological Study with a Special Reference to the Role of the Stromal Components |
2004 | •• |