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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
122753 Ladd A.J.C., Alley W.E., Alder B.J. Structural Relaxation in Dense Hard-Sphere Fluids 1987
122801 Lee T.D. Difference Equations and Conservation Laws 1987
122848 Budimir J. On the Relationship Between T_1 and T_2 for Stochastic Relaxation Models 1987
122869 Maresehai M., Kestemont E. Order and Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Two-Dimensional Fluids 1987
122922 Heath D. L., Percus J. K. How Thick Is a Liquid-Vapor Interface? 1987
122931 Bonilla L. L., Casado J. M., Morillo M. Corrigendum to Self-Synchronization of Populations of Nonlinear Oscillators in the Thermodynamic Limit 1987
122954 Kuniba A., Yajima T. Local State Probabilities for Solvable Restricted Solid-on-Solid Models: A_n, D_n, D^(1)_n, and A^(1)_n 1987
122967 De Masi A., Ferrari P.A., Lebowitz J.L. Errata: Reaction-Diffusion Equations for Interacting Particle Systems 1987
122973 Pacault A., Ouyang Q., De Kepper P. Bistable and Oscillating Chemical Reactions 1987
122981 Constantinescu F., Felder G., Gawedzki K. Analyticity of Density of States in a Gauge-Invariant Model for Disordered Electronic Systems 1987
123022 Erik Aurell Errata: On the Metric Properties of the Feigenbaum Attractor 1987
123053 Charles M. Newman Another Critical Exponent Inequality for Percolation: beta> 2/delta 1987
123083 Forgacs G., Luck J. M. Exact Critical Behavior of Two-Dimensional Wetting Problems with Quenched Disorder 1987
123103 University of California, Berkeley, California 13th West Coast Statistical Mechanics Conference 1987
123107 Gerhard C. Hegerfeidt, Henrik Schulze Quantum Shot Noise: Expansions in Powers Pulse Density 1987
123130 Gates D. J. Growth and Decrescence of Two-Dimensional Crystals: A Markov Rate Process 1987
123140 Janis V. Diagrammatic Expansion and Metastability in the Random-Field Ising Model 1987
123149 Borgs C., Nill F. The Phase Diagram of the Abelian Lattice Higgs Model. A Review of Rigorous Results 1987
123205 Bilaibegovic G., Svrakie N.M. Interfacial Free Energy of the Two-Dimensional lsing Model from the Renormalization Group 1987
123218 Owczarek A.L., Baxter R.J. A Class of Interaction-Round-a-Face Models and Its Equivalence with an Ice-Type Model 1987
123241 Australian National University, Canberra Program of Australian Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1987
119692 Schramm P., Grabert H. Low-Temperature and Long-Time Anomalies of a Damped Quantum Particle 1987
119740 Titles of Additional Talks Given at the Trebon Symposium 1987
119782 Fox R.F. Stochastic Calculus in Physics 1987
119808 Lin K.Y. Spontaneous Magnetization of the Ising Model on a 4-8 Lattice 1987
119823 Briemont J., Lebowitz J.L., Maes C. Percolation in Strongly Correlated Systems: The Massless Gaussian Field 1987
119826 Glaffig C., Waymire E. Infinite Divisibility of a Bethe Lattice Ising Model 1987
119829 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1987
119854 Francfort G.A., Milton G.W. Optimal Bounds for Conduction in Two-Dimensional, Multiphase, Polycrystalline Media 1987
119860 Alastuey A. Mean-Field Kinetic Theory of a Classical Electron Gas in a Periodic Potential. I. Formal Solution of the Vlasov Equation 1987
119869 Harris J.G., Gryko J., Rice S.A. Self-Consistent Monte Carlo Simulations of the Electron and Ion Distributions of Inhomogeneous Liquid Alkali Metals. II. Longitudinal and Transverse Density Distributions in the Liquid-Vapor Interface of Binary Metallic Alloys 1987
119903 Sinai Ya.G. Anderson Localization for One-Dimensional Difference Schrodinger Operator with Quasiperiodic Potential 1987
119973 Áåêëåìèøåâ Ä.Â. Êóðñ àíàëèòè÷åñêîé ãåîìåòðèè è ëèíåéíîé àëãåáðû 1987
120013 Ðîìàíîâ À.Í., Æàáååâ Â.Ï. Èìèòàòîðû è òðåíàæåðû â ñèñòåìàõ îòëàäêè ÀÑÓ ÒÏ 1987
120028 Jerrum M. Two-Dimensional Monomer-Dimer Systems are Computationally Intractable 1987
120029 Lu B. The Evolution of the Cluster Size Distribution in a Coagulation System 1987
120074 Preface 1987
120114 Gardiner C.W. Diffusive Traversal Time of a One-Dimensional Medium 1987
120144 Bricmont J., Lebowitz J.L. Wetting in Potts and Blume-Capel Models 1987
120163 Feigenbaum M.J. Scaling Spectra and Return Times of Dynamical Systems 1987
120170 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1987
120182 Moran B., Hoover W.G., Bestiale S. Diffusion in a Periodic Lorentz Gas 1987
120199 Book Review: Quantum Theory of Collective Phenomena 1987
120210 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1987
120215 Holloway J.P., Dorning J.J. The Dynamics of Coupled Nonlinear Model Boltzmann Equations 1987
120229 van Hemmen J.L., Grensing D., Huber A. Nonlinear Neural Networks. II. Information Processing 1987
120249 Mandel P., Erneux T. The Slow Passage through a Steady Bifurcation: Delay and Memory Effects 1987
120265 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1987
120469 Ìîðà÷åâñêèé À.Ã. Òåðìîäèíàìèêà ðàñïëàâëåííûõ ìåòàëëè÷åñêèõ è ñîëåâûõ ñèñòåì 1987
120474 Áîãäàíîâ Ñ.Í., Áóðåíêîâ Ì.Ì., Èâàíîâ È.Å. Àâòîìîáèëüíûå äâèãàòåëè 1987

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