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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
8707 Wheeden R.L., Zygmund A. Measure and integral. An introduction to real analysis 1977
152886 Wheeden R., Zygmund A. Measure and integral. An introduction to real analysis 1977
162436 Kelley J.L., Srinivasan T.P. Measure and Integral: Volume 1 (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) 1987
161594 Bauer H., Burckel R. Measure and integration theory 2002
180609 Bauer H. Measure and Integration Theory (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics) 2001
133982 Dao-xing X. Measure and Integration Theory on Infinite Dimensional Spaces 1972
156148 Dao-xing X. Measure and integration theory on infinite-dimensional spaces.Volume 48. 1972
198283 Richardson L.F. Measure and integration: A concise introduction to real analysis 2009
171572 Konig H. Measure and Integration: An Advanced Course in Basic Procedures and Applications 1997
124767 Lendi K. Measure of Irreversibility and Entropy Production in Open Quantum Systems 1987
147557 Meskhi A. Measure of Non-Compactness For Integral Operators in Weighted Lebesgue Spaces 2009
199096 Clark J.D. Measure solar systems objects and their movements for yourself! 2009
34834 Halmos P.R. Measure Theory 1974
35309 Bellow A. (Ed) Measure Theory 1976
180163 Halmos P. Measure Theory 1974
150027 Doob J. Measure Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) 1994
178777 Doob J. Measure Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) 1994
197965 Fremlin D.H. Measure theory (vol.4) 2003
155561 Aggoun L., Elliott R.J. Measure Theory and Filtering: Introduction and Applications (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics) 2004
55618 Aggoun L., Elliott R.J. Measure Theory and Filtering: Introduction with Applications 2004
129402 Evans L., Gariepy R. Measure theory and fine properties of functions 1992
135038 De Barra G Measure theory and integration 2000
35308 Belley J. (Ed) Measure Theory and Its Applications 1983
56182 Athreya K.B., Lahiri S.N. Measure Theory and Probability Theory 2006
36286 Kallianpur G., Kozlow D. (eds.) Measure Theory Applications to Stochastic Analysis 1978
176081 Kallianpur G., Kolzow D. Measure Theory Applications to Stochastic Analysis 1978
36335 Kozlow D. (ed.) Measure Theory Oberwolfach 1979 1980
36336 Kozlow D., Maharam-Stone D. (eds.) Measure Theory Oberwolfach 1981 1982
36337 Kozlow D., Maharam-Stone D. (eds.) Measure Theory Oberwolfach 1983 1984
34316 Bogachev V.I. Measure Theory Vol.1 2007
34317 Bogachev V.I. Measure Theory Vol.2 2007
180050 Kolzow D., Maharam-Stone D. Measure Theory, Oberwolfach 1981 1982
165564 Kolzow D., Maharam-Stone D. Measure Theory, Oberwolfach 1983 1984
199115 Fremlin D.H. Measure theory. Volume 3 - Measure Algebras 2002
198695 Fremlin D.H. Measure Theory: The Irreducible Minimum. Volume 1 2000
123382 Liu Q.-H., Tan B., Wen Z.-X. Measure Zero Spectrum of a Class of Schrödinger Operators 2002
12917 Capinski M., Kopp E. Measure, Integral and Probability 1998
109010 Capinski M., Kopp E. Measure, Integral and Probability 2003
148887 Capinski M., Kopp E. Measure, integral and probability 2007
157665 Capinski M., Kopp E. Measure, Integral and Probability 2003
109446 Capinski M., Kopp P.E. Measure, Integral And Probability Capinski 2004
146608 Kolmogorov A., Fomin S. Measure, Lebesgue Integral And Hilbert Space 1960
188852 Kolmogorov A.N., Fomin S.V. Measure, Lebesgue integral and Hilbert space 1960
11929 Kolmogorov A.N., Fomin S.V. Measure, Lebesgue Integrals, and Hilbert Space 1961
127727 Edgar G. Measure, topology and fractal geometry 2007
32850 Edgar G.A. Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry 2007
141545 Edgar G. Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry 2008
164449 Edgar G. Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry 2008
170477 Edgar G. Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry 2008
148900 Edgar G. Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) 2007

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