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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
115057 Îáìîðøåâ Ââåäåíèå â òåîðèþ êîëåáàíèé 1985
115140 Àòàáåêîâ Ã.È. Îñíîâû òåîðèè öåïåé 1985
115392 Àëäîøèíà È.À., Âîéøâèëëî À.Ã. Âûñîêîêà÷åñòâåííûå àêóñòè÷åñêèå ñèñòåìû è èçëó÷àòåëè 1985
115421 Ðèçíè÷åíêî Þ.Â. Ñåéñìîðàçâåäêà ñëîèñòèõ ñðåä 1985
115498 Óðóïîâ À.Ê. Ìèãðàöèîííûå ïðåîáðàçîâàíèÿ äàííûõ â íåôòåãàçîâîé ñåèñìîðàçâåäêå 1985
115530 Êëèìêîâ Þ.Ì. Ïðèêëàäíàÿ ëàçåðíàÿ îïòèêà 1985
121495 Weiss N.O. Chaotic Behavior in Stellar Dynamos 1985
121527 Schonmann R. Metastability for the Contact Process 1985
121555 Hron M., Razavy M. Solvable Models of the Fokker-Planek Equation: An Approach Based on the Gel'fand-Levitan Method 1985
121659 deVegvar P.G.N. Nonlinear Propagation of Ultrasound in Superfluid 3^He 1985
121686 Marro J., Lebowitz J.L., Spohn H. Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in Stochastic Lattice Gases: Simulation of a Three-Dimensional System 1985
121739 Katz T.M. Spherical Models with a Gates-Penrose-Type Phase Transition 1985
121771 Kaganov M.I., Fiks V.B. Einstein Relation for Quantum Systems 1985
121784 Erratum 1985
121789 Saleur H., Derrida B. Transfer Matrix Calculation of the Exponent y for Two-Dimensional Self-Avoiding Walks 1985
121856 Slusher R. E., Surko C. M. Light Scattering Studies of the Ion Acoustic Instability in a Positive Column Plasma 1985
121862 Book Review: Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields 1985
121866 Hansen J.P., Viot P. Two-Body Correlations and Pair Formation in the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 1985
121868 Khokhlov A.R., Semenov A.N. On the Theory of Liquid-Crystalline Ordering of Polymer Chains with Limited Flexibility 1985
121912 Lebowitz J.L., Phani M.K., Styer D.F. Phase Diagram of Cu-Au-Type Alloys 1985
121975 Maria Serra Scattering of Radiation by a Quasiperiodic Two-Dimensional Medium 1985
122043 Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University Program of the 51st Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1985
122049 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1985
122121 Hsu W.-C., Pines D. Effective Interactions in Dilute Mixtures of 3^He in 4^He 1985
122124 Erratum 1985
122130 Lei L., Changqing S., Gang X. Generation and Detection of Propagating Solitons in Shearing Liquid Crystals 1985
122139 Pfeifer P. ERRATUM: Scaling Behavior of Surface Irregularity in the Molecular Domain: From Adsorption Studies to Fractal Catalysts 1985
122150 De Gregorio S. Narrow Bounds for Numerical Integration of Differential Equations 1985
122190 Barnsley M. F., Morley T.D., Vrscay E. R. Iterated Networks and the Spectra of Renormalizable Electromechanical Systems 1985
122232 Brazovsky S., Dzyaloshinsky I. Exactly Solvable XY Model of the Spin Peierls Transition 1985
122233 Schlesinger M. (ed.), West B. (ed.) Book Review: Random Walks and Their Applications in the Physical and Biological Sciences 1985
122287 Mathematics Department, University of Melbourne Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1985
122335 Meunier C. Nonlinear Coupling of Waves in a Plasma in a Strong Dissipation Limit 1985
122405 Kusmartsev F.V., Rashba E.I. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of Optimum Fluctuations in Semiconductors 1985
122434 Bitensky M.W., George J.S., Whalen M. Molecular Mechanisms of Visual Excitation: A Concatenation of Nonlinear Cellular Processes 1985
122435 Bonomi E. Molecular Dynamical Simulation of the Canonical Ensemble 1985
122438 Goldstein S., Kipnis C. Stationary States for a Mechanical System with Stochastic Boundary Conditions 1985
122459 De Gregorio S. The Study of Periodic Orbits of Dynamical Systems. The Use of a Computer 1985
122467 Tasaki H. Gaussian Bounds for Correlations in Lattice Spin Systems 1985
122495 Mikhailov A.S. Quantum Field Methods in the Theory of Diffusion-Controlled Reactions 1985
122511 DuBois D.F., Pesme D. Stability of Ion Acoustic Turbulent States 1985
122516 Schrader R. On the Euler Characteristics of Random Surfaces 1985
122548 Presutti E., Scacciatelli E. Time Evolution of a One-Dimensional Point System: A Note on Fritz's Paper 1985
122554 Nauenberg M. Random Walk in a Random Medium in One Dimension 1985
122567 Pesehanskii V.G. On Galvanomagnetic Size Effects in Metals 1985
122577 Masi A., Ferrari P. Self-Diffusion in One-Dimensional Lattice Gases in the Presence of an External Field 1985
122601 Kiauder J., Petersen W. Spectrum of Certain Non-Self-Adjoint Operators and Solutions of Langevin Equations with Complex Drift 1985
122604 Ma S.-M. Statistical Mechanics 1985
122644 Program of the 52nd Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1985
122647 Jauslin H.R. A Classification of Fokker-Planck Models and the Small and Large Noise Asymptotics 1985

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