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Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods: 13th IFIP WG 10.5Advanced Research, Working Conference, CHARME 2005, Saarbr?cken, Germany, October |
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Средства менеджмента библиографической информации |
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Explanation and Proof in Mathematics: Philosophical and Educational Perspectives |
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150612 |
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Органическая химия (краткий курс для студентов сельскохозяйственного факультета) |
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Mathematics and the Search for Knowledge |
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Optical Resonance and Two-level Atoms (Interscience monographs & texts in physics & astronomy) |
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Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity |
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Вакуумная технология и оборудование для нанесения и травления тонких пленок |
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Photonics & Nanotechnology: Proceedings of the International Workshop and Conference on Icpn 2007 Pattaya, Thailand, 16-18 December 2007 |
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Introduction to holomorphy |
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Monoclonal Antibodies Methods And Protocols |
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Games and Information: An Introduction to Game Theory |
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150583 |
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Печатные платы. Конструкции и материалы |
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150582 |
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Microarray Technology Through Applications |
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150581 |
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150580 |
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Mediating Science Learning through Information and Communications Technology |
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The Humongous Book of Statistics Problems: Translated for People Who Don't Speak Math (Humongous Book Of...) |
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150577 |
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Задачи по математическим методам физики, подробные решения |
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150576 |
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The Ricci Flow: An Introduction (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs) |
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150575 |
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Selected Works of A.N. Kolmogorov: Volume I: Mathematics and Mechanics (Mathematics and its Applications) |
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