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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
119741 Collet P., Dunlop F., Gobron T. Conservative Langevin Dynamics of Solid-on-Solid Interfaces 1995
119740 Titles of Additional Talks Given at the Trebon Symposium 1987
119739 Rivasseau V. Book Review: From Perturbative to Constructive Renormalization 1992
119738 Kennedy T. Ballistic Behavior in a 1D Weakly Self-Avoiding Walk with Decaying Energy Penalty 1994
119737 Stadje W. Asymptotic Normality in a Two-Dimensional Random Walk Model for Cell Motility 1988
119736 Percus J.K. Shielded Distribution Approximation for a Wall-Bounded Classical Fluid 1980
119735 Blanchard Ph., Krüger T. The ‘‘Cameo Principle’’ and the Origin of Scale-Free Graphs in Social Networks 2004
119734 Toom A. On Large Isolated Regions in Supercritical Percolation 2002
119733 Mertens S. Lattice Animals: A Fast Enumeration Algorithm and New Perimeter Polynomials 1990
119732 Yip S., Allef W.E., Alder B.J. Evaluation of Time Correlation Functions From a Generalized Enskog Equation 1982
119731 Nakamura K.-I., Matano H., Hilhorst D. Singular Limit of a Reaction-Diffusion Equation with a Spatially Inhomogeneous Reaction Term* 1999
119730 Martinelli F., Olivieri E. Instability of Renormalization-Group Pathologies Under Decimation 1995
119729 Huber D.L. Trapping of Excitation in the Average T-Matrix Approximation 1983
119728 van Zon R., van Beijeren H. Front Propagation Techniques to Calculate the Largest Lyapunov Exponent of Dilute Hard Disk Gases 2002
119727 Bhanot G., Duke D., Salvador R. A Fast Algorithm for the Cyber 205 to Simulate the 3D Ising Model 1986
119726 Nasilowski R. A Cellular-Automaton Fluid Model with Simple Rules in Arbitrarily Many Dimensions 1991
119725 Theumann W.K., Fontanari J.F. Tile Spherical-Model Limit in a Random Field 1986
119724 Lauwers J., Verbeure A. Fluctuations in the Bose Gas with Attractive Boundary Conditions 2002
119723 Widom B. Scaling of the Surface Tension of Phase-Separated Polymer Solutions 1988
119722 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1991
119721 Patrascioiu A., Seiler E. Erratum: Phase Structure of Two-Dimensional Spin Models and Percolation 1993
119720 Nagle J.F. Proof of Gridloek in a Polymer Model 1985
119719 Lindblad G., Reidel D. Book Review: Non-Equilibrium Entropy and Irreversibility 1985
119718 Carlen E.A., Lu X. Fast and Slow Convergence to Equilibrium for Maxwellian Molecules via Wild Sums 2003
119717 Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University Program of the 85th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 2001
119716 Roerdink J.B.T.M., Shuler K.E., Lawler G.F. Diffusion in Lattices with Anisotropic Scatterers 1990
119715 Sheu J.S., Maa J.R., Katz J.L. Adsorption and Nucleation on Smooth Surfaces 1988
119714 Gottlieb A.D. Examples of Bosonic de Finetti States over Finite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces 2005
119713 Zielen F., Schadschneider A. Exact Mean-Field Solutions of the Asymmetric Random Average Process 2002
119712 Mecke K.R. Exact Moments of Curvature Measures in the Boolean Model 2001
119711 Program of the 49th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1983
119710 van den Berg M., Dorlas T.C., Priezzhev V.B. The Boson Gas on a Cayley Tree 1992
119709 Bavaud F. Statistical Mechanics of Convex Bodies 1989
119708 Arndt P.F., Rittenberg V. Spontaneous Breaking of Translational Invariance and Spatial Condensation in Stationary States on a Ring. II. The Charged System and the Two-Component Burgers Equations 2002
119707 Redner S., Leyvraz F. Spatial Organization in Two-Species Annihilation 1991
119706 Klafter J., Jortner J., Blumen A. Book Review: Dynamical Processes in Condensed Molecular Systems 1990
119705 Landau D.P., Binder K. Book Review: A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics 2001
119704 Madras N. A Rigorous Bound on the Critical Exponent for the Number of Lattice Trees, Animals, and Polygons 1995
119703 Chernov N. Decay of Correlations and Dispersing Billiards 1999
119702 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1988
119701 Benzi R., Biferale L., Sbragaglia M. A Gibbs-Like Measure for Single-Time, Multi-Scale Energy Transfer in Stochastic Signals and Shell Model of Turbulence 2004
119700 Weiss G.H., Havlin S. Some Properties of a Fractal-Time Continuous-Time Random Walk in the Presence of Traps 1991
119699 Arora D., Bhatia D.P., Prasad M.A. Survival Probability in One Dimension for the A+B->B Reaction with Hard-Core Repulsion 1996
119698 Samaj L., Percus J.K. A Functional Relation Among the Pair Correlations of the Two-Dimensional One-Component Plasma 1995
119697 Íèêîëàåíêî Ì.Í. Íàñòîëüíàÿ êíèãà ðàäèîëþáèòåëÿ êîíñòðóêòîðà 2004
119696 Ðàäçåâè÷ Ñ.Ï. Ôîðìîîáðàçîâàíèå ïîâåðõíîñòåé äåòàëåé. Îñíîâû òåîðèè 2001
119695 Ìåëü÷àêîâ À.Ï., Íèêîëüñêèé È.Ñ. Ñáîðíèê çàäà÷ ïî ñòðîèòåëüíîé ìåõàíèêå 2004
119694 Áàðçèëîâè÷ Å.Þ., Êàøòàíîâ Â.À. Îðãàíèçàöèÿ îáñëóæèâàíèÿ ïðè îãðàíè÷åííîé èíôîðìàöèè î íàäåæíîñòè ñèñòåìû 1975
119693 Maudlin T. Book Review: Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity 1996
119692 Schramm P., Grabert H. Low-Temperature and Long-Time Anomalies of a Damped Quantum Particle 1987

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