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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121215 Abrahams E. Interplay of Localization and Superconducting Fluctuations above the Critical Point 1985
121214 Jacek Miekisz The Global Minimum of Energy Is Not Always a Sum of Local Minima--A Note on Frustration 1991
121213 Butta P., Picco P. Large-Deviation Principle for One-Dimensional Vector Spin Models with Kac Potentials 1998
121212 Jared C. Bronski, Richard M. McLaughlin Rigorous Estimates of the Tails of the Probability Distribution Function for the Random Linear Shear Model 1999
121211 Leonardo Mondaini, E. C. Marino Sine-Gordon/Coulomb Gas Soliton Correlation Functions and an Exact Evaluation of the Kosterlitz–Thouless Critical Exponent 2003
121210 Lee F.T., Huang M.C. lsing Model in an External Field on a Hierarchical Lattice 1994
121209 Aarao Reis F. D. A. Adsorption of Ideal Polymers on an Infinitely Ramified Fractal 1997
121208 Wheeler A. A. Cahn-Hoffman xsi-Vector and Its Relation to Diffuse Interface Models of Phase Transitions 1998
121207 Marchioro C., Pellegrinotti A., Pulvirenti M. Erratum: Velocity of a Perturbation in Infinite Lattice Systems 1980
121206 Fraikin A., Lemarehand H. Stochastic Analysis of a Hopf Bifurcation: Master Equation Approach 1985
121205 J. Carr Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to the Coagulation-Fragmentation Equations. II. Weak Fragmentation 1993
121204 Vinokurov L. I., Kats A. V. The Relation between the Velocity and Mass Distributions. The Role of Collisionless Relaxation Processes 1984
121203 Caracciolo S., Pelissetto A., Sokal A.D. Dynamic Critical Exponent of the BFACF Algorithm for Self-Avoiding Walks 1991
121202 Dobrovolny C., Laanait L. Surface Transitions of the Semi-Infinite Potts Model I: The High Bulk Temperature Regime 2003
121201 Extensions of Lieb’s Concavity Theorem 2006
121200 Choi H.S., Talbot J. Coverage and Structure of Films of Spherical Particles Deposited after Diffusing in a Gravitational Field 1998
121199 Joil de Coninck, Francois Dunlop Partial to Complete Wetting: A Microscopic Derivation of the Young Relation 1987
121198 Boyarsky A. Singular Perturbations of Piecewise Monotonic Maps of the Interval 1987
121197 F. Martinelli, E. Scoppola Random Composition of Two Rational Maps: Singularity of the Invariant Measure 1987
121196 Christof Külske On the Gibbsian Nature of the Random Field Kac Model under Block-Averaging 2000
121195 Bassler K.E., Zia R.K.P. Phase Transitions in a Driven Lattice Gas at Two Temperatures 1995
121194 Collina R., Livi R. Large Deviation Approach to the Randomly Forced Navier–Stokes Equation 2003
121193 Weidenmiiiler H. A., Zhang Jing-Shang Stationary Diffusion over a Multidimensional Potential Barrier: A Generalization of Kramers' Formula 1983
121192 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2000
121191 Cook J., Derrida B. Finite-Size Effects in Random Energy Models and in the Problem of Polymers in a Random Medium 1990
121190 Jan N., Steinitz M.O. Comparison of Different Boundary Conditions for Monte Carlo Simulations of Ising Models 1983
121189 Fichtner K.-H., Freudenberg W. Point Processes and the Position Distribution of Infinite Boson Systems 1986
121188 Luck J. M., Nieuwenhuizen Th. M. Lifshitz Tails and Long-Time Decay in Random Systems with Arbitrary Disorder 1987
121187 Elskens Y. Ergodic Theory of the Mixmaster Universe in Higher Space-Time Dimensions. II 1987
121186 Preface: Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science 2005
121185 Paul H. E. Meijer Influence of the Chain Length of Long Molecules on the Equation of State in Binary Gas-Liquid Mixtures 1998
121184 Albeverio S., Gottschalk H., Yoshida M.W. Representing Euclidean Quantum Fields as Scaling Limit of Particle Systems 2002
121183 Benisti D., Escande D. F. Finite Range of Large Perturbations in Hamiltonian Dynamics 1998
121182 Blanchard Ph., Gandolfo D. Cellular Automata Approach to Site Percolation on Z^2. A Numerical Study 1993
121181 Kashaev R. M. The Non-Compact Quantum Dilogarithm and the Baxter Equations 2000
121180 Ladd A.J.C., Verberg R. Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of Particle-Fluid Suspensions 2001
121179 Book Review: Quantum Finance, Path Integrals and Hamiltonians for Options and Interest Rates 2005
121178 Chayes J. T., Chayes L. Exponential Decay of Connectivities in the Two-Dimensional Ising Model 1987
121177 Nechaev S., Oshanin G., Blumen A. Anchoring of Polymers by Traps Randomly Placed on a Line 2000
121176 Andras Baranyai,, Denis J. Evans, Cohen E. G. D. Field-Dependent Conductivity and Diffusion in a Two-Dimensional Lorentz Gas 1992
121175 Lee B.P., Cardy J. Renormalization Group Study of the A + B -> 0 Diffusion-Limited Reaction 1995
121174 Shu C., Niu X. D., Chew Y. T. A Lattice Boltzmann Kinetic Model for Microflow and Heat Transfer 2004
121173 Zverev V. V., Rubinstein B. Ya. Chaotic Oscillations and Noise Transformations in a Simple Dissipative System with Delayed Feedback 1990
121172 Lipscombe T., Frenkel A.L., ter Haar D. Stability of Isotropic Incompressible Turbulence Against Weak Mean Flow Perturbations 1988
121171 Joel L. Lebowitz, Christian Maes The Effect of an External Field on an Interface, Entropic Repulsion 1986
121170 Elliott W. Montroll, Michael F. Shlesinger Maximum Entropy Formalism, Fractals, Scaling Phenomena, and 1/f Noise: A Tale of Tails 1983
121169 Molchan G. Mandelbrot Cascade Measures Independent of Branching Parameter 2002
121168 Andreas Lochmann, Manfred Requard An Analysis of the Transition Zone Between the Various Scaling Regimes in the Small-World Model 2004
121167 Handrich K., Ludwig F.-P. Friction Coefficients and Directed Motion of Asymmetric Test Particles 1997
121166 Fannes M., Kossakowski A., Verbeure A. Critical Fluctuations for Quantum Mean-Field Models 1991

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