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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
121516 Tang T.-H. Steady-State Scaling Function of the (1 + 1)-Dimensional Single-Step Model 1992
121515 Schmidt K.E., Lee M. Implementing the Fast Multipole Method in Three Dimensions 1991
121514 Knobloch E., Wiesenfeld K.A. Bifurcations in Fluctuating Systems: The Center-Manifold Approach 1983
121513 Mayer D., Roepstorff G. On the Relaxation Time of Gauss' Continued-Fraction Map. II. The Banach Space Approach (Transfer Operator Method) 1988
121512 Raimbault J.-L., Caillol J.-M. Sine-Gordon Theory for the Equation of State of Classical Hard-Core Coulomb Systems. II. High-Temperature Expansion 2001
121511 van Beijeren H., Dorfman J.R. A Note on the Ruelle Pressure for a Dilute Disordered Sinai Billiard 2002
121510 Berezhkovskii A.M. Volume of the Domain Visited by N Spherical Brownian Particles 1994
121509 Platkowski T. On a Global Existence Theorem for the Enskog Equation 1986
121508 Bricmont J., Kupiainen A., Lefevere R. Probabilistic Estimates for the Two-Dimensional Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations 2000
121507 Griffiths R.B., Gujrati P.D. Convexity Violations for Noninteger Parameters in Certain Lattice Models 1983
121506 Mayer-Kress G., Haken H. The Influence of Noise on the Logistic Model 1981
121505 Christensen K., Fogedby H.C., Jensen H.J. Dynamical and Spatial Aspects of Sandpile Cellular Automata 1991
121504 Berglund N., Gentz B. On the Noise-Induced Passage through an Unstable Periodic Orbit I: Two-Level Model 2004
121503 Figotin A., Klein A. Localization of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves in Random Media. Lattice Models 1994
121502 Frohlich J., Studer U.M., Thiran E. A Classification of Quantum Hall Fluids 1997
121501 Murmann M.G. The Hydrodynamic Limit of a One-Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Gradient System 1987
121500 Qi D., Luo L., Aravamuthan R. Lateral Migration and Orientation of Elliptical Particles in Poiseuille Flows 2002
121499 Luck J.M., Orland H., Smilansky U. On the Response of a Two-Level Quantum System to a Class of Time-Dependent Quasiperiodie Perturbations 1988
121498 Helsing J. A High-Order Accurate Algorithm for Electrostatics of Overlapping Disks 1998
121497 Berera A., Wille L.T., de Fontaine D. Oxygen-Vacancy Ordering in the YBa_2Cu_3O_z Basal Plane Studied by the Cluster Variation Method 1988
121496 Korshunov S.E. Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional Uniformly Frustrated XY Models. II. General Scheme 1986
121495 Weiss N.O. Chaotic Behavior in Stellar Dynamos 1985
121494 Omnes R. Logical Reformulation of Quantum Mechanics. IV. Projectors in Semiclassical Physics 1989
121493 Morita Y., Kohmoto M., Koma T. Quasi-Bound States of Two Magnons in the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain 1997
121492 Alves J.F., Oliveira K., Tahzibi A. On the Continuity of the SRB Entropy for Endomorphisms 2006
121491 Luo L.-S. Analytic Solutions of Linearized Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Simple Flows 1997
121490 Machta J., Ernst M.H. Long Time Tails in Stationary Random Media II: Applications 1984
121489 Duplantier B. Critical Exponents of Manhattan Hamiltonian Walks in Two Dimensions, from Potts and O(n) Models 1987
121488 Fannes M., Vanheuverzwijn P., Verbeure A. Energy-Entropy Inequalities for Classical Lattice Systems 1982
121487 Kastner M., Schnetz O. On the Mean-Field Spherical Model 2006
121486 Roepstorff G. Solvable Models of Classical Lattice Gases 1981
121485 Kerimov A. Absence of Phase Transitions in One-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Models with Long-Range Interactions 1993
121484 Michel J., Robert R. Statistical Equilibrium States and Long-Time Dynamics for a Transport Equation 1996
121483 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2000
121482 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1993
121481 Leggett A.J. On the Superfluid Fraction of an Arbitrary Many-Body System at T= 0 1998
121480 Lu X. Conservation of Energy, Entropy Identity, and Local Stability for the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation 1999
121479 Batchelor M.T. The O(n) Loop Model on the 3-12 Lattice 1998
121478 Kim M., Hsu C.S. Computation of the Largest Lyapunov Exponent by the Generalized Cell Mapping 1986
121477 Author Index for Journal of Statistical Physics (1998) 1998
121476 Reichl L.E. Microscopic Modes in a Fermi Superfluid. II. Dispersion Relations 1980
121475 Nadiga B.T. An Euler Solver Based on Locally Adaptive Discrete Velocities 1995
121474 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1986
121473 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2003
121472 Wagner C. Lyapunov Instability for a Hard-Disk Fluid in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Thermostated by Deterministic Scattering 2000
121471 Grassberger P. Are Damage Spreading Transitions Generically in the Universality Class of Directed Percolation? 1995
121470 lto H.M., Mikami T. Poissonian Asymptotics of a Randomly Perturbed Dynamical System: Flip-Flop of the Stochastic Disk Dynamo 1996
121469 Zahran M.A. 1/2-Order Fractional Fokker–Planck Equation on Comblike Model 2000
121468 Adler M., Forrester P.J., Nagao T. Classical Skew Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices 2000
121467 Biskup M. Reflection Positivity of the Random-Cluster Measure Invalidated for Noninteger q 1998

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