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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123366 Owczarek A.L., Preilberg T., Brak R. The Tricritical Behavior of Self-Interacting Partially Directed Walks 1993
123365 Levesque D., Weis J.J. Surface Properties of the Three-Dimensional One-Component Plasma 1983
123364 Brender C., Ben-Avraham D., Havlin S. Study of Monte Carlo Methods for Generating Self-Avoiding Walks 1983
123363 Liverani C., Turchetti G. Improved KAM Estimates for the Siegel Radius 1986
123362 Abraham D.B., Smith E.R. An Exactly Solved Model with a Wetting Transition 1986
123361 Boukraa S., Maillard J.-M., Rollet G. Discrete Symmetry Groups of Vertex Models in Statistical Mechanics 1995
123360 van Dongen P.G.J., Ernst M.H. Fluctuations in Coagulating Systems 1987
123359 Alberti P.M., Crell B. Nonlinear Evolution Equations and H Theorems 1984
123358 Deutsch H.-P. Optimized Analysis of the Critical Behavior in Polymer Mixtures from Monte Carlo Simulations 1992
123357 Fujimoto M. Eight-Vertex Model: Anisotropic Interfacial Tension and Equilibrium Crystal Shape 1992
123356 Dean D.S., Jansons K.M. Brownian Excursions on Combs 1993
123355 Foias C., Jolly M.S., Manley O.P. Statistical Estimates for the Navier–Stokes Equations and the Kraichnan Theory of 2-D Fully Developed Turbulence 2002
123354 Bavaud F., Choquard Ph., Fontaine J.-R. Statistical Mechanics of Elastic Moduli 1986
123353 Benabou G. Superdiffusive Behaviour of a Passive Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Tracer in a Turbulent Shear Flow 2005
123352 Davies B. Yang-Baxter and Other Relations for Free-Fermion and lsing Models 1987
123351 Swendsen R.H. Response to Nagle’s Criticism of My Proposed Definition of the Entropy 2004
123350 Dumas H.S., Dumas L., Golse F. On the Mean Free Path for a Periodic Array of Spherical Obstacles 1996
123349 Martinez S., Tirapegui E. Description of a Class of Markov Processes "Equivalent" to K-Shifts 1984
123348 Arrowsmith D.K., Essam J.W. Mobius Function for the Set of Acyclic Directed Backbone Graphs 1990
123347 Gesztesy F., Simon B. Connectedness of the Isospectral Manifold for One-Dimensional Half-Line Schrödinger Operators 2004
123346 Nieuwenhuizen Th.M., Luck J.M. Lifshitz Singularities in Random Harmonic Chains: Periodic Amplitudes near the Band Edge and near Special Frequencies 1987
123345 Aarts E.H.L., Korst J.H.M., van Laarhoven P.J.M. A Quantitative Analysis of the Simulated Annealing Algorithm: A Case Study for the Traveling Salesman Problem 1988
123344 Book Review: The Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Gases 1996
123343 Pfister C.-E., Velde K.V. Almost Sure Quasilocality in the Random Cluster Model 1995
123342 Huckaby D.A. Phase Transition in a Lattice Gas of Hard Spheres with Second-Neighbor Exclusions on the Simple Cubic Lattice 1983
123341 Gruber C., Pache S., Lesne A. On the Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Piston Problem 2004
123340 Prange R.E. Quasiclassical Wavefunctions 1998
123339 Montroil E.W., Bendler J.T. On Levy (or Stable) Distributions and the Williams- Watts Model of Dielectric Relaxation 1984
123338 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
123337 Dubedat J. Euler Integrals for Commuting SLEs 2006
123336 Editor's Note 1988
123335 Yukio Nagahata Fluctuation Dissipation Equation for Lattice Gas with Energy 2002
123334 Marcus Pivato Multiplicative Cellular Automata on Nilpotent Groups: Structure, Entropy, and Asymptotics 2002
123333 Book Review: An Introduction to the Theory of Spin Glasses and Neural Networks 1996
123332 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1989
123331 Gérard G. Emch Interactive Modelling 2004
123330 Yves-Emmanuel Levy A Note on Sinai and Bunimovich's Markov Partition for Billiards 1986
123329 John D. Ramshaw Dielectric Polarization in Random Media 1983
123328 James L. Monroe Zeros of the Partition Function Using Theorems of Ruelle 1983
123327 T. Prellberg, R. Brak Critical Exponents from Nonlinear Functional Equations for Partially Directed Cluster Models 1995
123326 Cornille H. On the Krook-Wu Model of the Boltzmann Equation 1979
123325 Book Review: The Wonderful World of Stochastics: A Tribute to Elliott W. Montroll 1986
123324 Book Review: Statistical Mechanics of Magnetically Ordered Systems 1991
123323 Bernard Nienhuis Critical Behavior of Two-Dimensional Spin Models and Charge Asymmetry in the Coulomb Gas 1984
123322 Weinan E, Nung Kwan Yip ContinuumTheoryofEpitaxialCrystalGrowth. 2001
123321 Roger E. Behrend, Paul A. Pearce, David L. O'Brien Interaction-Round-a-Face Models with Fixed Boundary Conditions: The ABF Fusion Hierarchy 1995
123320 Micro , Macro , Meta 1998
123319 Klaus Krebs, Markus P. Pfannmiiller, Birgit Wehefritz Finite-Size Scaling Studies of One-Dimensional Reaction-Diffusion Systems. Part I. Analytical Results 1994
123318 Galtbayar A., Jensen A., Yajima K. Local Time-Decay of Solutions to Schrödinger Equations with Time-Periodic Potentials 2003
123317 Wood D. W., Ball J. K. On a Point of Order 1989

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