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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
38041 de la Llave R., Valdinoci E. Critical points inside the gaps of ground state laminations for some models in statistical mechanics 2007
38042 Ndiaye C.B. Curvature flows on four manifolds with boundary n/a
38043 Pucci P., Serrin J., Zou H. A strong maximum principle and a compact support principle for singular elliptic inequalities n/a
38044 Cerqueti K. A uniqueness result for a semilinear elliptic equation involving the critical Sobolev exponent in symmetric domains 1998
38045 Perfetti P. An averaging theorem for a chain of coupled rotators n/a
38046 Arkoya D., Carmona J., Pellacci B. Bifurcation for some quasilinear operators n/a
38047 Azorero J.G., Montefusco E., Peral I. Bifurcation for the p-Laplacian in R^N n/a
38048 Ambrosetti A. Branching points for a class of variational operators n/a
38049 Fonseca I., Leoni G. Bulk and contact energies nucleation and relaxation 1999
38050 Marmi S. Chaotic behaviour in the solar system 1998
38051 Berti M., Carminati C. Chaotic dynamics for perturbations of infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems n/a
38052 Leoni G. Classification of positive solutions of the elliptic equation 1991
38053 Damascelli L. Comparison theorems for some quasilinear degenerate elliptic operators and applications to symmetry and monotonicity results n/a
38054 Marmi S., Moussa P., Yoccoz J.-C. Complex Brjuno functions 1999
38055 Alessio F., Calanchi M., Serra E. Complex dynamics in a class of reversible equations n/a
38056 Badiale M., Duci A. Concentrated solutions for a non variational semilinear elliptic equation n/a
38057 Celletti A., Chierchia L. Construction of stable periodic orbits for the spin-orbit problem of celestial mechanics n/a
38058 Peirone R. Convergence and uniqueness problems for Dirichlet forms on fractals n/a
38059 Gazzola F., Grunau H.-C. Critical dimensions and higher order Sobolev inequalities with remainder terms n/a
38060 Braides A., Malchiodi A. Curvature theory of boundary phases the two-dimensional case n/a
38061 Mancini G., Sandeep K. Cylindrical symmetry of extremals of a Hardy-Sobolev inequality n/a
38062 Wilkins D.R. Abstract Algebra (Course 311) 2007
38063 Darmon H. Rational Points on Modular Elliptic Curves 2004
38064 Calzolari E., Filippucci R., Pucci P. Dead cores and bursts for p-Laplacian elliptic equations with weights 2007
38065 Pucci P., Serrin J. Dead cores and bursts for quasilinear singular elliptic equations n/a
38066 Salvatori M.C., Vitillaro E. Decay and stability for some nonlinear quasi-variational systems n/a
38067 Salvatori M.C., Vitillaro E. Decay properties for some Lagrangian systems with dissipative terms and applications 1991
38068 Castorina D., Esposito P., Sciunzi B. Degenerate elliptic equations with singular nonlinearities 2007
38069 Petrosyan A., Valdinoci E. Density estimates for a degeneratesingular phase-transition model 2005
38070 Bosetto E., Serra E., Terracini S. Density of chaotic dynamics in periodically forced pendulum-type equations n/a
38071 Berti M., Bolle P. Diffusion time and splitting of separatrices for nearly integrable isochronous Hamiltonian systems n/a
38072 Barutello V., Terracini S. Double choreographical solutions for n-body type problems 2006
38073 Berti M., Biasco L., Bolle P. Drift in phase space a new variational mechanism with optimal diffusion time n/a
38074 Mihailescu M. Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent n/a
38075 Schubert H. Elementare Arithmetik und Algebra 2004
38076 Conley C.H., Pucci P., Serin J. Elliptic equations and products of positive definite matrices 1991
38077 Badiale M., Guida M., Rolando S. Elliptic equations with decaying cylindrical potentials and power-type nonlinearities n/a
38078 Felli V., Terracini S. Elliptic equations with multi-singular inverse-square potentials and critical nonlinearity 2000
38079 Magrone P. Elliptic equations with potential changing sign n/a
38080 Badiale M., Pellacci B., Villegas S. Elliptic problems on R^N with jumping nonlinearities perturbation results n/a
38081 Badiale M., Rolando S. Elliptic problems with singular potential and double-power nonlinearity 2006
38082 Biasco L., Chierchia L., Valdinoci E. Elliptic two-dimensional invariant tori for the planetary three-body problem 2002
38083 Ambrosetti A., Azorero G.J., Peral I. Elliptic variational problems in R^N with critical growth n/a
38084 Moustapha M. Embedded disc-type surfaces with large constant mean curvature and free boundaries n/a
38085 Cermelli P., Gurtin M.E., Leoni G. Energies for incoherent films an analytical approach n/a
38086 Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F. Energy and Morse index of solutions of Yamabe type problems on thin annuli 2004
38087 Alessio F., Montecchiari P. Entire solutions in R2 for a class of Allen-Cahn equations n/a
38088 Pucci P., Rigoli M. Entire solutions of singular elliptic inequalities on complete manifolds n/a
38089 Pucci P., Serrin J. Erratum "The strong maximum principle revisited" 2004
38090 Abdellaoui B., Felli V., Peral I. Existence and multiplicity for perturbations of an equation involving Hardy inequality and critical Sobolev exponent in the whole R^n 2000

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