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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
37990 Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F. Blow-up and nonexistence of sign changing solutions to the Brezis—Nirenberg problem in dimension three n/a
37991 Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F. Blow-up and symmetry of sign changing solutions to some critical elliptic equations n/a
37992 Todorova G., Vitillaro E. Blow-up for nonlinear dissipative wave equations in R^n n/a
37993 Mugnai D. Bounce on a p-Laplacian 2003
37994 Ambrosetti A., Malchiodi A., Ruiz D. Bound states of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with potentials vanishing at infinity n/a
37995 Malchiodi A., Wei J. Boundary interface for the Allen—Cahn equation 1991
37996 Boccardo L., Pellacci B. Bounded positive critical points of some multiple integrals of the calculus of variations 2001
37997 Alessio F., Montecchiari P. Brake orbits type solutions to some class of semilinear elliptic equations n/a
37998 Arioli G. Branches of periodic orbits for the planar restricted 3-body problem n/a
38000 Ranicki A.A. Lower K-and L-Theory 1992
38001 Berti M., Bolle P. Cantor families of periodic solutions for completely resonant nonlinear wave equations n/a
38002 Berti M., Bolle P. Cantor families of periodic solutions for wave equations via a variational principle n/a
38003 Alessio F., Zelati V.C., Montechiarri P. Chaotic behavior of rapidly oscillating Lagrangian systems n/a
38004 Eichfelder G. Adaptive Scalarization Methods In Multiobjective Optimization 2008
38005 Ranicki A.A. Lower K and L-Theory [Errata] n/a
38006 Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F. Classification of low energy sign-changing solutions of an almost critical problem 2007
38007 Boole M.E. Philosophy and Fun of Algebra 1990
38008 Mancini G., Fabbri I., Sandeep K. Classification of solutions of a critical Hardy Sobolev operator n/a
38009 Caldiroli P., Guida M. Closed curves in R^3 with prescribed curvature and torsion in perturbative cases n/a
38010 Conti M., Felli V. Coexistence and segregation for strongly competing species in special domains 2005
38011 Esposito P. Compactness along the branch of semi-stable and unstable solutions for an elliptic problem with a singular nonlinearity 2005
38012 Esposito P. Compactness of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem with a singular nonlinearity 2006
38013 Malchiodi A. Compactness of solutions to some geometric fourth-order equations n/a
38014 Felli V., Ahmedou M.O. Compactness results in conformal deformations of Riemannian metrics on manifolds with boundaries n/a
38015 Couturat L. The Algebra of Logic 2004
38016 Pintilie M., Maki E. Competing Risks: A Practical Perspective 2006
38017 Arioli G. A deformation theorem in the noncompact nonsmooth setting and its applications 2000
38018 Berti M., Bolle P. A functional analysis approach to Arnold diffusion n/a
38019 Bessi U. A lambda-lemma for transition tori n/a
38020 Esposito P., Musso M., Pistoia A. Concentrating solutions for a planar elliptic problem involving nonlinearities with large exponent 1991
38021 Esposito P., Pistoia A., Wei J. Concentrating solutions for the Henon equation in R^2 2005
38022 Badiale M., D'Aprile T. Concentration around a sphere for a singularly perturbed Schrodinger equation 2001
38023 Malchiodi A. Concentration at curves for a singularly perturbed Neumann problem in three-dimensional domains n/a
38024 Mahmoudi F., Malchiodi A. Concentration on minimal submanifolds for a singularly perturbed neumann problem n/a
38025 Ambrosetti A., Malchiodi A. Concentration phenomena for NLS recent results and new perspectives n/a
38026 Ndiaye C.B. Conformal metrics with constant q-curvature for manifolds with boundary n/a
38027 Lupo D., Payne K.R. Conservation laws for equations of mixed elliptic-hyperbolic and degenerate types n/a
38028 Ndiaye C.B. Constant q-curvature metrics in arbitrary dimension n/a
38029 Ndiaye C.B. Constant t-curvature conformal metrics on 4-manifolds with boundary n/a
38030 Arioli G. A note on a quasilinear elliptic eigenvalue problem 1991
38031 Chierchia L., Valdinoci E. A note on the construction of Hamiltonian trajectories along heteroclinic chains 1998
38032 Pucci P., Serrin J. A note on the strong maximum principle for elliptic differential inequalities n/a
38033 Adimurthi, Mancini G., Sandeep K. A sharp solvability condition in higher dimensions for some Brezis-Nirenberg type equation n/a
38034 Mugnai D. Coupled Klein-Gordon and Born-Infeld type equations looking for solitary waves n/a
38035 Pomponio A. Coupled nonlinear Schrodinger systems with potentials n/a
38036 Crasta G., Fragala I., Gazzola F. A sharp upper bound for the torsional rigidity of rods by means of web functions n/a
38037 Lupo D., Payne K.R. Critical exponents for semilinear equations of mixed elliptic-hyperbolic and degenerate types 2000
38038 Gazzola F. Critical exponents which relate embedding inequalities with quasilinear elliptic problems 2002
38039 Badiale M., Serra E. Critical nonlinear elliptic equations with singularities and cylindrical symmetry n/a
38040 Pellacci B. Critical points for some functionals of the calculus of variations n/a

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