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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
24490 Goodwill J., Hightower R. Professional Jakarta Struts 2004
24491 Johnson R. Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework 2005
24492 CustomGuide Inc Project 2003 Personal Trainer 2005
24493 Miller B.C. Quick Team-Building Activities for Busy Managers: 50 Exercises That Get Results in Just 15 Minutes 2003
24494 Douglass B.P. Real Time UML: Advances in The UML for Real-Time Systems 2004
24495 Duncan J., Deraleau J. Running Mac OS X Tiger 2005
24496 Walker J.V. Sams Teach Yourself Exchange Server 2003 in 10 Minutes 2005
24497 Forta B. Sams Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes 2004
24498 Morrison M. Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours 2005
24499 Mazzullo J., Wheatley P. SAP R/3 for Everyone: Step-by-Step Instructions, Practical Advice, and Other Tips and Tricks for Working with SAP 2005
24500 Oppliger R. Security Technologies for the World Wide Web 2003
24501 McConnell S. Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art 2006
24502 Bolstroff P., Rosenbaum R. Supply Chain Excellence: A Handbook for Dramatic Improvement Using the SCOR Model 2003
24503 Tate K. Sustainable Software Development: An Agile Perspective 2005
24504 Adamson Ch., Marinacci J. Swing Hacks 2005
24505 Nilson C. The AMA Trainers' Activity Book: A Selection of the Best Learning Exercises from the World's Premiere Training Organization 2004
24506 Íèíóë À.Ñ. Òåíçîðíàÿ òðèãîíîìåòðèÿ: òåîðèÿ è ïðèëîæåíèÿ 2004
24507 Cohn M., Beck K. User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development 2004
24508 Walrath K., Campione M., Huml A. JFC Swing Tutorial, The: A Guide to Constructing GUIs 2004
24509 Holzschlag M.E. 250 HTML and Web Design Secrets 2004
24510 Óãîëüíèêîâ À.Á. (ðåä.) Êîíñïåêò ëåêöèé Î.Á.Ëóïàíîâà ïî êóðñó "Ââåäåíèå â ìàòåìàòè÷åñêóþ ëîãèêó" 2007
24511 Armour P.G. The Laws of Software Process: A New Model for the Production and Management of Software 2004
24512 Cozzi B. The Modern RPG IV Language 2003
24513 McRae B., Brooks D. The Seven Strategies of Master Presenters 2004
24514 Vick P. The Visual Basic .NET Programming Language 2004
24515 Limoncelli T.A. Time Management for System Administrators 2005
24516 Morrison M. TREO essentials 2005
24517 Bovet D.P., Cesati M. Understanding the Linux Kernel 2005
24518 Cole J. Using Moodle 2005
24519 Mitchell T. Web Mapping 2005
24520 Peterson E.T. Web Site Measurement Hacks 2005
24521 Lawfer M.R. Why Customers Come Back: How to Create Lasting Customer Loyalty 2004
24522 Taylor D. Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: 101 Scripts for Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix Systems 2004
24523 Pogue D. Windows XP for Starters: The Missing Manual 2005
24524 Ryllat A. Winning the Knowledge Game: Smarter Learning for Business Excellence 2003
24525 Hart-Davis G. Word Annoyances 2005
24526 Hampton K. XML Publishing with AxKit 2004
24527 Miller M. 501 Web Site Secrets 2004
24528 Parsons P.J. A Manager's Guide to PR projects 2003
24529 Root.R., Sweeny M.R. A Tester's Guide to .NET Programming 2006
24530 Miller M. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computer Basics 2005
24531 Miser B. Absolute Beginner's Guide to iPod and iTunes 2005
24532 Colombo G., Franklin C.Jr. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Podcasting 2005
24533 McFedries P. Absolute Beginner's Guide to VBA 2004
24534 Kovsky S. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Windows XP Media Center 2003
24535 CustomGuide Inc Access 2003 Personal Trainer 2005
24536 Korol J. Access 2003 Programming by Example with VBA, XML, and ASP 2005
24537 Evans I. Achieving Software Quality Through Teamwork 2004
24538 Grebler E. Adobe Audition Ignite! 2005
24539 Christiansen M. Adobe After Effects 7.0 Studio Techniques 2006

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