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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
216513 Koshelev A. On the genesis of thought and language 2020
216514 Gómez A.G., Carrara A. Decoding consciousness and bioethics n/a
216515 Hamdani H.S. A history of sunni-shiʿi rivalry and reconciliation n/a
216516 Soncco L. Encuentro entre indigenismo y política.El movimiento descentralista federalista en el sur del Perú, Puno (1915-1920) 2019
216517 Pantke M. Studien zur sprache,geschichte und kultur des islamischen orients.Band 6 n/a
216518 Liska V.(ðåä.) Perspectives on jewish texts and contexts.Volume 20 n/a
216519 Alpers K.(ðåä.), Erbse H.(ðåä.), Kleinlogel A.(ðåä.) Sammlung griechischer und lateinischer grammatiker.Band 2 n/a
216520 Brenner M.(ðåä.), Heusler A.(ðåä.) Studien zur jüdischen geschichte und kultur in bayern.Band 10 n/a
216521 Chen S.M. Proceedings of 10th International conference on chemical science and engineering n/a
216522 Matravers D., Waldow A. Philosophical perspectives on empathy.Theoretical approaches and emerging challenges n/a
216523 Hetmanczyk P. Reichtum begraben 2018
216524 Jakobi R. Grillius 2005
216525 Riesenweber T. C. Marius Victorinus, Commenta in Ciceronis Rhetorica 2015
216526 Leongomez J.B. Tres Momentos Estelares en Linguistica 1984
216527 Reinert B. Häqäni als Dichter. Poetische Logik und Phantasie 1972
216528 Zwierlein O. Lucubrationes Philologae. Band 1 2004
216529 Turvey B.E. Criminal Profiling. An Introduction to Behavioral Evidence Analysis 2023
216530 Tsagalis C. Epic Grief 2004
216531 Wiater N. The Ideology of Classicism 2011
216532 Fazli A. (ed.), Kundu A. (ed.) Reimagining Prosperity. Social and Economic Development in Post-COVID India 2023
216533 Tomlinson A. Il tempo tra due vite. Ricordi che emergono sotto ipnosi 2015
216534 Gómez A.E. The revolutionary imaginations of greater Mexico 2016
216535 Defensora del Pueblo Mecanismo Nacional de Prevencion de la Tortura 2022
216536 Müller M. Der andere Blick auf Caesars Kriege 2021
216537 Lewinsky T. (ed.), Mayoraz S. (ed.) East European Jews in Switzerlan 2013
216538 Riedweg C. Mysterienterminologie bei Piaton, Philon und Klemens von Alexandrien 1986
216539 Salas V.M. Hircocervi & other metaphysical wonders: essays in honor of John P. Doyle 2013
216540 Ciavola L. Revolutionary Desire in Italian Cinema 2011
216541 Eckhardt B., Leonhard C. Juden, Christen und Vereine im Römischen Reich 2018
216542 Sugasawa S., Kubokawa T. Mixed-Effects Models and Small Area Estimation 2023
216543 Chopra R., England A., Alaudeen M.N. Data Science withPython 2019
216544 Trias E. La razon fronteriza 1999
216545 Biemann A.D. (ed.), Cohen R.I. (ed.), Wobick-Segev S.E. (ed.) Spiritual Homelands 2019
216546 Lipka M. Language in Vergil's Eclogues 2001
216547 Cevallos R.R.R. ¿Cultura y Desarrollo? ¿Desarrollo y Cultura? 2005
216548 Morin E. The Stars 2005
216549 Schmitz P. Cato Peripateticus – stoische und peripatetische Ethik im Dialog 2014
216550 Markantonatos A. Tragic Narrative 2002
216551 Lebrun R.A. (ed.), Milbach S. (ed.) Lamennais: A Believer’s Revolutionary Politics 2018
216552 Parlavantza-Friedrich U. Täuschungsszenen in den Tragödien des Sophokles 1969
216553 Cioffi C. Prolegomena a Donato, Commentum ad Andriam 2018
216554 Kobayashi H. Molecular Strategies of Creatures to Survive in Acidic Environments 2021
216555 Crowther D. (ed.), SeifS. (ed.) The Complexities of Sustainability 2023
216556 Dong L., Li X. Velocity-Free Localization Methodology for Acoustic and Microseismic Sources 2023
216557 Burkert W. Homo Necans 1997
216558 McCullough L., Kuhn N., Andrews S. Treating Affect Phobia. A Manual for Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy 2003
216560 Slater W.J. Aristophanis Byzantii Fragmenta 1986
216561 Horn C. (ed.), dos Santos R. (ed.) Kant’s Theory of Value 2022
216562 Williams J.W. Cospel Against Parable. Mark's Language of Mystery 1985

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