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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
199463 Todd J. Survey on numerical analysis 1962
199464 Kessler M. F. The ISO Mission and Its Surveys 2000
199465 Nikolskij N.K. Functional Analysis I: Linear Functional Analysis (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences) 1992
199466 Shafer G., Vovk V Probability and finance: It's only a game 2001
199467 Papoulis A. Signal analysis 1977
199468 Óîòòåðñ Ï. Solaris 8. Ðóêîâîäñòâî àäìèíèñòðàòîðà 2003
199469 Olds C. D., Lax A., Davidoff G. P. The geometry of numbers. Volume 41 2000
199470 Garrido P. L., Marro J. Fourth Granada Lectures in Computational Physics: Proceedings of the 4th Granada Seminar on Computational Physics Held at Granada, Spain, 9-14 September 1996 1997
199471 Berenstein C. A. Complex Analysis II: Proceedings of the Special Year Held at the University of Maryland 1987
199472 Muir T. The Theory of Determinants in the Historical Order of its Development. Part I. Determinants in General 1890
199473 Dickhoff W. H., Neck D.V. Many-body theory exposed 2005
199474 Wen X.-G. Quantum field theory of many-body systems: from the origin of sound to an origin of light and electrons 2004
199475 Muller-Kirsten H. J. W. Electrodynamics: an introduction, including quantum effects 2004
199476 LaBelle J. W., Treumann R.A. Geospace Electromagnetic Waves and Radiation 2006
199477 Farrell O. J., Ross B. Solved problems in analysis as applied to Gamma, Beta, Legendre, Bessel functions (Dover 1971) 1971
199478 Scheibe E. The logical analysis of quantum mechanics 1973
199479 Mitrea M. Clifford Wavelets, Singular Integrals, and Hardy Spaces 1994
199480 Kawano K., Kitoh T. Introduction to Optical Waveguide Analysis: Solving Maxwell's Equations and the Schrödinger Equation 2001
199481 Nester J. M., Chen C.-M., Hsu J.-P. Gravitation and Astrophysics: 90th Year of General Relativity 2007
199482 Friedman M. Foundations of space-time theories 1983
199483 Surveys on functional analysis, Vol.29 1998
199484 Mase G. E. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of continuum mechanics 1970
199485 Numerical analysis 2000. Vol. IV: Optimization and nonlinear equations 2000
199486 Lowdin P.-Ol. Linear algebra for quantum theory 1998
199487 Nagel R. Encyclopedia of Landforms and Other Geologic Features. Volume 3 2004
199488 Holevo A.S. Statistical Structure of Quantum Theory 2001
199489 Katz J., Plotkin A. Low-Speed Aerodynamics: From Wing Theory to Panel Methods (McGraw-Hill Series in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering) 1991
199490 Latal H., Schweiger W. Perturbative and Nonperturbative Aspects of Quantum Field Theory 1997
199491 Grewal M. S., Andrews A. P. Kalman Filtering: theory and practice using MATLAB 2001
199492 Griliches Z., Intriligator M.D. (eds.) Handbook of Econometrics, Volume I 1983
199493 Dias D., Barz P. L. Configuration Spaces over Hilbert Schemes and Applications 1996
199494 Brandimarte P. Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics A MATLAB-Based Introduction 2006
199495 Uzunov D. I. Introduction to the theory of critical phenomena: mean field, fluctuations and renormalization 1992
199496 Glassey R. T. The Cauchy Problem in Kinetic Theory 1996
199497 Borisovich Y. G., Gliklikh Y. E., Vershik A. M. (eds.) Global Analysis - Studies and Applications IV 1990
199498 Üstünel A. S. An Introduction to Analysis on Wiener Space 1995
199499 Erdelyi I., Lange R. Spectral Decompositions on Banach Spaces 1977
199500 Feinsilver P. Algebraic structures and operator calculus 2001
199501 Castillo J.M., Gonzales M. Three-space Problems in Banach Space Theory 1997
199502 Hodgkin L. H., Snaith V. P. Topics in K-theory 1975
199503 Ireland K., Rosen M. A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1990
199504 Medhi J. Stochastic Models in Queueing Theory 2002
199505 Khavin V. P., Nikolskii N. K. (eds.) Commutative Harmonic Analysis IV 1992
199506 Áîëë Ð.Ñ. Àíàëîãîâûå èíòåðôåéñû ìèêðîêîíòðîëëåðîâ 2007
199507 Hardcastle F. Algebraic functions and their integrals: A supplement to the usual treatises by Felix Klein 1893
199508 Sahimi M. Applications of Percolation Theory 1994
199509 Rohaly J. Solutions Manual to accompany Romer Advanced Macroeconomics 1995
199510 Balakrishnan V., Nicolis C., Nicolis G. Extreme Value Distributions in Chaotic Dynamics 1995
199511 Martinez-Gonzalez E., Sanz J. L. (eds.) The Universe at High-z, Large-Scale Structure and the Cosmic Microwave Background 1996
199512 Gieres F. Geometry of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: Including an Introduction to BRS Differential Algebras and Anomalies 1988

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