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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
157945 Assem I., Skowronski A., Simson D. Elements of the representation theory of associative algebras 2006
190676 Assem I., Skowronski A., Simson D. Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 1: Techniques of Representation Theory (London Mathematical Society Student Texts) 2006
170063 Assem I., Simson D., Skowronski A. Elements of the representation theory of associative algebras, 2006
189690 Assem I., Skowronski A., Simson D. Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 1: Techniques of Representation Theory (London Mathematical Society Student Texts) 2006
33127 Assem I., Simson D., Skowronski A. Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Techniques of Representation Theory 2005
35595 Asselmeyer-Maluga T., Brans C.H. Exotic Smoothness and Physics: Differential Topology and Spacetime Models 2005
156246 Asselmeyer-Maluga T., Brans C. Exotic Smoothness and Physics: differential topology and spacetime models 2007
172776 Asselmeyer-Maluga T., Brans C. Exotic smoothness and physics 2007
57094 Asselin M. Introduction to Aircraft Performance 1997
58576 Asselah A., Castell F. Large deviations for Brownian motion in a random scenery 2003
121021 Asselah A., Giacomin G. Metastability for the Exclusion Process with Mean-Field Interaction 1998
121523 Asselah A., Dai Pra P., Lebowitz J.L. Diffusion Effects on the Breakdown of a Linear Amplifier Model Driven by the Square of a Gaussian Field 2001
125248 Asselah A., Brito R. Self-Diffusion in Simple Models: Systems with Long-Range Jumps 1997
172308 Assayag G., Feichtinger H. Mathematics and Music: A Diderot Mathematical Forum 2002
29873 Assalia A. (Ed), Gagner M. (Ed), Schein M. (Ed) Controversies in Laparoscopic Surgery 2005
65017 Assaf M., Bonincontro C., Johnsen S. Global Sourcing & Purchasing Post 9/11: New Logistics Compliance Requirements And Best Practices 2006
3679 Assadi B. QuarkXPress 6 For Dummies 2003
134739 Assadi B., Gruman G. InDesign CS2 For Dummies 2005
39587 Assaad F.A. Field Methods for Petroleum Geologists: A Guide to Computerized Lithostratigraphic Correlation Charts Case Study: Northern Africa 2008
211086 Asrouti F.E. Der Rif-Krieg 1921-1926: Eine Kritische Untersuchung Des Gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozesses Unter Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Karim Al Hattabi 2007
141065 Asratian A.S., Denley T.M.J., Haggkvist R. Bipartite graphs and their applications 1998
130322 Asratian A.S., Denley T. Bipartite Graphs and their Applications (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics) 1998
147139 Asquith M. Thomas Hardy, Metaphysics and Music 2005
139755 Asquith G.B. Handbook of Log Evaluation Techniques for Carbonate Reservoirs 1985
49081 Asprey S.P. Dynamic Model Development: Methods, Theory and Applications 2003
136607 Aspray W. Computing before computers 1990
143508 Aspray W., Kitcher P. History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics (Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science) 1988
166362 Aspray W., Kitcher P. History and philosophy of modern mathematics 1988
179771 Aspray W., Kitcher P. History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics 1988
168561 Aspnes J., Scheideler C., Arora A. Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: Third IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2007, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 18-20, 2007, Proceedings 2007
82279 Aspnes J. Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: Third IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2007, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 18-20, 2007, Proceedings 2007
178673 Asplund L. Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe '98: 1998 Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Uppsala, Sweden, June ... 1998
44557 Asplund A. A k-extreme point is the limit of k-exposed points 1963
59144 Asplund R.W. Profiting from Clean Energy: A Complete Guide to Trading Green in Solar, Wind, Ethanol, Fuel Cell, Carbon Credit Industries, and More 2008
22911 Aspinwall J. PC Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools 2004
24684 Aspinwall J. Installing, troubleshooting, and repairing wireless networks 2003
139389 Aspin D., Chapman J. Values Education and Lifelong Learning: Principles, Policies, Programmes (Lifelong Learning Book Series) 2007
141366 Asperti A., Longo G. Categories, Types, and Structures: An Introduction to Category Theory for the Working Computer Scientist (Foundations of Computing Series) 1991
1111 Asperti A., Longo G. Categories, types, and structures. Introduction to category theory for computer scientists 1991
136843 Asperti A., Guerrini S. The optimal implementation of functional programming languages 1999
78823 Asperti A. Mathematical Knowledge Management: Second International Conference, MKM 2003 Bertinoro, Italy, February 16-18, 2003 2003
85679 Asperti A., Bancerek G., Trybulec A. Mathematical Knowledge Management Third International Conference, MKM 2004 Poland, September 19-21, 2004 Proceedings 2004
114666 Asperti A., Ciabattoni A. Logica a informatica 1997
49776 Aspden P. (ed.), Wolcott J.A. (ed.), Bootman J.L. (ed.) Preventing Medication Errors: Quality Chasm Series 2007
38888 Aspden H. Physics Without Einstein n/a
128654 Aspden H. Physics unified 1980
24680 Aspatore Books Stuff Inside the Minds: The Art & Science of Health Care Law 2004
216654 Aspalter C. Ten worlds of welfare capitalism.A global data analysis n/a
66371 ASP.NET. Ó÷åáíûé êóðñ (+CD) Áó÷åê Ã. 2002
123599 Asorey M., Esteve J.G. First-Order Transitions in One-Dimensional Systems with Local Couplings 1991

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