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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
50568 Barvinsky A.O. The wave function and the effective action in quantum cosmology: Covariant loop expansion 1989
50569 Barvinsky A.O. Quantum geometrodynamics: The Wheeler-DeWitt equations for the wave function of the universe 1986
50945 Barvinsky A.O. Perturbative Quantum Cosmology: The Probability Measure on Superspace and Semiclassical Expansion 1988
50964 Barvinsky A.O., Ponomariov V.N. Quantum Geometrodynamics: The Path Integral and the Initial Value Problem for the Wave Function of the Universe 1986
51012 Barvinsky A.O. The general semiclassical solution of the wheeler-dewitt equations and the issue of unitarity in quantum cosmology 1989
61237 Barvinsky A.O., Nesterov D.V. Effective equations in quantum cosmology 2001
5454 Barvinsky A.O. Unitarity approach to quantum cosmology 1993
5455 Barvinsky A.O., Vilkovsky G.A. The generalized schwinger-dewitt technique in gauge theory and quantum gravity 1984
49990 Barvinok A., Novik I. A Centrally Symmetric Version of the Cyclic Polytope 2008
145383 Barvinok A. Integer points in polyhedra 2008
37921 Barutello V., Terracini S. A bisection algorithm for the numerical Mountain Pass 2000
37956 Barutello V., Terracini S. Action minimizing orbits in the n-body problem with simple choreography constraint 2004
38072 Barutello V., Terracini S. Double choreographical solutions for n-body type problems 2006
38214 Barutello V., Secchi S. Morse index properties of colliding solutions to the n-body problem n/a
38385 Barutello V., Ferrario D.L., Terracini S. On the singularities of generalized solutions to n-body type problems 2007
38604 Barutello V., Ferrario D.L., Terracini S. Symmetry groups of the planar 3-body problem and action minimizing trajectories 2004
54867 Barut A.O., Raczka R. Theory of Group Representations and Applications 1980
5359 Barut A.O. Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles 1980
5453 Barut A.O., Duru I.H. Path integral formulation of quantum electrodynamics from classical particle trajectories 1989
60823 Barut A.O., Doebner H.D. Conformal Groups and Related Symmetries - Physical Results and Mathematical Background: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the Arnold Sommerfeld Institute for Mathematical Physics (ASI) Technical University of Clausthal, Germany 12-14, 1985 1986
114347 Barut A.O. Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles 1980
41482 Barus C.B. Resonant Acoustic and Electric Oscillations Released by the Relatively Slow Spring Break 1926
40326 Barus C. An Electrodynamometer Using the Vibration Telescope 1919
40327 Barus C. An Adjustment in Relation to the Fresnel Coefficient n/a
40339 Barus C. Channeled Grating Spectra, Obtained in Successive Diffractions n/a
40388 Barus C. Displacement Interferometry in Connection with U-Tubes 1917
40403 Barus C. Gravitational Attraction in Connection with the Rectangular Interferometer 1918
40527 Barus C. An Example of Torsional Viscous Retrogression 1919
40654 Barus C. Interference of Pencils Which Constitute the Remote Divergences from a Slit 1918
40655 Barus C. Interferential Contact Lever Experiments Relating to the Elastics of Small Bodies 1918
40657 Barus C. Interferometer Methods Based on the Cleavage of a Diffracted Ray 1916
40700 Barus C. Non-Reversed Spectra of Restricted Coincidence 1916
40702 Barus C. Note on Interfermometer Methods of Measuring the Elastics of Small Bodies 1917
40704 Barus C., Barus M. Note on Methods of Observing Potential Differences Induced by the Earths Magnetic Field in an Insulated Moving Wire 1918
40705 Barus C. Note on Torsional Measurement of Variations of the Acceleration of Gravity by Interference Methods 1920
40706 Barus C. Note on a Contact Lever, Using Achromatic Displacement Fingers 1918
40707 Barus C. Note on a Pneumatic Method of Measuring Variations of the Acceleration of Gravity 1920
40710 Barus C. Note on the Self-Adjusting of Uranyl Salts 1919
40742 Barus C. On the Equations of the Rectangular Interferometer 1917
40754 Barus C. On the Pressure Variation of Specific Heat of Liquids 1919
40770 Barus C. Path Differences Within Which Spectrum Interferences are Observable 1916
40806 Barus C. Refractivity Determined Irrespective of Form, by Displacement Interferometry 1916
40931 Barus C. Superposed or Duplicated Spectrum Fringes 1919
40963 Barus C. The Displacement of the Gravitating Needle in its Dependence on Atmospheric Temperatures 1919
40968 Barus C. The Elongation Due to Magnetization 1919
41134 Barus C. Achromatic and Superchromatic Fringes with a Calcite Rhomb 1923
41135 Barus C. Acoustic Pressure Distributions, Chiefly in Reservoirs and in Pipes 1921
41136 Barus C. Acoustic Topography Varying with the Position of the Organ Pipe 1922
41171 Barus C. Cylindrical Distribution of Nodal Strength around the Pipe Normal 1922
41173 Barus C. Density and Diffusion of Gases Measured by Displacement Interferometry 1924

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