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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
156433 Makkar H.P.S., Viljoen G.J. Applications of Gene-Based Technologies for Improving Animal Production and Health in Developing Countries 2005
131992 Makkar H., Sidhuraju P., Becker K. Plant Secondary Metabolites 2007
3885 Makkai M. Fibrational formulation of intuitionistic predicate logic I: completeness according to Godel, Kripke, and Lauchli (part 1) 1993
3886 Makkai M. Fibrational formulation of intuitionistic predicate logic I: completeness according to Godel, Kripke, and Lauchli (part 2) 1993
33044 Makkai M., Reyes G.E. First Order Categorical Logic: Model-Theoretical Methods in the Theory of Topoi and Related Categories 1977
198511 Makkai M., Reyes G.E. First order categorical logic. Model-theoretical methods in the theory of topoi and related categories 1977
172398 Makiya H. Design and Technology in the Primary School: Case Studies for Teachers (Subjects in the Primary School) 1992
164786 Makinson D., Malinowski J., Wansing H. Towards Mathematical Philosophy: Papers from the Studia Logica conference Trends in Logic IV (Trends in Logic, Volume 28) 2008
190957 Makinson D. Sets, Logic and Maths for Computing (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science) 2008
183182 Makinson D. Sets, logic and maths for computing 2008
127292 Makinson D. Sets, Logic and Maths for Computing 2008
163962 Makino S., Lee T.-W., Sawada H. Blind Speech Separation (Signals and Communication Technology) 2007
166855 Makin S. Aristotle: Metaphysics Theta: Translated with an Introduction and Commentary (Clarendon Aristotle Series) 2006
189168 Makin S. Aristotle: Metaphysics Theta: Translated with an Introduction and Commentary (Clarendon Aristotle Series) 2006
177562 Makin S. Aristotle: Metaphysics Theta: Translated with an Introduction and Commentary (Clarendon Aristotle Series) 2006
174122 Maki S. The Determination of Units in Real Cyclic Sextic Fields 1980
36432 Maki S. The Determination of Units in Real Cyclic Sextic Fields 1980
42921 Makhnev A.A. 3-Characterizations of finite groups 1986
48270 Makhmudov O.I. A Cauchy Problem for the System of Elasticity Equations 1999
109201 Makeenko Yu.M. Non-perturbative methods in gauge theory 1995
33020 Makarov B.M. Selected Problems in Real Analysis 1992
197958 Makari G. Revolution in Mind - The Creation of Psychoanalysis 2009
208097 Makaran G. Perfil de Bolivia (1940-2009) 2011
19494 Makar J. Macromedia Flash MX Game Design Demystified: The Official Guide to Creating Games with Flash 2002
15895 Makar J., Patterson D. Macromedia Flash 8 ActionScript Training from the Source 2006
56586 Makansi J. Lights Out: The Electricity Crisis, the Global Economy, and What It Means To You 2007
216879 Makalela L. (ed.), White G. (ed.) Rethinking language use in digital africa 2021
164589 Makabe T., Petrovic Z. Plasma electronics: applications in microelectronic device fabrication 2006
22929 Mak R. Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing 2002
29248 Mak P.I., U P.S., Martins R.P. Analog-Baseband Architectures and Circuits: For Multistandard and Low-Voltage Wireless Transceivers 2007
131037 Mak D.K. Mathematical Techniques in Financial Market Trading 2006
185781 Mak D. Mathematical Techniques in Financial Market Trading 2006
144093 Mak D. Mathematical Techniques in Financial Market Trading 2006
143440 Majumder H. Drug Targets in Kinetoplastid Parasites 2008
153738 Majumder A., Biswas B. Biology of Inositols and Phosphoinositides (Subcellular Biochemistry) 2006
193383 Majumdar S., Vogelsang I., Cave M. Handbook of Telecommunications Economics: Technology Evolution and the Internet 2005
123623 Majumdar S., Krishnamurthy S. Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in a Model of Diffusion, Aggregation, and Fragmentation 2000
217069 Majumdar M.A. Postcoloniality. The French Dimension 2007
138652 Majumdar M.(ed.) Organization with Incomplete Information: Essays in Economic Analysis: A Tribute to Roy Radner 1998
191304 Majumdar M. Organization with Incomplete Information: Essays in Economic Analysis: A Tribute to Roy Radner 1998
206957 Majumdar G. Illegitimate Freedom. Informality in Modernist Literature, 1900–1940 2022
181436 Majoral J. New Aspects In Phosphorus Chemistry III 2003
26920 Major S.A. Spin Network Primer 1999
36431 Major P. Multiple Wiener-Ito Integrals With Applications to Limit Theorems 1981
155972 Major P., Jardine L. Literatures of Exile in the English Revolution and Its Aftermath, 1640-1690 2010
169913 Major F., Gheorghe V., Werth G. Charged Particle Traps: Physics and Techniques of Charged Particle Field Confinement 2005
55282 Majone G. Dilemmas of European Integration: The Ambiguities and Pitfalls of Integration by Stealth 2005
181269 Majlis N. The Quantum Theory of Magnetism 2000
83060 Majkowski J. (ed.), Bourgeois B.F.D. (ed.) Antiepileptic drugs. Combination therapy and interactions 2005
174568 Majima H. Asymptotic Analysis for Integrable Connections with Irregular Singular Points 1984

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