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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
133101 Sellathurai M., Haykin S. Space-Time Layered Information Processing for Wireless Communications 2009
157235 Sellars W. Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes 1993
60078 Sell Stewart Stem Cells Handbook 2004
84129 Sell C.S. A fragrant introduction to terpenoid chemistry 2003
162476 Sell C. The Chemistry of Fragrances: From Perfumer to Consumer 2006
122581 Selke W. Droplets in Two-Dimensional Ising and Potts Models 1989
174423 Selk J. 10-Minute Toughness: The Mental Training Program for Winning Before the Game Begins 2009
16442 Selinsky B.S. Membrane Protein Protocols 2003
164713 Selinsky B. Membrane Protein Protocols, Expression, Purification, and Characterization 2003
106602 Selinger P. Lecture Notes on the Lambda Calculus 2001
121753 Selinger J.V. The Kinetic Boundary Layer for the Klein- Kramers Equation; A New Numerical Approach 1984
135073 Selin H. Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures 2006
77172 Selim H.M., Sparks D.L. Heavy Metals Release in Soils 2001
84095 Selim H.M., Amacher M.C. Reactivity and transport of heavy metals in soils 1996
172056 Selim H., Ma L. Physical Nonequilibrium in Soils Modeling and Application 1998
172585 Selim H., Sparks D. Physical and Chemical Processes of Water and Solute Transport Retention in Soils 2001
151861 Seligman T., Nishioka H. Quantum Chaos and Statistical Nuclear Physics 1986
175030 Seligman J., Westerstahl D. Logic language and computation. Volume 1 1996
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34070 Seligman G.B. Constructions of Lie Algebras and Their Modules 1988
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147243 Selig J.M. Geometric Fundamentals of Robotics 2005
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11824 Selfridge R.H., Arnold D.V., Warnick K.F. Electromagnetics 2001
171148 Selfe C., Hawisher G. Literate Lives in the Information Age: Narratives of Literacy From the United States 2004
17960 Self D. Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook 2002
150225 Seley A., Holloway B. Sales 2.0: Improve Business Results Using Innovative Sales Practices and Technology 2009
84323 Selesnick S. A. Quanta, logic and spacetime 2003
56877 Seldman M. L., Futterknecht J., Sorensen B. Customer Tells: Delivering World-Class Customer Service by Reading Your Customer's Signs and Signals 2007
131016 Seldin D.W., Giebisch G. Diuretic Agents: Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology 1997
170691 Selby S. Sets, Relations and Functions: Programmed Unit in Modern Mathematics: Tchrs' 1963
47101 Selberg A. (ed.) Collected Papers, Vol. 1 1989
21528 Sekkat Z. (ed.), Knoll W. (ed.) Photoreactive Organic Thin Films 2002
172966 Sekimoto K. Stochastic Energetics (Lecture Notes in Physics) 2010
124130 Sekimoto K., Kawasaki K. Aspects of Nucleation and Drift Processes in a One-Dimensional Model 1987
35222 Sekigawa K. Topics in Contemporary Differential Geometry Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Complex Structures 2007
146635 Sekigawa K., Gerdjikov V., Dimiev S. Trends in differential geometry, complex analysis and mathematical physics 2009
144388 Sekigawa K., Gerdjikov V.S., Dimiev S. Trends in Differential Geometry, Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Complex Structures, Integrability and Vector Fields 2009
210321 Sekerak J. Dr. Abramowski's, Fruit Cured Me! 2015
122730 Seke J. Spontaneous Emission of a Two-Level System and the Influence of the Rotating-Wave Approximation on the Final State. I. 1983
178492 Sekar R., Pujari A. Information Systems Security, 4 conf., ICISS 2008 2008
82450 Seivewright N. Community Treatment of Drug Misuse: More Than Methadone 2009
76740 Seitz J. Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers 2009
182117 Seitz J. Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers 2009
28873 Seitz J. Digital Watermarking for Digital Media 2005
53816 Seitz F. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology: Environment 2001
145724 Seitz F. (ed.), Turnbull D. (ed.) Solid State Physics. Advances in Research and Applications. Volume 16 1965
141612 Seitz F., Turnbull D. Solid State Physics. Volume 5 1958
170120 Seitz F., Turnbull D. Solid State Physics. Volume 11 1960
171990 Seitz F. Solid State Physics. Volume 41 1988

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