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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
150421 Shachman M. The Soft Drinks Companion: A Technical Handbook for the Beverage Industry 2005
138288 Shacham H., Waters B. Pairing-Based Cryptography - Pairing 2009: Third International Conference Palo Alto, CA, USA, August 12-14, 2009 Proceedings 2009
143626 Shacham H., Waters B. Pairing-Based Cryptography - Pairing 2009: Third International Conference Palo Alto, CA, USA, August 12-14, 2009 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Security and Cryptology) 2009
209040 Shabazz B. HABLA MALCOLM X. Discursos entrevistas y declaraciones 1993
58628 Shabat B.V. Introduction to Complex Analysis - excerpts 2003
134724 Shabat B. V. Distribution of Values of Holomorphic Mappings (Translations of Mathematical Monographs) 1985
138744 Shabat B. Distribution of Values of Holomorphic Mappings (Translations of Mathematical Monographs) 1985
159344 Shabat B. Introduction to complex analysis: Functions of several variables : 1992
32253 Shabana A.A. Dynamics of Multibody Systems 2005
33737 Shabana A.A. Computational Continuum Mechanics 2008
160040 Sha E., Han S., Xu C. Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing: International Conference, EUC 2006, Seoul, Korea, August 1-4, 2006, Proceedings 2006
47142 Sh.Igleys Instructor’s Solution Manual to Accompany Mechanical Engineering Design 2003
216958 Sgarbi V. Ecce Caravaggio 2021
183468 Sgaramella V., Eridani S. Mammalian Artificial Chromosomes: Methods and Protocols 2004
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136876 Sgallari F., Murli A., Paragios N. Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: First International Conference, SSVM 2007, Ischia, Italy, May 30 - June 2, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 2007
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126866 Sgall J., Pultr A., Kolman P. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2001 2001
132266 Sfard A. Thinking as Communicating: Human Development, the Growth of Discourses, and Mathematizing 2008
141569 Sfard A. Thinking as Communicating: Human Development, the Growth of Discourses, and Mathematizing (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives) 2008
92765 Seznec A. (editor), Emer J. (editor), O'Boyle M. (editor) Lecture notes in computer science. Volume 5409. High performance embedded architectures and compilers. 4th international conference, HiPEAC 2009, Paphos, Cyprus, january 25-28, 2009, proceedings 2009
32290 Seyranian A.P., Maylibaev A.A. Multiparameter Stability Theory with Mechanical Applications 2004
159761 Seymour S. Functional Aesthetics: Visions in Fashionable Technology 2010
9841 Seymour R.B., Carraher C.E. Giant molecules: essential materials for everyday living and problem solving 2003
48446 Seymour M.Kaye Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items (Vol.8) 1978
48447 Seymour M.Kaye Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items (Vol.9) 1980
48448 Seymour M.Kaye Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items (Vol.10) 1983
198454 Seymour Lipschutz Set Theory and Related Topics 1998
53660 Seymour L. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Discrete Math 2004
131293 Seymour G., Cullinan M.P., Heng N. Oral Biology: Molecular Techniques and Applications 2010
188789 Seymour G., Poole M., Giovannoni J. The Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening 2013
169360 Seymour C., Knox P. Pectins and Their Manipulation (Sheffield Biological Siences) 2002
133338 Seymor Lipschutz, Marc Lipson Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics (Schaum's) 1997
50464 Seyden-Penne J. Reductions by the Alumino- and Borohydrides in Organic Synthesis 1997
54284 Seydel R.U. Tools for Computational Finance 2006
120315 Seydel R., Hagedorn P. Book Reviews: Dealing with Real-World Nonlinearities 1990
169199 Seydel R. Practical Bifurcation and Stability Analysis, Third edition (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, Volume 5) 2010
198162 Seydel R. From Equilibrium to Chaos. Practical Bifurcation and Stability Analysis 1988
25068 Seydel J.K., Wiese M., Folkers G. (Editor) Drug-Membrane Interactions: Analysis, Drug Distribution, Modeling: Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry 2002
16690 Seydel J., Wiese M. Drug-Membrane Interactions: Analysis, Drug Distribution, Modeling 2002
174921 Seydel J., Wiese M., Mannhold R. Drug-Membrane Interactions: Analysis, Drug Distribution, Modeling 2002
164760 Seydel J., Wiese M., Mannhold R. Drug-membrane interactions analysis, drug distribution, modelling 2002
20995 Seybold J.S. Introduction to RF Propagation 2005
125896 Sexton R.J., Richards T.J., Patterson P.M. Retail consolidation and produce buying practices: A summary of the evidence and potential industry and policy responses 2002
52817 Sexton J. Debtor Diplomacy: Finance and American Foreign Relations in the Civil War Era 1837-1873 2005
166976 Sexton C. C++ Programming Made Simple, Second Edition (Made Simple Programming) 2002
145856 Sexton A.P. (ed.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (5588). Dataspace: The Final Frontier: 26th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 26, Birmingham, UK, July 7-9, 2009, Proceedings 2009
136400 Sexl R., Urbantke H.K. Relativity, Groups, Particles. Special Relativity and Relativistic Symmetry in Field and Particle Physics 2000
128071 Sexl R., Sexl H. White dwarfs-black holes: an introduction to relativistic astrophysics 1979
173749 Sewell W. Weaving a Program: Literate Programming in Web 1989

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