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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
204737 Fernando Cajías de la Vega Oruro 1781: Sublevación de indios y rebelión criolla 2005
51284 Fernando G., Misra P. (ed.) Metallic Multilayers and their Applications: Theory, Experiments, and Applications related to Thin Metallic Multilayers 2008
212028 Fernando Gabeira Onde está tudo aquilo agora? 2012
211949 Fernando Henrique Cardoso Xadrez Internacional e Social-Democracia 2010
211518 Fernando Henrique Cardoso Xadrez Internacional e Social-Democracia 2010
156396 Fernando L. Consoli, Jose R. P. Parra, Roberto A. Zucchi Egg Parasitoids in Agroecosystems with Emphasis on Trichogramma (Progress in Biological Control, 9) 2010
149627 Fernando Moura Pires, Salvador Abreu Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 11th Protuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2003, Beja, Portugal, December 4-7, 2003, Proceedings 2003
125431 Fernando Perez J., Schonmann R. H. On the Global Character of Some Restricted Equilibrium ConditionswA Remark on Metastability 1981
125979 Fernando Perez J., Wreszinski W. F. Phase Transitions and Reflection Positivity for a Class of Quantum Lattice Systems 1981
199382 Fernando Q. Gouvea, Noriko Yui Advances in Number Theory 1993
157439 Fernando R., Kilgard M. The Cg tutorial. The definitive guide to programmable real-time graphics 2003
184148 Fernando R. GPU Gems: Programming techniques, tips and tricks for real-time graphics 2004
127645 Fernando R. (ed.) GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics 2004-
211856 Fernando Reinach A longa marcha dos grilos canibais 2014
211881 Fernando Reinach A Longa Marcha dos Grilos Canibais 2009
211690 Fernando Rui Autoconhecimento para inquietos 2016
211789 Fernando Rui Autoconhecimento para Inquietos 2016
152248 Fernando Sanso Geodetic Deformation Monitoring: From Geophysical to Engineering Roles (International Association of Geodesy Symposia) 2006
207802 FERNANDO VEGA-REDONDO Economics and the theory of games 2003
124771 Fernando Verieat, Lesser Blum Many-Body Functions of Nonprimitive Electrolytes in One Dimension 1990
46142 Fernelius W.K. (ed.) Inorganic Synthesis. Volume 2 1946
78595 Ferngren G.B. (ed.), Larson E.J. (ed.), Amundsen D.W. (ed.) The history of science and religion in the western tradition 2005
23415 Fernie J., Sparks L. Logistics and Retail Management 2004
159112 Fernique X., Millar P.W., Stroock D.W. Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XI - 1981 1983
36062 Fernique X.M., Conze J.P., Gani J. Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour IV-1974 1975
36063 Fernique X.M., Heinkel B., Marcus M.B. (eds.) Geometrical and Statistical Aspects of Probability in Banach Spaces 1986
83853 Fernow R.C. Introduction to experimental particle physics 1986
78381 Fernstrom C., Kruzela I., Svensson B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Associative Array Processor 1986
148160 Fernstrom C., Kruzela I., Svensson B. LUCAS Associative Array Processor: Design, Programming and Application Studies (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 1986
181959 Fernstrom M. The Real You Diet: Your Personal Program for Lasting Weight Loss 2010
29104 Ferracchiati C. Linq for VB 2005 2007
29105 Ferracchiati F.C. Linq for Visual C# 2005 2007
43627 Ferracchiati F.C. LINQ for Visual C# 2008 2008
168598 Ferraggine V., Doorn J., Rivero L. Handbook of Research on Innovations in Database Technologies and Applications: Current and Future Trends 2009
36064 Ferrante J., Rackoff Ch.W. The Computational Complexity of Logical Theories 1979
152522 Ferranti D., Perry G., Gill I. Closing the Gap in Education and Technology (World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies) 2003
113507 Ferrar W.L. Algebra: A Text-Book of Determinants, Matrices, and Algebraic Forms 1960
106191 Ferrar W.L. Algebra: a textbook of determinants, matrices, and algebraic forms 1957
32911 Ferrar W.L. Textbook of Convergence 1982
33885 Ferrar W.L. Algebra 1960
192904 Ferrara L., Hayden F., Neal D. The Networked Supply Chain: Applying Breakthrough BPM Technology to Meet Relentless Customer Demands 2004
17193 Ferrara N. VEGF 2000
191203 Ferrara S., Mossbauer R. SEARCHING FOR THE SUPERWORLD: A Volume in Honor of Antonino Zichichi on the Occasion of the Sixth Centenary Celebrations of the University of Turin, Italy ... (World Scientific in 20th Century Physics) 2007
177581 Ferrara S. Steadicam: Techniques and aesthetics 2001
159939 Ferrara S. Steadicam: Techniques and aesthetics 2001
130279 Ferrarese G., Bini D. Introduction to Relativistic Continuum Mechanics 2008
184762 Ferrari A., Zonta S., Sgarella A. Nipple Sparing Mastectomy: Minimally Invasive Video-Assisted Technique 2013
29784 Ferrari E. Web and Information Security 2005
192231 Ferrari G. Sensor Networks: Where Theory Meets Practice (Signals and Communication Technology) 2010
138389 Ferrari G. Sensor Networks: Where Theory Meets Practice 2010

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