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55607 Xiao T-J., Liang J. The Cauchy Problem for Higher-Order Abstract Differential Equations 2006
39376 Xiao T.-J., Liang J. Cauchy Problem for Higher Order Abstract Differential Equations 1998
193972 Xiao W. Yeast Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) (Methods in Molecular Biology) 2006
132115 Xiao X. Technical, Commercial and Regulatory Challenges of QoS: An Internet Service Model Perspective 2008
133422 Xiao Y. WiMAX/MobileFi: advanced research and technology 2008
81165 Xiao Y. WiMAX/MobileFi: Advanced Research and Technology 2007
26400 Xiao Y. Security in Distributed, Grid, Mobile, and Pervasive Computing 2007
181521 Xiao Y., Shen X., Du D. Wireless Network Security 2007
173483 Xiao Y. WiMAX/MobileFi: Advanced Research and Technology 2008
194476 Xiaodong Wang, H. Vincent Poor Wireless Communication Systems, Advanced Techniques for Signal Reception 2003
81650 Xiaofang Zhou (Editor), Su S. (Editor), Papazoglou M.P. (Editor) Web Information Systems -- WISE 2004: 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, November 22-24, 2004, Proceedings 2004
137228 Xiaopeng Zhang, Shaochun Zhong, Zhigeng Pan Entertainment for Education. Digital Techniques and Systems: 5th International Conference on E-learning and Games, Edutainment 2010 2010
123490 Xiaowen Shan, Gary Doolen Multicomponent Lattice-Boltzmann Model with Interparticle Interaction 1994
121373 Xiaoy i He, Li-Sh i Luo Lattice Boltzmann Model for the Incompressible Navier-Stoke's Equation 1997
105922 Xickelsen A. Komplexitaetstheorie 2007
145749 Xie B., Ramanathan K., Danielsson B. Principles of Enzyme Thermistor Systems: Applications to Biomedical and Other Measurements.Thermal Biosensors, Bioactivity, Bioaffinitty Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology Volume 64, 1999 1999
167921 Xie B., Branke J., Sadjadi S. Autonomic and Trusted Computing: 7th International Conference, ATC 2010, Xi'an, China, October 26-29, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Programming and Software Engineering) 2010
186866 Xie H., Gathergood N. The Role of Green Chemistry in Biomass Processing and Conversion 2013
152334 Xie I. Interactive Information Retrieval in Digital Environments 2008
157837 Xie M., Xiong Y., Xiong C. Intelligent Robotics and Applications: Second International Conference, ICIRA 2009, Singapore, December 16-18, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in ... Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 2009
168243 Xie M., Xiong Y., Xiong C. Intelligent Robotics and Applications: Second International Conference, ICIRA 2009, Singapore, December 16-18, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 2009
25083 Xie M., Poh K.-L., Dai Y.-S. Computing System Reliability: Models and Analysis 2004
29339 Xie M. Fundamentals of Robotics: Linking Perception to Action 2003
55952 Xie M., Dobwsky S., Fontain J.-G. Advances in climbing and walking robots 2007
35620 Xie R.-H., Rao Q., Jensen L. Nonlinear Optics of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes 2004
199817 Xie W., Dang Y., Wu L. Experimental and molecular simulating study on promoting electrolyte-immersed mechanical properties of cellulose/lignin separator for lithium-ion battery 2020
187516 Xie Y. The nanobiotechnology handbook 2013
210011 Xiebing Cauthen The 56 Colorful Ethnic Groups of China 2021
111924 XII Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ Ñîâðåìåííûå ïðîáëåìû ìåõàíèêè ñïëîøíîé ñðåäû. 2009
74889 Xin J. An Introduction to Fronts in Random Media 2009
125566 Xin J.X. Existence and Nonexistence of Traveling Waves and Reaction-Diffusion Front Propagation in Periodic Media 1993
140221 Xin Y. Minimal submanifolds and related topics 2004
48798 Xin-Jiu Wang, Qi-Feng Zhou Liquid Crystalline Polymers 2004
152250 Xin-She Yang Introduction to Mathematical Optimization: From Linear Programming to Metaheuristics 2008
29337 Xing W.L. (Ed), Cheng J. (Ed) Frontiers in Biochip Technology 2005
197595 Xingzhi Zhan Matrix inequalities (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1790) 2002
191606 Xiong B., Peng Y. Mathematical Olympiad in China: Problems and Solutions 2007
176768 Xiong D., Wu J. The natural axiom system of probability theory: Mathematical model of the random Universe 2003
139603 Xiong D. The Natural Axiom System of Probability Theory: Mathematical Model of the Random Universe 2003
133796 Xiong D. The Natural Axiom System of Probability Theory: Mathematical Model of the Random Universe 2003
131871 Xiong F. Digital Modulation Techniques 2000
180045 Xiong F. Digital Modulation Techniques, Second Edition (Artech House Telecommunications Library) 2006
144549 Xiong J. Essential Bioinformatics 2006
146674 Xiong J. An introduction to stochastic filtering theory 2008
148301 Xiong J. Essential Bioinformatics 2006
171478 Xiong J. An Introduction to Stochastic Filtering Theory (Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics) 2008
48387 Xu B. Self-organizing Wireless Broadband Multihop Networks with QoS Guarantee 2002
43567 Xu B.G. A 3-color Theorem on Plane Graphs without 5-circuits 2007
43463 Xu C., Ma X., Hua S. [r ,s ,t]-Coloring of K_n,n 2008

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