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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
136277 Turksen K. Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols: Volume I: Isolation and Characterization (Methods in Molecular Biology) 2006
140261 Turksen K. Polymeric Biomaterials 2006
145562 Turksen K. Epidermal Cells. Methods and Protocols. 2010
138832 Turksen K. Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols: Volume II: Differentiation Models (Methods in Molecular Biology) 2006
172201 Turksen K. Embryonic Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols 2001
147198 Turksen K. Human Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols 2009
150071 Turksen K. Epidermal Cells Methods and Protocols 2005
150443 Turksen K. Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols. Differentiation Models 2006
189605 Turksen K. Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols: Isolation and Characterization. Volume 2: Differentiation Models 2006
190155 Turksen K. Embryonic Stem Cells 2001
185240 Turksen K. Stem Cell Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols 2013
186957 Turksen K. Imaging and Tracking Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols 2013
193607 Turksen K. Embryonic Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols 2002
161947 Turksen K. Human Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) 2006
158744 Turksen K. Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols. Isolation and Characterization 2006
10176 Turley J. The Essential Guide to Semiconductors 2002
26479 Turley P., Cameron S., Kasprzak J. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Step by Step 2007
23144 Turley P., Bryant T., Counihan J. Professional SQL Server Reporting Services 2004
23303 Turley P., Wood D. Beginning Transact-SQL with SQL Server 2000 and 2005 2006
176647 Turnbull D., Seitz F. Solid State Physics. Volume 1 1955
179934 Turnbull D. Masons, Tricksters and Cartographers: Comparative Studies in the Sociology of Scientific and Indigenous Knowledge 2003
163655 Turnbull D. (ed.) Solid State Physics. Volume 44 1991
37608 Turnbull H.W. Theory of Equations 1947
39481 Turnbull H.W. An Introduction to the Theory of Canonical Matrices 1952
35785 Turnbull H.W. The Great Mathematicians 1933
106693 Turnbull H.W. Theory of equations 1947
74796 Turnbull J., Lieverdink P., Matotek D. Pro Linux System Administration 2009
161377 Turnbull J. Broadband Applications and the Digital Home (Btexact Communications Technology Series, 5) 2008
15734 Turnbull J. Pro Nagios 2.0 2006
183961 Turnbull M., Sugimoto T., Thompson L. Molecule-Based Magnetic Materials. Theory, Techniques, and Applications 1996
79526 Turnbull S., Gerrard H. (Illustrator) Nagashino 1575: Slaughter at the barricades 2000
79903 Turnbull S., Reynolds W. (Illustrator) Kawanakajima 1553-1564: Samurai Power Struggle 2003
85907 Turnbull S., Hook R. (Illustrator) Osaka 1615: The Last Samurai Battle 2006
80359 Turnbull S., Hook R. (Illustrator) Tannenberg 1410: Disaster for the Teutonic Knights 2003
57547 Turner B.S. The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology 2006
28973 Turner B., Robertson J., Bazley R. Flash 5 Cartoons and Games 2001
106639 Turner B., Robertson J., Bazley R. Flash 5. Cartoons And Games F/x And Design 2001
115885 Turner B. Workbook of Atmosphere Dispersion Estmiates 1994
50504 Turner B.L., Frossard E., Baldwin D.S. Organic Phosphorus in the Environment 2004
187872 Turner D., Loidl H., Pena R. Trends in Functional Programming: 13th International Symposium, TFP 2012, St. Andrews, UK, June 12-14, 2012, Revised Selected Papers 2013
170542 Turner D. Making Prehistory. Historical Science and the Scientific Realism Debate 2007
77589 Turner D. Faith, Reason and the Existence of God 2004
80840 Turner D.M. Fashioning Adultery: Gender, Sex and Civility in England, 1660-1740 2002
58858 Turner D.R., Steed, J.W., Wallace K. Core Concepts in Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry: From Supramolecules to Nanotechnology 2007
207052 Turner F.J. The Character and Influence of the Indian Trade in Wisconsin 1891
36718 Turner G.C. Graphical Methods in Applied Mathematics 1909
147691 Turner I.M. The Ecology of Trees in the Tropical Rain Forest 2001
150186 Turner J. Atoms, Radiation and Radiation Protection 2007
149503 Turner J. Mammals of Australia: An Introduction to Their Classification, Biology & Distribution 2004
140937 Turner J. The Extended Organism: The Physiology of Animal-Built Structures 2000

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