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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
1542 Toloza J.H. Exponentially accurate error estimates of quasiclassical eigenvalues 2002
41624 Tolsa X. BMO, H1, and Calderon-Zygmund operators for non doubling measures 2001
215424 Tolstói L. O reino de deus estã em vos 2011
43932 Tolstikhin I., Kramers J. Evolution of Matter: From the Big Bang to the Present Day 2008
85366 Tolstoy A., Shang E.-C., Teng Y.-C. Theoretical and Computational Acoustics 2005 1996
17266 Tolstoy I. (ed.) Collected Papers of M.A.Biot 1991
200030 Tolstoy L. RESURRECTION 2011
18692 Tolstoy V.P., Chernyshova I.V., Skryshevsky V.A. Handbook of Infrared Spectroscopy of Ultrathin Films 2003
149191 Tom Christiansen, Larry Wall Programming Perl 1996
165465 tom Dieck T. Algebraic Topology and Transformation Groups 1988
104686 tom Dieck T. Algebra 2004
1474 Tom Dieck T. Quantum groups and knot algebra 2000
123007 Tom Kennedy A Faster Implementation of the Pivot Algorithm for Self-Avoiding Walks 2001
48751 Tom Markvart, Luis Castaner Solar Cells 2005
150248 Tom Mayes, Sara Mortimore, Tony Mayes Making the Most of Haccp: Learning from Other's Experience 2001
199764 Tom Reichert SEX IN ADVERTISING. Perspectives on the Erotic Appeal 2003
195107 Tom Rockmore On Foundationalism: A Strategy for Metaphysical Realism 2004
210216 Tom Stonier Információ és az univerzum belső szerkezete 1993
133985 Tom Uher Programming and Scheduling Techniques 2003
206642 Tom W.B. Kibble, Frank H. Berkshire Classical Mechanics n/a
211832 Tomás de Aquino VERDADE E CONHECIMENTO 1999
27830 Tomak K. Advances in the Economics of Information Systems 2004
39485 Toman R. (Ed) The Gothic: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting 2004
8021 Tomanek D., Enbody R.J. Science and application of nanotubes 2002
44086 Tomanek E. Is Pneumonia Increasing 1924
194526 Tomar G.S., Grosky W.I., Kim T.-h. Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Applications: International Conference, UCMA 2010, Miyazaki, Japan, June 23-25, 2010. Proceedings 2010
140496 Tomas G., Ueberhuber C.W. Visualization of Scientific Parallel Programs 1994
160724 Tomas G., Ueberhuber C. Visualization of Scientific Parallel Programs 1994
135556 Tomas Pajdla, Jiri Matas Computer Vision - ECCV 2004: 8th European Conference on Computer Vision, Prague, Czech Republic, May 11-14, 2004. Proceedings 2004
135590 Tomas Roubicek Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Applications 2005
75207 Tomasello M. The cultural origins of human cognition 2000
11057 Tomasello M., Slobin D.I. (ed.) Beyond Nature-Nurture 2005
24562 Tomasello M., Slobin D.I. Beyond nature-nurture: essays in honor of Elizabeth Bates 2004
110909 Tomasi C. Mathematical Methods for Robotics and Vision 2000
165601 Tomasi C. Mathematical methods for robotics and vision 2000
138689 Tomasits J., Haber P. Leistungsphysiologie. Grundlagen fur Trainer, Physiotherapeuten und Masseure: Grundlagen Fur Trainer, Physiotherapeuten Und Masseure 2005
179469 Tomasits J., Haber P. Leistungsphysiologie: Grundlagen f?r Trainer, Physiotherapeuten und Masseure 2008
215122 Tomassi G. Luciano di Samosata, La nave o Le preghiere 2020
33003 Tomassi P. Logic 1999
29623 Tomassini M. Spatially Structured Evolutionary Algorithms: Artificial Evolution in Space and Time 2005
135415 Tomasz Puzyn, Jerzy Leszczynski, Mark T. Cronin Recent Advances in QSAR Studies: Methods and Applications (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics) 2009
199280 Tomasz R. Bielecki Credit Risk: Modeling, Valuation and Hedging 2002
120590 Tomasz Schreiber Dobrushin-Kotecky-Shlosman Theorem for Polygonal Markov Fields in the Plane 1994
12675 Tomayko J.E., Hazzan O. Human Aspects of Software Engineering 2004
181528 Tombran-Tink J., Barnstable C. Retinal Degenerations: Biology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics 2007
172958 Tombran-Tink J., Barnstable C. Retinal Degenerations: Biology, Diagnostics and Therapeutics (Ophthalmology Research) 2007
53732 Tombre K. (ed.), Chhabra A.K. (ed.) Graphics Recognition: Algorithms and Systems 1998
34329 Tombs A.A. (Ed), Saavedra F.L. (Ed) Advanced Courses of Mathematical Analysis I: Proceedings of the First International School 2004
199974 Tombs S., Whyte D., O'Neill R. Safety Crimes. Crime and Society Series 2007

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