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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
156741 Szallasi Z., Stelling J., Periwal V. System Modeling in Cell Biology From Concepts to Nuts and Bolts 2006
142316 Szallasi Z., Stelling J., Periwal V. System Modeling in Cellular Biology: From Concepts to Nuts and Bolts 2006
34312 Szallasi Z. (Ed), Periwal V. (Ed) System Modeling in Cell Biology: From Concepts to Nuts and Bolts 2006
120411 Szalma F., Igloi F. Two-Dimensional Dilute Ising Models: Critical Behavior near Defect Lines 1999
121863 Szamel G. Statistical Mechanics of Dissipative Transport in Crystals 1997
142304 Szamuely T. Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) 2009
150217 Szamuely T. Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 117) 2009
43587 Szankowski A. A banach lattice without the approximation property 1976
43861 Szarek S.J. Banach space without a basis which has the bounded approximation property 1987
1731 Szarski J. Differential inequalities 1965
123476 Szasz D., Toth B. Persistent Random Walks in a One- Dimensional Random Environment 1984
121581 Szasz D. A Dynamical Theory of Brownian Motion for the Rayleigh Gas 1987
78744 Szasz F. Radikale der Ringe 1975
216758 Szasz T. Yalanlar bilimi psikiyatri 2013
124029 Szatzschneider W. The Motion of a Tagged Particle and Nonhomogeneous Media in R 1993
58303 Szayna T., Bankes S.C., Byman D. The Emergence Peer Competitors: A Framework for Analysis 2001
175366 Szczepaniak J., Blasinski H., Bogacz P. Discrete Mathematics Extensive Course - Prepared for IFE Students 2005
158164 Szczepaniak P., Kacprzyk J., Niewiadomski A. Advances in Web Intelligence: Third International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC 2005, Lodz, Poland, June 6-9, 2005, Proceedings 2005
154040 Szczuka M., Howard D., Slezak D. Advances in Hybrid Information Technology: First International Conference, ICHIT 2006, Jeju Island, Korea, November 9-11, 2006, Revised Selected 2007
24241 Szczurek Th.M. Pursuit of Passionate Purpose Success Strategies for a Rewarding Personal and Business Life 2005
180290 Sze S. Physics of Semiconductor Devices 1981
195281 Sze S. M., Kwok K. N. Physics of Semiconductor Devices 2007
48479 SZE S.M. Solutions Manual to Accompany SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Physics and Technology 2nd Edition n/a
21952 Sze S.M. Physics of Semiconductor Devices 1981
198453 Sze-Tsen Hu Homotopy Theory 1959
198448 Sze-Tsen Hu Cohomology Theory n/a
43064 Szebehely V.G., Mark H. Adventures in Celestial Mechanics 1998
210416 Szechi D., Levin M.J., Marshall A. The Dangerous Trade: Spies, Spymasters and the Making of Europe 2010
179985 Szecsei D. Homework Helpers: Basic Math And Pre-Algebra 2006
141084 Szecsei D. Homework Helpers: Basic Math And Pre-Algebra 2006
136252 Szefler S.J. (ed.), Leung D.Y.M. (ed.) Lung Biology in Health & Disease. Volume 159. Severe Asthma: Pathogenesis and Clinical Management 2001
37577 Szegö G. Semigruppi Di Trasformazioni Multivoche 1969
5252 Szego G. Orthogonal polynomials 1939
158195 Szekely G. Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics 1986
153636 Szekely G. Paradoxes in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (Mathematics and its Applications) 1986
9759 Szekely G.J. Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics 1986
140874 Szekelyhidi L. Discrete Spectral Synthesis and Its Applications (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) 2006
160231 Szekelyhidi L. Discrete Spectral Synthesis and Its Applications 2006
158694 Szekeres P. A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry 2004
7166 Szekeres P. A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry 2004
127370 Szeliski R. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications 2010
33692 Szempli W., Stupnicka S. Chaos, Bifurcations and Fractals around Us: A Brief Introduction 2004
52815 Szenberg M. (ed.), Ramrattan L. (ed.), Gottesman A.A. (ed.) Samuelsonian Economics and the Twenty-First Century 2006
54123 Szendrei Á. Clones in universal algebra 1986
80482 Szepietowski A. Turing Machines with Sublogarithmic Space 1994
174900 Szewczak E. Selected Readings on the Human Side of Information Technology 2009
138640 Szidarovszky F., Yakowitz S. Principles and procedures of numerical analysis 1978
211092 Szidat J. Ursupator tanti nominis: Kaiser und Ursupator in der Spatantike (337-476 n. Chr.) 2010
4169 Szigeti T., Hattingh C. End-to-end QoS network design 2004

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