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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
181612 Sauveron D., Markantonakis K., Bilas A. Information Security Theory and Practices. Smart Cards, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Systems: First IFIP TC6 / WG 8.8 / WG 11.2 International 2007
187702 Sauvigny F. Partial differential equations 1. Foundations and integral representations 2006
189705 Sauvigny F. Partial Differential Equations: Foundations and Integral Representations 2006
129300 Sauvigny F. Partial Differential Equations 1. Foundations and Integral Representations 2006
59329 Sauvigny F. Partial Differential Equations 2. Functional Analytic methods 2006
55392 Sauvigny F., Heinz E. Partial Differential Equations 1. Foundations and Integral Representations 2006
48763 Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin, Eshetu Wondemagegnehu Effective Drug Regulation: A Multicountry Study 2002
53451 Savéant J.-M. Elements of Molecular and Biomolecular Electrochemistry: An Electrochemical Approach to Electron Transfer Chemistry 2006
145387 Savage C., Anderson C. Rereading Russell: Essays on Bertrand Russell's Metaphysics and Epistemology (Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science) 1989
74271 Savage J.E. Models of Computation: Exploring the Power of Computing 1998
149449 Savage M., Naidoo P. African Science and Technology Education into the New Millenium Mpn: Practice, Policy and Priorities (My New World) 1998
131752 Savagner P. Rise and Fall of Epithelial Phenotype: Concepts of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition 2005
35712 Savchev S., Andreescu T. Mathematical Miniatures 2003
74252 Save M.A. Plastic Limit Analysis of Plates, Shells and Disks 1998
179356 Saveliev N., Gamkrelidze R., Vassiiev A. Invariants for homology 3-spheres 2002
127526 Savely G. Karshenboim Precision Physics of Simple Atoms and Molecules 2008
9279 Savelyev S.A., Taylor P.A. Internal boundry layers: I. Height formulae for neutral and diabatic flows 2005
34336 Savett A.L. The Human Side of Medicine: Learning What It's Like to Be a Patient and What It's Like to Be a Physician 2002
141892 Saviane I., Ivanov V., Borissova J. Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe 2007
216245 Saviano R. CeroCeroCero 2013
155261 Savidge T., Pothulakis C. Microbial Imaging, Volume 34 (Methods in Microbiology) 2005
147953 Savignac P. Modern Phosphonate Chemistry 2003
23476 Savikas A. Word Hacks: Tips & Tools for Taming Your Text 2004
210389 Saville D., Hardin J.W. The Ecology of Herbal Medicine: A Guide to Plants and Living Landscapes of the American Southwest 2021
80293 Savini T. Grande Illusions: A Learn-By-Example Guide to the Art and Technique of Special Make-Up Effects from the Films of Tom Savini 1994
11557 Savino J.O. (ed.), Turvey B.E. Rape investigation handbook 2005
140509 Savino W., Besedovsky H., Silva P.O. Neuroimmunomodulation: From Fundamental Biology to Therapy 2009
145599 Savioz P. Technology Intelligence: Concept Design and Implementation in Technology Based Sme's 2004
201170 Savitch W. Problem Solving with C++ 2009
194174 Savitch W. Abstract machines and grammars 1982
9735 Savitch W.J., Marsh W., Bach M. (eds.) Formal Complexity of Natural Language 1987
138847 Savitt S. Time's Arrows Today: Recent Physical and Philosophical Work on the Direction of Time 1995
59238 Savitz A.W., Weber K. The Triple Bottom Line: How Today's Best-Run Companies Are Achieving Economic, Social and Environmental Success - and How You Can Too 2006
83911 Savkin A.V., Evans R.J. Hybrid dynamical systems: controller and sensor switching problems 2002
134508 Savo G. Glisic Advanced Wireless Networks: 4G Technologies 2006
46210 Savoj J., Razavi B. High Speed CMOS Circuits for Optical Receivers 2001
53873 Savransky S.D. Engineering of Creativity (Introduction to TRIZ Methodology of Inventive Problem Solving) 2001
84220 Savulescu S.C. Real-Time Stability Assessment in Modern Power System Control Centers 2009
212349 Savvy Kafir Intro to Islam 2015
113438 Sawada H. List of articles on thermodynamics of polymerization by Hideo Sawada published in polymer reviews n/a
124887 Sawada Y. A Thermodynamic Variational Principle in Nonlinear Systems Far from Equilibrium 1984
75966 Sawai K. The Essence of Kung-Fu Taiki-Ken 1976
150283 Sawaragi T. Coastal Engineering: Waves, Beaches, Wave-Structure Interactions 1995
172773 Sawaragi T. Coastal Engineering: Waves, Beaches, Wave-Structure Interactions (Developments in Geotechnical Engineering) 1995
56804 Sawday J. Engines Of The Imagination: Renaissance Culture And The Rise Of The Machine 2007
159306 Sawhney M., Gulati R., Paoni A. TechVenture: New Rules on Value and Profit from Silicon Valley 2001
80671 Sawodny W. German Armored Trains on the Russian Front 1941-1944 2003
51040 Sawyer A., Bright K.T. The Access Manual: Auditing and Managing Inclusive Built Environments 2006
190641 Sawyer C., McCarty P., Parkin G. Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science 2003
174916 Sawyer D., Sobkowiak A., Roberts J. Electrochemistry for Chemists 1995

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