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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
53450 Pyell U. (ed.) Electrokinetic Chromatography: Theory, Instrumentation and Applications 2006
165449 Pyke K. Plastid Biology 2009
11572 Pyle D. Business Modeling and Data Mining 2003
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170100 Pyle M.A. Test of English as a Foreign Language preparation guide 1991
13311 Pyle M.A. CliffsTestPrep. TOEFL CBT 2001
21917 Pyles J. PC Technician Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to CompTIA A+ Skills 2006
77147 Pylkkanen P. Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order 2006
29166 Pylkknen P.T. Time Consciousness: The Relevance of Bohemian Physics to Our Understanding of the mind 2005
32653 Pym D.J., Ritter E. Reductive Logic and Proof-Search: Proof Theory, Semantics, and Control 2004
40936 Pyne S.J. Tending Fire: Coping with America's Wildland Fires 2004
152882 Pynn R., Riste T. Time-Dependent Effects in Disordered Materials 1988
127484 Pyotr Ya. Ufimtsev Fundamentals of the physical theory of diffraction 2007
82454 Pyrhonen J., Jokinen T., Hrabovcova V. Design of Rotating Electrical Machines 2008
116935 Pyrih P. Lovely Math Wedding Cakes 2009
26162 Pyron T.W., Brandon J., Kirby K. Special Edition Using Microsoft Office Project 2003 2004
35033 Pytlak R. Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints 1999
22216 Pyzdek T. The Six Sigma Project Planner 2003
48136 Pyzdek Th. (Ed), Keller P.A. Quality Engineering Handbook (Quality and Reliability Series, Volume 60) by Thomas Pyzdek: Book Cover * o Table of Contents Quality Engineering Handbook (Quality and Reliability Series, Volume 60) 2003
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203648 Pódro Franco Ñoncha El gobierno corporativo en el Perú: reflexiones académicas sobre su aplicación 2020
196412 Pþ Wen, Y. Li Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology: 4th International Conference, RSKT 2009, Gold Coast, Australia, July 14-16, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in ... Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 2009
196244 Q. Hu, W. Yue Markov Decision Processes with Their Applications (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics) 2007
201943 Qadri Ismail Culture and Eurocentrism 2015
121500 Qi D., Luo L., Aravamuthan R. Lateral Migration and Orientation of Elliptical Particles in Poiseuille Flows 2002
74339 Qi L. Applied computing, computer science, and advanced communication. First International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, FCC 2009 Wuhan. China, June 2009, Proceedings 2009
183374 Qi L., Jin H. Dynamic Provisioning for Community Services 2013
188380 Qi S., Bouros P., Mamoulis N. Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 13th International Symposium, SSTD 2013, Munich, Germany, August 21-23, 2013. Proceedings 2013
125150 Qian H., Qian M., Tang X. Thermodynamics of the General Diffusion Process: Time-Reversibility and Entropy Production 2002
82892 Qian K., den Haring D., Cao L. Embedded software development with C 2009
77507 Qian K., den Haring D, Cao L. Embedded software development with C 2009
188744 Qian M., Shellhammer T. Flavor Chemistry of Wine and Other Alcoholic Beverages 2012
171401 Qian M., Xie J., Zhu S. Smooth Ergodic Theory for Endomorphisms (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) 2009
208885 Qian Suoqiao Liberal Cosmopolitan Lin Yutang and Middling Chinese Modernity 2010
84696 Qian T., Mang Ì., Yuesheng X. Wavelet analysis and applications 2007
209027 Qian Wang Chinese Philosophy of Technology 2020
168585 Qian Y., Tipper D., Krishnamurthy P. Information Assurance: Dependability and Security in Networked Systems (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking) 2008
164827 Qian Y., Tipper D., Krishnamurthy P. Information Assurance: Dependability and Security in Networked Systems (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking) 2008
126045 Qian Y.H., Orszag S.A. Scalings in Diffusion-Driven Reaction A + B -> C: Numerical Simulations by Lattice BGK Models 1995
123455 Qian Y.H., d'Humieres D., Lallemand P. Diffusion Simulation with a Deterministic One-Dimensional Lattice-Gas Model 1992
154162 Qiang Cui, Ivet Bahar Normal Mode Analysis: Theory and Applications to Biological and Chemical Systems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical & Computational Biology) 2005
43080 Qifan Y. A 2. 79 competitive online algorithm for two processor real-time systems with uniform value density 1997
133259 Qiming Zhou, Brian Lees, Guo-an Tang Advances in Digital Terrain Analysis 2008
196990 Qin B. Lake Taihu, China: Dynamics and Environmental Change (Monographiae Biologicae) 2008
183813 Qin L., Genant H., Griffith J. Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of the Quality of Bone and Scaffold Materials Techniques and Applications 2007
39596 Qin L., Guo W. Functional mixed-effects model for periodic data 2006
122940 Qin Meng-Zhao, Zhang Mei-Qing Explicit Runge--Kutta-like Schemes to Solve Certain Quantum Operator Equations of Motion 1990
152256 Qin Q., Wang H. MATLAB and C Programming for Trefftz Finite Element Methods 2009
47710 Qin Q.-H. Green's Function and Boundary Elements of Multifield Materials 2007

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