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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
68652 Ousey Ê. (ed.), Mcintosh C. (ed.) Lower Extremity Wounds. A Problem-Based Learning Approach 2008
82442 Oussama Khatib, Vijay Kumar (Editor), Rus D. (Editor) Experimental Robotics: The 10th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics 2008
199783 Oussi N., Renman P., Georgiou K. Baseline characteristics in laparoscopic simulator performance: The impact of personal 2 computer (PC)–gaming experience and visuospatial ability n/a
24323 Ousterhout J.K. Tcl and the Tk Toolkit 1993
76939 Outman J. L., Outman E.M. Industrial Revolution. Biographies 2003
76518 Outman J.L. Industrial Revolution Reference Library Almanac 2003
77032 Outman J.L. Industrial Revolution Reference Library Primary Sources 2003
3619 Outmesguine M. Wi-Fi Toys: 15 Cool Wireless Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment 2004
58349 Ouwerkerk M., Overbeek T.J.M., Pasveer W.F. Probing Experience: From Assessment of User Emotions and Behaviour to Development of Products 2008
153334 Ovadi J., Orosz F. Protein folding and misfolding: neurodegenerative diseases (Focus on Structural Biology) 2009
119333 Ovchinnikov A.A., Timashev S.F., Belyy A.A. Book Review: Kinetics of Diffusion Controlled Chemical Processes 1991
47759 Ovchinnikov S.G. Hubbard Operators in the Theory of Strongly Correlated Electrons 2004
182846 Ovchinnikov V. The method of orbits in interpolation theory 1984
46481 Ovchinnikov V.I. The Method of Orbits in Interpolation Theory 1984
49536 Ovchinnikov V.V. Mossbauer Analysis of the Atomic and Magnetic Structure of Alloys 2006
152468 Overby A. CNC Machining Handbook: Building, Programming, and Implementation 2010
197700 Overduin J.M., Wesson P.S. Dark Sky, Dark Matter 2002
164756 Overduin J.M., Wesson P.S. Dark Sky, Dark Matter (Series in Astronomy and Astrophysics) 2002
6931 Overduin J.M., Wesson P.S. Dark sky, dark matter 2003
92773 Overhage S. (editor), Szyperski C.A. (editor), Reussner R. (editor) Lecture notes in computer science. Volume 4880. Software architectures, components and applications. 3rd international conference on quality of software architectures, QoSA 2007, Medford, MA, USA, july 11-13, 2007, revised selected papers 2007
105330 Overhagen T. Elemente der Geometrie 2006
176154 Overholt J., Kincheloe L. Math Wise! Over 100 Hands-On Activities that Promote Real Math Understanding, Grades K-8 (Jossey-Bass Teacher) 2010
138086 Overington I. Computer Vision: A Unified, Biologically-Inspired Approach 1992
102202 Overland Br. C++ In Plain Engish. 2000
27740 Overly M., Kalyvas J. Software Agreements Line by Line: How to Understand & Change Software Licenses & Contracts to Fit Your Needs 2004
150769 Overman A.R., Scholtz R.V. Mathematical Models of Crop Growth and Yield 2002
8458 Overman L.E., Boeckman R.K., Coffen D.L. (eds.) Organic Syntheses (vol. 71) 1992
84043 Overman L.E. (ed.) Organic reactions (volume 56) 2000
84121 Overman L.E. (ed.) Organic Reactions (volume 71) 2008
83190 Overton D. Small Business Server 2008 Installation, Migration, and Configuration 2009
189373 Overton M. Numerical Computing with IEEE Floating Point Arithmetic 2001
74567 Overton M.L. Numerical Computing with IEEE Floating Point Arithmetic 2001
24154 Overton R., Hayward D. Now You Know Tungsten E 2004
149458 Overwalle G. Gene Patents and Collaborative Licensing Models: Patent Pools, Clearinghouses, Open Source Models and Liability Regimes (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law) 2009
175981 Ovretveit J. Action Evaluation of Health Programmes And Changes: a Handbook for a User-focused Approach: A Handbook for a User-focused Approach 2002
150397 Ovsiannikov V. Lecture Notes for Physics. Part 1. Mechanics. 2002
154239 Ovsienko V., Tabachnikov S. Projective differential geometry old and new 2004
135663 Ovsienko V., Tabachnikov S. Projective Differential Geometry Old and New: From the Schwarzian Derivative to the Cohomology of Diffeomorphism Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics) 2004
114276 Ovsyannikov V.D., Tchaplyguine E.V. Lecture Notes for Physics. Part 3. Electricity and Magnetsim 2003
15301 Owad T., Wozniak S. Apple I Replica Creation: Back to the Garage 2005
123096 Owczarek A. L, Prellberg T. Exact Scaling Behavior of Partially Convex Vesicles 1994
123218 Owczarek A.L., Baxter R.J. A Class of Interaction-Round-a-Face Models and Its Equivalence with an Ice-Type Model 1987
123366 Owczarek A.L., Preilberg T., Brak R. The Tricritical Behavior of Self-Interacting Partially Directed Walks 1993
121329 Owczarek A.L., Prellberg T. The Collapse Point of Interacting Trails in Two Dimensions from Kinetic Growth Simulations 1995
125184 Owczarek A.L., Prellberg T. Exact Solution of the Discrete (1 + 1)-Dimensional SOS Model with Field and Surface Interactions 1993
124559 Owczarek A.L., Essam J.W., Brak R. Scaling Analysis for the Adsorption Transition in a Watermelon Network of n Directed Non-Intersecting Walks 2001
175929 Owe O., Krogdahl S., Lyche T. From Object-Orientation to Formal Methods: Essays in Memory of Ole-Johan Dahl (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 2004
189164 Owe O., Krogdahl S., Lyche T. From Object-Orientation to Formal Methods: Essays in Memory of Ole-Johan Dahl 2004
35174 Owen A.B. Empirical Likelihood, Vol. 92 2001
74230 Owen B. The Organ Music of Johannes Brahms 2007

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