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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
178232 Ossi P. Disordered Materials 2006
151777 Ossi P. Disordered Materials: An Introduction 2006
155253 Ossicini S., Pavesi L., Priolo F. Lie Grs, Physics and Geometry - An Introduction for Physicists, Engineers and Chemists 2008
158699 Ossicini S., Pavesi L., Priolo F. Light Emitting Silicon for Microphotonics, Springer Tracts in Modern Physics Volume 194 2003
150585 Ossipow V., Fischer N. Monoclonal Antibodies Methods And Protocols 2014
185778 Osso R. Handbook of Emerging Communications Technologies The next decade 1999
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190277 Ossowski S. Co-ordination in Artificial Agent Societies: Social Structures and Its Implications for Autonomous Problem-Solving Agents 1999
51322 Osswald T.A., Hernández-Ortiz J.P. Polymer Processing - Modeling and Simulation 2006
184514 Osten W., Reingand N. Optical Imaging and Metrology: Advanced Technologies 2012
194874 Osten W. Optical Imaging Sensors and Systems for Homeland Security Applications 2005
42973 Osterberg H. An interferometer method of observing the vibrations of an oscillating quartz plate 1929
43074 Ostergard P.R. A 2-(22, 8, 4) Design Cannot Have a 2-(10, 4, 4) Subdesign 2002
51420 Osterloh F.E. Inorganic Materialsas Catalysts for Photochemical Splitting of Water 2008
135161 Osterman A., Gerdes S. Microbial Gene Essentiality 2010
137620 Osterwalder K. Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics 1980
159054 Osterwalder K. Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics (Proc. Lausanne) 1980
212172 Ostmeier D. Sprache Des Dramas - Drama Der Sprache: Zur Poetik Der Nelly Sachs 1997
148574 Ostoja-Starzewski M. Microstructural Randomness and Scaling in Mechanics of Materials (Modern Mechanics and Mathematics) 2008
51282 Ostoja-Starzewski M. Microstructural Randomness and Scaling in Mechanics of Materials 2008
177995 Ostriker J., Holland P., Kuh C. Data-based Assessment of Research-doctorate Programs in the United States 2011
36859 Ostrikov K., Xu Sh. Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication: From Plasma Sources to Nanoassembly 2007
187703 Ostrom L., Wilhelmsen C. Risk Assessment: Tools, Techniques, and their Applications 2012
36860 Ostrom Th.G. Finite Translation Planes 1970
42604 Ostrovskii I.V. Operators preserving the completely regular growth n/a
116884 Ostrovskii M.I. Optimization 2000
190750 Ostrovsky R., Prisco R., Visconti I. Security and Cryptography for Networks: 6th International Conference, SCN 2008, Amalfi, Italy, September 10-12, 2008, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 2008
80456 Ostrovsky R.(ed.), Prisco R.(ed.), Visconti I.(ed.) Security and Cryptography for Networks 6th International Conference, SCN 2008 Amalfi, Italy, September 10-12, 2008 Proceedings 2008
158299 Ostrowski A. Solution of equations in Euclidean and Banach spaces 1973
153017 Ostrowski A.M. Solution of Equations and Systems of Equations 1966
30018 Ostrowski Ch., Brown B.D., Kurian Th. Oracle Application Server 10g Web Development 2004
55344 Ostrup F. Money and the Natural Rate of Unemployment 2003
135715 Oswald E., Rohatgi P. Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2008: 10th International Workshop, Washington, D.C., USA, August 10-13, 2008, Proceedings 2008
188500 Oswald P., Pieranski P. Nematic and cholesteric liquid crystals: concepts and physical properties illustrated by experiments 2005
49576 Oswald P., Pieranski P. Nematic and Cholesteric Liquid Crystals: Concepts and Physical Properties 2005
132068 Oswin J. A Field Guide to Geophysics in Archaeology 2009
46828 Otera J. Modern Carbonyl Chemistry 2001
27415 Otey M., Otey D. Microsoft(r) SQL Server(tm) 2005 Developer's Guide 2005
20705 Otey M. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 New Features 2005
147232 Othmer K., Kirk R. Encyclopedia of chemical technology 2001
156609 Othmer K. Encyclopedia of chemical technology.Volume 7.Compos[te materials. 2001
211788 OTHMMAN, MOHAMMED Sistema Econômico Islâmico_ História da Economia Islâmica 2022
83071 Otles S. (ed.) Handbook of food analysis instruments 2008
123513 Otnes K., Riste T. The Effect of Magnetic Field and Convective on Nematic Director Fluctuations 1994
26821 OTSI, Online Training Solutions Microsoft Office Frontpage 2003 Step by Step 2003
175858 Ott B. The Small Screen: How Television Equips Us to Live in the Information Age 2007
133399 Ott B. The Small Screen: How Television Equips Us to Live in the Information Age 2007
121525 Ott E., Withers W.D., Yorke J.A. Is the Dimension of Chaotic Attractors lnvariant under Coordinate Changes? 1984
6920 Ott E. Chaos in dynamical systems 1993

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