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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
124911 Markarian R. Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems with Singularities 1995
211175 MarkC . Glassy The Biology of Science Fiction Cinema 1952
164329 Markell R. Linear technology magazine circuit collection. Volume 5. 2000
15806 Marken B. (ed.) Garden Design (April 2006) 2006
10231 Marker D. Model theory: An introduction 2002
168528 Marker D. Model Theory: An Introduction 2002
105197 Marker D. Descriptive Set Theory 001 2002
66542 Markert B., Friese K. Trace Elements- Their Distribution and Effects in the Environment 2000
54689 Markert B. Environmental Sampling for Trace Analysis 1994
74193 Markert J.T., Ohanian H.C. Physics for engineers and scientists 2007
196014 MarketingSherpa Business technology marketing benchmark guide 2007-08 : practical data for B-to-B software, hardware, & services marketers. n/a
22851 Markham C. The Top Consultant: Developing Your Skills for Greater Effectiveness 2004
57055 Markham J.W. Financial History of Modern U. S. Corporate Scandals: From Enron to Reform 2005
77771 Markham J.W. A financial history of the United States (1900-1970) 2001
78185 Markham J.W. A Financial History of the United States. (1492-1900) From Columbus to the Robber Barrons 2001
80733 Markham J.W. A financial history of the United States (1970-2001) 2002
183331 Markie D. YAC Protocols 1996
18869 Markie D. YAC Protocols 1995
128287 Markin V.S., Pastushenko V.F., Chizmadzhev Y.A. Theory of excitable media 1987
134050 Markku Oksanen, Juhani Pietarinen Philosophy and Biodiversity (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology) 2004
144920 Markl H., Harper P. European Review. Volume 5. Number 1 1997
141398 Markl M., Shnider S., Stasheff J. Operads in Algebra, Topology and Physics 2002
173614 Markley J., Northrop D., Royer C. High Pressure Effects in Molecular Biophysics and Enzymology 1996
181087 Markley J., Northrop D., Royer C. High Pressure Effects in Molecular Biophysics and Enzymology 1996
50227 Markley J.L. (ed.), Opella S.J. (ed.) Biological NMR Spectroscopy 1997
36447 Markley N.G., Martin J.C., Perrizo W. (eds.) The Structure of Attractors in Dynamical Systems 1978
132330 Marko Kleine Berkenbusch, Isabelle Claus, Catherine Dunn Discrete Charges on a Two Dimensional Conductor 2004
207767 Marko M. Make Analysis and Algorithms with Applications to Optimal Control 1992
198831 Marko M. Makela, Pekka Neittaanmaki Nonsmooth Optimization 1992
164748 Marko-Varga G., Oroszlan P. Emerging Technologies in Protein and Genomic Material Analysis (Journal of Chromatography Library) 2003
167197 Markoe A. Analytic Tomography (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) 2006
136998 Markoe A. Analytic tomography 2006
163234 Markopoulos P., Read J., MacFarlane S. Evaluating Children's Interactive Products: Principles and Practices for Interaction Designers (Interactive Technologies) 2008
79090 Markopoulos P.(ed.), Eggen B.(ed.), Aarts E.(ed.) Ambient Intelligence: Second European Symposium, EUSAI 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 8-11, 2004, Proceedings 2004
74395 Markopoulos P., ,, de Ruyter B., Mackay W. Awareness systems: advances in theory, methodology and design 2009
123896 Markos P. Weak Disorder Expansion of Lyapunov Exponents of Products of Random Matrices: A Degenerate Theory 1993
51273 Markov I.V. Crystal Growth for Beginners: Fundamentals of Nucleation, Crystal Growth and Epitaxy 1995
77701 Markov M.A. Òåîðèÿ îòíîñèòåëüíîñòè n/a
28847 Markov Z., Larose D.T. Data Mining the Web: Uncovering Patterns in Web Content, Structure, and Usage 2007
33598 Markovich N. Nonparametric Analysis of Univariate Heavy-Tailed Data: Research and Practice 2007
161452 Markovsky I., Willems J., Huffel S. Exact and Approximate Modeling of Linear Systems: A Behavioral Approach (Mathematical Modeling and Computation) (Monographs on Mathematical Modeling and Computation) 2006
179344 Markovsky I., Willems J., Huffel S. Exact and Approximate Modeling of Linear Systems: A Behavioral Approach 2006
134395 Markovsky I., Willems J. Exact and Approximate Modeling of Linear Systems: A Behavioral Approach 2006
124071 Markowich P., Rein G., Wolansky G. Existence and Nonlinear Stability of Stationary States of the Schrödinger–Poisson System 2002
74956 Markowich P. A. Applied partial differential equations: a visual approach 2006
111490 Markowich P.A., Ringhofer C.A., Schmeiser C. Semiconductor equations 1990
154812 Markowitch O., Bilas A., Hoepman J. Information Security Theory and Practice. Smart Devices, Pervasive Systems, and Ubiquitous Networks: Third IFIP WG 11.2 International Workshop, WISTP 2009 ... Computer Science Security and Cryptology) 2009
139685 Markowitch O., Bilas A., Hoepman J. Information Security Theory and Practice. Smart Devices, Pervasive Systems, and Ubiquitous Networks: Third IFIP WG 11.2 International Workshop, WISTP ... Computer Science Security and Cryptology) 2009
24942 Markowitz H. Portfolio Selection 1952
13990 Markowitz H.M. Foundations of Portfolio Theory 1991

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