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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
176562 Lutz M., Ascher D. Learning Python (Help for Programmers) 1999
186703 Lutz M. Learning Python: powerful object-oriented programming 2013
77518 Lutz M. Python Pocket Reference: Python in Your Pocket 2009
127851 Lutz M. Programming Python 2001
27082 Lutz M., Ascher D., Willison F. (Ed) Learning Python 1999
22943 Lutz M. Programming Python 2001
22945 Lutz M. Python Pocket Reference 2001
23411 Lutz M., Ascher d. Learning Python 2003
16028 Lutz M. Programming Python 2006
77298 Lutz M. B. Learning Python 2009
146783 Lutz N.J., Schlesinger A.M. Increase Mather: Clergyman and Scholar 2001
154788 Lutz P. The Rise of Experimental Biology: An Illustrated History 2002
188049 Lutz P., Musick J., Wyneken J. Biology of Sea Turtles, Volume 3 2013
193572 Lutz P., Nilsson G., Prentice H. The Brain Without Oxygen: Causes of Failure - Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms for Survival 2002
130997 Lutz P., Musick J., Wyneken J. The Biology of Sea Turtles 2002
171213 Lutz R., Goze M. Nonstandard Analysis 1981
36423 Lutz R., Goze M. Nonstandard Analysis: A Practical Guide with Applications 1981
46934 Lutz Roth, Gabriel Rupp Roth Collection of Natural Products Data 1995
154746 Lutz Walter, George-Alexander Kartsounis, Stefano Carosio Transforming Clothing Production into a Demand-driven, Knowledge-based, High-tech Industry: The Leapfrog Paradigm 2009
158234 Lutze H.F. The Findability Formula: The Easy, Non-Technical Approach to Search Engine Marketing 2009
157155 Luus R. Iterative Dynamic Programming 2000
154020 Luus R. Iterative Dynamic Programming 2000
123035 LuValle M. J., Welsher T. L. Acceleration Transforms and Statistical Kinetic Models 1988
136299 Lux K., Pahlings H. Representations of Groups: A Computational Approach 2010
142665 Lux K., Pahlings H. Representations of groups: A computational approach 2010
142314 Lux T., Reitz S., Samanidou E. Nonlinear dynamics and heterogeneous interacting agents 2005
161585 Luxemburg W., Robinson A. Contributions to Non-Standard Analysis (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 69) 1972
132961 Luxemburg W. A. J., Robinson A. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol.69: Contributions to Non-Standard Analysis 1972
83630 Luyben W.L., Yu C.-C. Reactive distillation design and control 2008
83750 Luyben W.L., Tyreus B.D., Luyben M.L. Plantwide process control 1998
48959 Luyben W.L. Chemical Reactor Design and Control 2007
42202 Luybich Y.I. Uniqueness theorem for mean-periodic functions n/a
81642 Luyten K. (Editor) k Models and Diagrams for Users Interface Design: 5th International Workshop, TAMODIA 2006, Hasselt, Belgium, October 23-24, 2006, Revised Papers 2007
44986 Luyten W. Notes on Stellar Statistics V. On the Use of the First Laplacean Error Curve 1932
41936 Luyten W.J. On the Absolute Magnitudes of the Class M Stars 1928
41958 Luyten W.J. On the Motion of the Magellanic Clouds 1928
42576 Luyten W.J. On the Systematic and Accidental Errors of Modern Trigonometric Parallaxes 1929
42579 Luyten W.J. On Some Statistical Properties of Double Stars in Space. II. On the Mean Period of Double Stars in Space 1930
42582 Luyten W.J. On Some Statistical Properties of Double Stars in Space I. A Formula for the Estimation of the Period in a Relatively Fixed System 1930
41436 Luyten W.J. Notes on Stellar Statistics II The Mathematical Expression of the Law of Tangential Velocities 1924
41437 Luyten W.J. Notes on Stellar Statistics III. On the Calculation of a Mean Absolute Magnitude from Apparent Magnitudes, Angular Proper Motions and Linear Radial Velocities 1924
44101 Luyten W.J. Note on Some Statistical Consequences of the Luminosity Law 1924
44130 Luyten W.J. On the Form of the Distribution Law of Stellar Velocities 1923
44211 Luyten W.J. On the Mean Absolute Magnitudes of the K and M Giants and the Systematic Errors in Trigonometric Parallaxes 1923
213142 Luz M. O milagre da gratidão: desafio 90 dias 2018
213949 Luz M. O milagre da gratidão: desafio 90 dias 2018
212945 Luzi L. (ed.) Thyroid, Obesity and Metabolism 2021
125607 Luzzi R., Vasconcellos A.R. Response Function Theory for Far-from-Equilibrium Statistical Systems 1980
48554 Lyakhova S.L. A cauchy problem with discontinuous initial data modeling propagation of vibrations in a rotating viscous compressible fluid 1999
138102 Lyall F., El Haj A. Biomechanics and Cells (Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series) 1994

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